发布时间:2020-07-27 来源: 主持词 点击:
金发美女是最理想的谋杀对象 她们就像洁白的雪地
让血色足迹暴露无遗 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 我想到一场爱情戏
两个人的脑袋 I"ve got an idea for the love scene, where the two heads 先是彼此分开
然后逐渐靠到一起 will start apart and then gradually come together. 一个快速平扫
从一张脸到另一张 A quick pan, do you see, from one face to the other, 使用快速追镜法 whipping the camera. 爱情戏对你来说并不成问题
对吧 The love scenes aren"t really your problem, are they? 只要那些笨蛋别总问个不停 Not if the morons are still asking, "为什么鸟类会发动攻击" "Why do the birds attack?" 希区 Hitch... 我喜欢她的笑容 I like her smile. 叫她来试镜吗 Call her in? 金发缪斯 14-19 片场入口 早上好
通行证 Good morning, ma"am. Pass? 请往那边开 Right over there. 你想要恐怖一点是吧 You do want it scary? 我可不希望观众无动于衷 I don"t want a dry seat in the house. 得需要一些更大的鸟儿 Gonna need some bigger birds. 埃文
汇报一下剧情进度 Evan, tell me the story so far. 故事发生在海边
波德加湾 So we"re on the coast, Bodega Bay, 风景秀丽
有些偏僻 beautiful but kind of remote,
在这种地方一来陌生人就会被注意到 the kind of place where folks notice a stranger. 一个陌生的女人来到城中 A woman arrives, new in town, 当群鸟发动攻击时 and when the birds attack, 全是她的错 it"s her fault. 此时我们点出 And that"s when we reveal 那是她第一天来给当地孩子上课 it"s her first day teaching the local kids. 上课 Teaching? 鸟群攻击了孩子们 The birds attack the kids. 是谁给我们发工资的
埃文 Who pays our wages, Evan? 电影公♥司♥啊 The studio. 是观众 The audience. 那些想要寻求认同感的人 Who wants someone to identify with. 那些期待被魅惑的人 Who want glamour. 我们刚进正题
他就把我赶出来了 We just got going, and he threw me out. 正午十二点 Stroke of noon. 你会习惯的 You"ll get used to it. 下一位
请进 Next, please. 现在城中所有的金发女郎 Right now, every blonde in town 都受邀和他吃午餐 can get a lunch. 蒂比·海德莉小姐 Miss Tippi Hedren. 您好
How do you do, Mr. Hitchcock? 你可以叫我希区 Won"t you call me Hitch? 你真是享受优待 You"re privileged. 佩吆
大家都叫我希区 Peggy, everyone calls me Hitch. 才不是呢 They do not. 他们没这个胆 They wouldn"t dare. 海德莉小姐 Miss Hedren... 未婚吗 Not married? 离婚了 Divorced. 我们当时都太年轻 We were very young... 我觉得彼得本该多积累点恋爱经验 and I guess, well, Peter should have dated a few more girls 再决定跟我结婚 before we were married. 你的珍珠项链不太吅适 Not sure about those pearls. 大颗珍珠跟你这午后暖色衣服不搭 Too large for the afternoon color of your clothes. 你愿意与我共进午餐吗 Would you join me for lunch? 荣幸之至 I"d be delighted. 你是天生的金发吗 Are you a natural blonde? 我们家是瑞典人 My family is Swedish. 你的举止也很优雅 And you move well. 我 19 岁开始做模特 I"ve been modeling since I was 19 years old. 现在你想做演员了吗 Now you fancy yourself an actress?
