发布时间:2020-09-15 来源: 主持词 点击:
南疆深度贫困区精准扶贫实施效果满意度评价 塔里木大学 张文瑜,何亮
——————————————————————————————————————— 摘要 :党的十八届五中全会提出 2020 年全面建成小康社会,使全体人民在共建共享发展中有更多获得感。新疆南疆是国家深度贫困区,如期有效脱贫是实现长治久安和社会稳定的重要保障。本项目采用集体座谈、入户访谈和问卷调查等方式,共对贫困户以及帮扶主体发放问卷 1280 份并展开调查,利用熵权-理想点法对不同类型贫困户进行分析,发现因学致贫贫困户满意度最接近正理想点,优属度为 0.95。因病致贫的贫困户满意度最低,仅为 12.4%,优属度为 0.09。健康扶贫形式的单一性、不连续性、有限性以及医疗资源的严重匮乏等,造成因病致贫家庭很难通过短期帮扶脱贫。进一步完善深度贫困区精准脱贫动态监测与考评机制、精准施策是提高扶贫开发效率、贫困户满意度的重要保证。
Abstract: The fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee proposed to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020, so that all the people will have more sense of common development. The southern xinjiang region is a deeply impoverished region of the country, and effective poverty alleviation as scheduled is an important guarantee for realizing long-term stability and social stability. In this project, a total of 1,280 questionnaires were distributed to poor households and their helpers by means of collective discussions, household interview and questionnaire survey, and the ideal point method of entropy weight was used to analyze different types of poor households. The number of poor and poor families in the survey area was up to 92.7%. The score of poor households was the lowest, only 12.4%, and the score was 0.09. The single, discontinuous and limited form of health poverty alleviation, as well as the serious shortage of medical resources, makes it difficult for poor families to help out of poverty in the short term. In addition, it is an important guarantee to improve the efficiency of poverty alleviation and development as well as the satisfaction of the poor households to further improve the dynamic monitoring and evaluation mechanism of poverty alleviation in deep poverty areas, as well as the accurate implementation of measures. The differential analysis of the satisfaction degree of precision assistance work for the poor households is conducive to the two-way boosting of assistance work, providing the helping subjects with new models and new approaches for targeted poverty alleviation, seeking out the poverty alleviation mode suitable for the special situation in southern xinjiang, and promoting the rural revitalization strategy to take root. ———————————————————————————————————————