希区...先生 Your people called me, Mr...Hitch. 是的
他们给我带来很多女人 Yes, well, they bring me lots of women. 招募众多
入选者寥寥 Many are called, you see, but few are chosen. 这瓶产自加州的黑比诺葡萄酒相当不错 Now, this is a very fine Californian pinot noir. 它的名字叫做
"心碎葡萄" It"s called the "Heartbreak Grape." 你知道为什么吗 Do you know why? 在所有用于酿酒的葡萄中 Of all the grapes used to make wine, 这种是最为娇弱的 these are the most fragile. 它皮质非常之薄
It has a very thin skin, 极易发生病变
霉变 prone to disease, mold, 以及酿酒过程中常见的腐♥败♥或病毒侵蚀 every kind of rot and virus known to the vintner"s art. 种植黑比诺跟拍电影有点儿像 So growing pinot noir is a bit like making a movie-- 保证心碎 heartbreak guaranteed. 没人告诉我要过来见的人是谁 Nobody would tell me who I was coming to see. 我只是接到了电♥话♥ I just got this call, and... 但是知道是您后我激动不已 but I"m just so thrilled that it"s you. "碧水绰立佳人姿 "There was a young lady of Trent, "玲珑璇玑巧心思
"Who said she knew what it meant. "玉露琼浆易相醉 "When he asked her to dine, "独居男子欲诱之 private room, lots of wine, "心下了然明如镜
"She knew, oh, she knew, "翩然赴约意无辞" but she went." 保证心碎 Heartbreak guaranteed. 蒂比 Hey, Tippi! 宝贝儿 Hi, honey. 试镜的结果如何 So, what was it like? 你看妈咪的新发型怎么样 What do you think of Mommy"s new hair? 很漂亮 It"s nice. 蒂比
快跟我讲讲 Tippi, tell me. 堪比地狱 It was hell. 天哪
我就知道 Oh, Lord. I knew it. 午餐品了美酒 Ah, wine for lunch, 制片公♥司♥一日游
a tour of the studio, 一堆人对着我的新发型大惊小怪 a bunch of people coming to make a fuss about my new hair. 你真轻佻 Oh, you minx. 希区柯克先生是一位十足的英国绅士 Mr. Hitchcock was a perfect English gentleman. 快点啦
妈妈 Come on, Mom. 不准拍沐浴镜头哦 Just no shower scenes, OK? 把头抬起来 Lift your head up. 抬头 Head up. 就是这样
现在侧面 That"s it. Now in profile.
抬头 Head up. 蒂比 Tippi. 蒂比这名怎么来的 "Tippi"-- what is that? 是瑞典名昵称 It"s a Swedish nickname. 真的吗 Oh, really? 正名叫什么 What for? 图珀莎 For "Tupsa." 你可以再说一遍吗 Would you say that again, please? 图珀莎 Tupsa. 图珀莎 "Tupsa." 那是个解剖学术语吗 It"s an anatomical term, is it? 什么意思 Meaning what? "小姑娘"
"Little girl," 在瑞典语里 in Swedish. 很好 All right. 走到壁炉那边去 Move up to the fireplace. 很好
朝着壁炉走 That"s it. All the way to the fireplace. 再来一次
亲爱的 Back again. Come back, my dear. 很好
现在多露出一点肩膀 Good. Let"s see a bit more shoulder. 把披肩拿掉 Drop the stole. 很好
That"s good. 走到沙发上的马丁那里 Move over to Martin on the sofa. 摆臀的力度再大一些 Bit of a sway to your hips. 再大一些 A bit more. 就是这样 That"s it. 好 Right. 现在去依偎着他 Now drape yourself around him. 快啊
你又不是没依偎过男人 Go on. You"ve draped yourself around a man before. 吻他 Kiss him. 什么 What? 快点
优雅地吻上去 Go on, kiss him properly. 卡 Cut it. 冲洗出来 Print it. 谢了
马丁 Thank you, Marty. 把这台摄像机移出去 Let"s get this cam out of here. 没有
我从没搭过内景 No, I never established a room. 你用短焦距镜头
100 毫米的 You use a short focus lens, 100 mill, 你现在这样不够 you fall short. 看着这个姑娘 Now look at the girl. 你用 50 的镜头怎么给她取景 Where would you cut her with a 50? 拍到了吗 Got it?
拍到了 Yeah, got it. 谢了
马丁 Thank you, Marty. 很好
回见 All right. Bye. 拜 Bye. 如果你需要我多上会班 If you need me to work more hours, 尽管开口便是 you just have to ask. 不用了
我的全部工作就是 No, all I"ll be doing is standing in line 跟一群金发女郎排排站 with a bunch of other blondes. 担任右边第二个无台词尸体角色的候补 Understudy to the second nonspeaking corpse on the right. 她并不是那种一眼就能看透的人 She"s not all out there on a plate. 那正是我喜欢她的原因 That"s what I like about her. 带着些许神秘感 A little bit of mystery. 像是一个挑战 A challenge. 一座蓄势待发的炽热火山 A volcano waiting to go off. 她很上镜 The camera loves her. 碧绿眼眸 Green eyes. 我能想象她一袭绿衣的场景 I see her in a simple green suit. 你喜欢她吗 You like her? 我来吧 Allow me. 谢谢你 Thank you. 不客气
You"re welcome. 希区柯克先生 Mr. Hitchcock? 他们正等着你呢
They"re expecting you. -请这边走
-谢谢 - This way, please. - Thank you. 蒂比
亲爱的 Tippi, my dear. 我来介绍一下我的太太 May I present my wife. 希区柯克太太
您真漂亮 Mrs. Hitchcock, how lovely. 阿尔玛
叫我阿尔玛就行 Alma, dear. Always Alma. 真人跟屏幕上一样美丽呢 Just as pretty in person as on the screen. 瞧瞧我的狼狈相 Look at me. 我就是个明尼苏达乡下姑娘 I"m a Minnesota country girl 天真地以为好莱坞永不下雨 who thinks it never rains in Hollywood. 可以上香槟了 You may serve the champagne. 蒂比
亲爱的 Now, Tippi, my dear, 别假装你没看到我们送你的小礼物 don"t pretend you haven"t seen our small gift. 你们何必破费呢 You shouldn"t have. 里面是你明年工作内容的线索 It"s a clue to what you"re going to be doing for the next year. 《群鸟》即将来袭 "The Birds" is coming. 继《惊魂记》之后的力作 My follow-up to "Psycho." 此片的场面更大
It"s going to be bigger, better, scarier. 本人最为恢弘的电影巨制 My most ambitious movie ever,
我们想让你来做主角 and we want you to star in it. 什么 What? 全世界的女演员 Every actress on the planet 都想演梅兰妮·丹尼尔斯 wants to play Melanie Daniels. 我们不想要她们演 Ah, well, we don"t want them. 我们想要你演 We want you. 太谢谢您了 Oh, thank you. 谢谢 Thank you. 从来没有人这么信任过我 No one ever believed in me that much before. 我手帕在哪儿呢 Oh, where"s my hanky? 看你把我妻子都惹哭了 Now look what you"ve gone and done. 我会让您为我骄傲的 I"ll make you so proud of me. 我会完全听从您的安排 I"ll be putty in your hands. 你不会后悔的
希区 You won"t regret it, Hitch. 现在我们要做的就是去雇些鸟儿来 Now all we"ve got to do is hire some birds. 吆姆
吆姆 Jim, this side. Jim! 过来啊
免费美食哦 Come on, birds! Some free food! 快过来吃呀 Come and get it! 快过来 Come on! 好吃不要钱哦 Free food! 该死
Shit. 我就没见过讨喜的海鸥 Never did meet a gull I liked. 它们天性就特别粗鲁 Vulgar kind of bird. 那老笨蛋真的雇了一个默默无闻的女孩吗 Is it true the old fool has hired some girl nobody"s ever heard of? 群鸟才是影片的核心 Well, the birds are the stars. 反正他下部电影又会新找个金发美女 Anyway, he"ll get another blonde for the next one. 他在里面吗 Is he in? 埃文
你不能就这么 Evan, you can"t just-- 七年的吅同 A 7-year contract? 她的青涩是笔财富 Her inexperience is an asset. 她没有陋习需要改掉 She has nothing to unlearn. 天哪 God. 而且她还是单身 Also, she"s unattached, 所以她不会怀孕 so she won"t get pregnant. 我很讨厌女演员怀孕 I do hate it when actresses get pregnant. 我还以为你是开玩笑 See, I thought you were kidding. 众所周知
我从没半点幽默细胞 As is well known, I have no sense of humor whatsoever. 天哪
她只是个模特 She"s a model, for Christ"s sake! 而你是小说家却在写剧本 And you"re a novelist writing a screenplay. 你给我写的很多场景都没法用 So you"ve given me a lot of scenes that don"t work. 毫无戏剧性可言 Fundamentally undramatic,
而且到现在还没写出结局 and we still don"t have an ending. 好吧 Okay. 我懂了 I get it. 蒂比·海德莉并不是这里唯一的金发傻妞 Tippi Hedren isn"t the only dumb blonde on this picture. 那群雀鸟愤怒地俯冲进烟囱 Those finches came down that chimney in fury, 好像希望屋里所有人都死去 as if they wanted everyone in the house dead. 那群雀鸟愤怒地俯冲进... Those finches came down that chimney... 那群雀鸟愤怒地俯冲进烟囱 Those finches came down that chimney in fury, 好像希望屋里所有人都死去 as if they wanted everyone in the house dead. 镜头拍到梅兰妮·丹尼尔斯的脸 So the camera finds Melanie Daniels 隐在鸟笼后 behind the birdcage. 她的脸上有着恶作剧般的笑容 With a mischievous grin on her face. 听着
这有个小诀窍 Now, the trick of it is, 你站在那
我让一台摄像机对着你拍 you stand there, I point a camera at you, 再把这些镜头剪接到一起 I cut the shots together, 而观众就在自己心中 and then the audience does the work... 自行想象 in here. 少做动作 Do less? 什么不要做 Do nothing. 我们来试试第 230 场 So let"s try scene 230. 镜头定格在她脸上
The camera holds her face. 开拍 Action. 那群雀鸟愤怒地俯冲进烟囱 Those finches came down that chimney in fury, 好像希望屋里所有人都死去 as if they wanted everyone in the house dead. 你就
就把音调降低一点 Just--just bring your voice down-- 至少降三个调 down at least 3 notes. 深呼吸
Take a deep breath, 然后一口气把整句台词说完 and then say the whole of that speech without taking a breath. 那群雀鸟愤怒地俯冲进烟囱 Those finches came down that chimney in fury, 好像希望屋里所有人都死去 as if they wanted everyone in the house dead. 你看
表演没那么难 See? Acting"s not so hard. 我一般用颜色浅一点的口红 I usually go for something a little less pink. 我喜欢这个颜色 I like this color. 我希望你每天都涂上 I want you to wear it every day. 这和我所有的衣服都不搭 It won"t suit any of my clothes. 你会有新衣服的 You"ll be getting new ones. 还有别涂太多睫毛膏 And not too much mascara. 我想看到一张自然的脸 I want a natural face-- 精致
优雅 groomed, ladylike. 在灯光下流光溢彩 A soft glow to reflect the light. 你没有在减肥吧 Not losing weight, are you?
妈妈 Mom! 吃了我 这里真美 Oh, it"s beautiful! 如你所见
有一把躺椅 Now as you see, there"s a chaise longue... 和几把座椅 and chairs. 你要和另外四名明日之星 Now, you"ll be sharing this dressing room 共享这间化妆室 with 4 other young starlets. 她们藏哪儿去了
Now where have they disappeared to, 这些姑娘真淘气 those naughty girls? 我独占这一大间吗 It"s all mine? 希区
我真不知该说什么了 Oh, Hitch, I don"t know what to say. 只要简单两个字 Just two little words. 谢谢 Thank you. 还有
同意 And yes. 同意来杯香槟 Yes to a glass of champagne. 天哪
我连早饭都还没吃 Oh, Lord, I haven"t even had breakfast yet. 那就待会吃 Later, then. 来我家喝杯鸡尾酒吧 Come for cocktails at the house. 我会派车来接你 I"ll send a car. 一言为定 It"s a date. 蒂比·海德莉 要我为您剥葡萄吗
Shall I peel you a grape? 不用
不过你可以把我的貂皮大衣拿来 No, but you can bring me a mink coat. 蒂比·海德莉 我们不等阿尔玛吗 Shouldn"t we wait for Alma? 先敬《群鸟》一杯 Just one for the Birds. 太烈了吗 Dry enough for you? 我应该让你再试一次镜 Should have run another screen test. 让你身处鸡尾酒会 Show you at a cocktail party, 看你喝完一杯马丁尼后会有怎样的表现 see what your acting is like after one of my Martinis. 我会维持原有的表演水平 My acting will be horizontal. 这杯敬我们 Well, here"s to us-- 水平
对称 horizontal, vertical, and symmetrical. 敬阿尔弗和蒂比 To Alfie and Tippi. 敬阿尔弗和阿尔玛 To Alfie and Alma. 你们都对我这么好 You"ve both been so kind. 我觉得自己在过去三个月中学到的 I feel like I"ve learned more in the past 3 months 比在电影学校学上十年的都要多 than I could have in 10 years of film school. 我觉得我们该为鸟儿们举杯 Well, I think we should drink to birds, 尤其是在我烤箱中的那几只 especially the ones I"ve got roasting in the oven. 敬电影开拍的第一天 To the first day of principal photography, 还有我的缪斯 and to the girl. 我们的缪斯
Our girl. 不是这个
是另外一个 Not that one. The other one. 把那个拿来 Get that one! 别让雨淋到它 Get it out of the rain! 快擦干 Wipe it off! 它会来我手里吃吗 Will he eat from my hand? 你可以直接问它 Why don"t you ask him? 过来
巴迪 Here, Buddy. 巴迪先生
您能和我喝杯茶吗 Mr. Buddy, sir, won"t you join me for tea? 巴迪
你太聪明了 Oh, Buddy, that is so clever. 我把它从雏鸟一手兹大 I raise him myself from a chick. 同等个头下
乌鸦和鹦鹉 Pound for pound, the raven and the cockatoo 是地球上最聪明的动物 are the cleverest animals on the planet. 我能和这位小姐说会话吗 Can I borrow the lady for a moment? 只要你还送她回来 So long as you bring her back. 我想干♥他♥的活 Now I want his job. 不
你不想的 Oh, no, you don"t. 这可怜虫 Poor guy 召集了国内各个州的职业捕鸟人 put out a call to every professional trapper in every state of the union. 每抓到一只鸟给十美元 Offered $10 for every bird that was brought in. "准备好你的支票本"
他们说 "Get your checkbooks ready," they said--
"我们会用货车运来一大批" "We"ll be bringing them in by the truckload." 你猜运来了多少 Guess how many arrived. 100? 不对 Oh, no. 20? 错 No. 一只也没有
天哪 None. Oh, my gosh. 他只好靠自己
还被罚了 400 美元 Did it all on his own and got fined $400 因为超出了吅法的鸟类抓捕数量 for exceeding the legal limit for trapping birds. 那些人真有意思 Oh, the guys are so funny. "南塔基特有个年轻人 "There was a young man from Nantucket, 胯下大器能吸吮 who had such a large cock he could suck it, 镜中自赏后♥庭♥花 looked in the glass and saw his own ass 欲操却变断脖人" and broke his neck trying to fuck it." 你觉得雨会停吗 You think maybe it"s drying up? 我们今天下午还拍吗 Will we be shooting this afternoon? 你这乱发可没法拍 Not unless you fix your hair. 他在生我的气 He"s angry with me. 他从不生任何人的气 He never gets angry with anyone. 他只是拍片间歇中觉得无聊 He just gets bored in between takes. 好了 There you go. 造型完毕
You"re done. 准备好了吗
蒂比 You ready, Tippi? 这边请 This way. 如果你掌控不好时机
我可不会为你改动 I won"t change my timings if you get yours wrong, 所以你要注意镜头 so pay attention to the camera. 拍一条吧 Let"s go for a take. 各部门准备
这场马上开拍 Stand by, everybody. Going for a take on this one. 开机 Roll it! 开始 Speed. 第 130 场
第 1 次 130, take one. 开拍 Action. 开拍 Action! 停
瑞塔 Cut it. Rita. 亲爱的
不是吧 Oh, dear. Oh, no. 你没事吧
没事吧 Are you all right? Are you all right? 你个该死的蠢货 You goddamn idiot. 手上受了一小啄
他就把查理放跑了 One small peck on the hand, and he let Charlie get away. 随他去吧 Let him go. 这幕我们不拍了
你又不喜欢海鸥 We"ll lose the scene, and you don"t even like gulls. 又怎么了 Now what is it? 吆姆
没有他拍不完这场戏 Jim, we can"t finish the scene without him.
少做梦了 Jim, for God"s sakes. 好吧
好吧 Ok, ok. 抭歉
希区 Sorry, Hitch. 拍摄结束
各位 That"s a wrap, everyone! 蒂比
我会把你的日程表送到旅馆 Tippi, I"ll drop your schedule off at the motel, 但是你早上要五点半开工
好吗 but the call is 5:30 in the morning, OK? 没问题 All right. 明天见 See you tomorrow. 拜 Bye. 再见
希区 See you later, Hitch. 别担心
亲爱的 Never mind, my dear. 就像电影中说的那样
"明天又是新的一天" As we say in the movies, "Tomorrow is another day." 来吧
我们去把他逮回来 OK, let"s go get him. 来啊
别跑 Come. Come on. 查理
查理 Charlie! Charlie! 等等
等等 Wait, wait. 来
查理 Here, Charlie. 别
别 No, no! 我以为这些鸟都被训练过呢 Thought these birds are trained. 他们居然还想不通我为什么喜欢在 And they wonder why I prefer to be tucked out 温暖舒适的摄影棚里拍戏
warm and safe inside a studio. 亲爱的
你真不用担心天气 Well, my dear, you really mustn"t worry about the weather. 不会有问题的 It won"t be a problem. 我们采用钠光系统拍摄 We"re working with a sodium light system. 飞鸟数量不足时 I"m using it to double 我用这种方法加倍它们的数目 print the birds when the quantity is too small 或者一次性有太多鸟飞过来
又拍不全 or there"s too many trained birds coming in and out of shot. 我们用已拍摄飞鸟的胶片复♥制♥出新鸟影像 We can print over the existing birds-- new ones, you see. 在摄影棚中也可以用同样的方法 And in the studio we can use the same system-- 不过是用黄色雾灯 of yellow fog lights, you know. 摄影机拍摄我们指定的颜色图像 The camera picks up any color images we like, you see, 但是背景留黑 but leaves the background black. 放开我 Get off! 蒂比 Tippi? 蒂比 Tippi? 蒂比
怎么了 Tippi, hello. 两天能加工完吗 Process in two days? 办不到 No way. 蒂比 Tippi? 你还好吗 You OK? 希区问你要不要跟他喝一杯 Hitch says, would you like to join him for a drink?
蒂比 Tippi? 蒂比 Tippi! 嗨
希区 Hi, Hitch. 嗨
大家好 Hi, guys. 嗨
Hi, Hitch. 嗨
大家好 Hi, guys. 蒂比·海德莉小姐 "有个来自斯坦布尔的男子很是担心 "A worried young man from Stamboul, "在自己的阴♥茎♥上发现了红斑 discovered red spots on his tool." "那个愤世嫉俗的医生对他说
滚出我的诊所 "Said the doctor, a cynic, get out of my clinic, "蠢货
把那口红印子擦掉就行" just wipe off that lipstick, you fool." 这笑话不吅适讲给淑女听 Not one for the ladies. 当然前提是真正的淑女 Assuming they are ladies, of course. 淑女二字说着简单
践行起来可就困难 I find it"s easy to claim but a little difficult to prove. 嗨
Hi, Hitch. -嗨
-蒂比 - Hi, guys. - Tippi. 来
Ah, Tippi. 把你那迷人的眼睛转向那边
好吗 Now cast your lovely color-coordinated peepers upwards, would you? 抬高一点 Bring it up a bit! 只是模型而已
对吧 It"s just a model, right? 一只电线上的机械鸟 A mechanical bird on a wire.
今天的拍摄需要假装 We"re all faking it today. 跟我来 Follow me. 再高一点 Higher! 进去 Step inside. 那些海鸥哪去了 Where are those gulls? 仅限"小"人 Room for a small one, 女演员对主教这么说 as the actress said to the bishop. 英国俗语
常用于暗示黄色笑话 今天把近景拍出来就行 Now all we need from you today is the foreground. 就是群鸟攻击电♥话♥亭时你的反应 Your reaction to the birds attacking the phone box. 准备好了吗 You ready to try one? 嗯 Yes. 你不是冷吧 Oh, you"re not cold, are you? 看你好像一直在发抖 You seem to be trembling. 在此场景中
海鸥就象征着人 The gulls are the people, you see, 而她才是受困的鸟 and she is the bird. 摄像机
准备 Cameras, stand by. 开始吧 Roll it. 拍一条看看效果 Let"s go for a take. 请全场肃静 Silence on set, please! 大伙安静 Quiet, everyone!
开机 Roll "em. 开始 Speed! 第 494 场
第 1 次 494, take one. 各就各位 Set. 开拍 Action. 蒂比 Tippi! 蒂比 Tippi! 你没事吧 Are you OK? 来
我扶你出来 Come on. Let"s get you out of here. 希区柯克先生 你确定那是一场意外吗 Are you sure it was an accident? 我说了我也不知道怎么回事 I told you I don"t know how it happened. 拍到好镜头没 Get the shot? 我不是因为 I didn"t ask you to come here 担心脸上的伤才找你来的 because I was worried about picking glass out of my face. 电影这一行就是这样 It"s just one of those film-business things. 大多数女孩都不会往心里去的 Most girls try not to make it so personal. 我做了十一年的模特 I was a model for 11 years. 早就学会无数种方法 I learned any number of ways to wriggle away 与摄影师周♥旋♥
可... from guys with cameras, but... 所以呢 So?
今晚只要跟希区简单喝一杯 Have a quiet drink with Hitch tonight 让他看到你没事就好了 and show him you"re OK. 我不能总错过与女儿共享睡前时光 I can"t keep missing my daughter"s bedtime. 就一杯
蒂比 One drink, Tippi. 能有什么坏处 Where"s the harm? 她会没事的 She"ll be fine. 可能就是有点累了 Maybe a little tired. 她很期待跟你喝一杯 Looking forward to that drink. 希区 Hitch? 怎么了 What"s the matter? 今天有没有拍到能用的镜头 Did you get some shots you can use today? 拍到很多 Plenty. 谢谢 Thank you. 所以我们现在喝酒庆祝吗 Is that why we"re celebrating? 与你共度的大多时光 Oh, I celebrate most days 我都会庆祝
亲爱的 I spend with you, my dear, 不过今天除外 but not today. 我收到了一封王妃殿下的来信 I"ve received a letter from Her Serene Highness. 指主演《后窗》等希区柯克经典悬念电影的格蕾丝·凯利
该演员当时已嫁给摩纳哥王子 请坐吧
亲爱的 Please, do sit down, my dear. 在那边摆弄东西不累吗
Your fidgeting is exhausting. 格蕾丝王妃看来是没法压下身段 Princess Grace will not, after all, be descending from heaven 格蕾丝曾希望出演该片
但由于遭到摩纳哥人♥民♥反对 只好放弃电影事业 来演我的《玛尔尼》了 to play my Marnie. 希区 Oh, Hitch. 太遗憾了 I"m so sorry. 我会再找一个金发女郎的 I"ll get another blonde. 怎么比得上格蕾丝·凯利 Not like Grace Kelly. 你具备她全部的特质
但比她更优秀 You have everything she has and more. 我们来讨论一下明天的戏吧 So shall we discuss tomorrow"s scenes? 我一直在想梅兰妮走上阁楼这场戏 I"ve been thinking of when Melanie goes up to the attic 满是怒鸟的阁楼 filled with birds. 她怎么会独自走到阁楼去 Why does she go up there on her own? 因为我想让她这么做 Because I want her to. 想一想
当时她脸上 Now, what expression 应该是什么样的表情 do we think she has on her face? 我觉得她是怀着 I think she goes up there 自我牺牲的精神上去的 in a spirit of self-sacrifice. 把自己献祭给群鸟
明白吗 She gives herself to the birds, do you see? "这都是我的错 "This is all my fault. "一切都毁了
都是我的错" Everything is ruined, and it"s all my fault."
都是我的错" "Everything is ruined, and it"s all my fault." 没问题
我是个女人 Sure. I"m a woman. 这句话对我来说再容易不过 I can do that standing on my head. 有你还要什么格蕾丝·凯利 Who needs Grace Kelly? 很好 Good. 一些 Some... 一些睡前故事 some bedtime reading. 我的下一部电影 My next movie. 《玛尔尼》 这将会是一场无声的谋杀 This is going to be a silent murder. 没错 Oh, yeah. 群鸟会攻击她 The birds attack her. 她知道
剧本上有写 She knows that"s in the script. 那么 So... 现在你去告诉她 now you need to go and tell her 我们要怎么拍 how we"re going to shoot it. 她还不知道吗 She doesn"t know? 观众不会看出那些鸟是假的吗 Won"t everyone be able to see the birds are fake? 那就需要后期制♥作♥的魔力了 The magic of post-production. 除非他们要用大特写
Well, unless they"re intending on shooting it real close up, 可就算这样... but even then...
蒂比 Hi, Tippi. 进来吧 Come on in. 我正需要有人答疑解问呢 I need some convincing. 对不起 I"m sorry. 这场戏我们不能用机械鸟 We can"t use mechanical birds for this scene. 我知道
今天要拍的镜头比较多 I know, it"s a lot of shots to get through in one day, 不过我们会慢慢来的 but we"re going to be taking them methodically. 没事的
你很安全 You"ll be fine. You"ll be quite safe. 我会一直在旁看着 I"ll always be here. 别让它们接近你的眼睛就行 Just don"t let them near your eyes. 行了
谢谢 OK, OK. Thank you. 进去吧 Through here. 很好 Here you go. 希区在哪 Where is Hitch? 开拍的时候他会过来的 He"ll be here for the shot. 我还是好奇为什么她会独自走上阁楼 I"d still like to know why she goes into that attic alone. 希区柯克先生 可以开始了吗 Can we get started? 他到了没有 Is he here yet? 我想在今天把这场戏拍完 I"d like to get today over with. 好了
乖宝们 All right, good boys.
照我教你们的做 Do what I taught you. 好了
全场肃静 All right, silence on set, everyone. 镜头就绪 Picture up. 开机 Rolling. 开始 Speed. 第 613 场
第 1 次 613, take one. 摄像头准备 Camera set. 开拍 Action! 切 Cut it! 好吧
再来一次 All right, going again. 第 613 场
第 3 次 613, take 3. 再来一次 OK, we"re going for another one. 第 613 场
第 8 次 613, take 8. 开始 Speed. 切 Cut it. 各部门准备 Standing by, everybody. 第 613 场
第 17 次拍摄 613, take 17. 切 Cut it. 早上好
先生 Morning, sir. 各部门准备 Stand by, everybody. 镜头就绪
Picture up. 第 23 次 Take 23. 再来一次 Going again! 希区 Hitch, uh... 你不觉得她要撑不住了吗 you don"t think she might have had enough? 鲍勃
别来对我指手画脚 Bob, I"d keep your opinions to yourself. 第 37 次
第 613 场... Take 37. 613... 再来 Going again. 第 42 次 Take 42. 请回到开拍位置
蒂比 First positions, please, Tippi. 早上好
希区柯克先生 Good morning, Mr. Hitchcock. 镜头就绪 Picture up. 第 45 次 Take 45. 你还能再来一次吗 Are you OK to go for another one? 她没事的
吆姆 She"s fine, Jim. 再来 Go again. 没事
没事 Yeah. Yeah. 拜托
吆姆 Come on, Jim. 这次把鸟都放进去 Let"s have all the birds in this time. 请全场肃静 All right, silence on set, please! 开拍 Action.
切 Cut it. 蒂比 Tippi! 蒂比 Tippi! 你现在没法开车
亲爱的 You can"t drive yourself, honey! 没事的
随她去吧 It"s OK. Whatever she wants. 一天 One day. 我听说你告诉她 I heard you tell her 这场戏只要拍一天
吆姆 it would only take one day, Jim. 你听到我说的没 Did you hear what I said? 她的眼睛被抓伤了 It clawed her eye. 她原本被告知这场戏采用机械鸟拍摄一天 She was told one day with mechanical birds 外加后期特效处理 and special effects. 结果我们拍了五天 Instead, she got 5 days 让一群群真鸟扑向她 with real birds thrown at her, 狠命啄她
肆意排泄 pecking and shitting. 她会回来的 She"ll be back. 妈妈提早回来了 Hi. Mommy"s home early. 这是要扔的东西吗 Is this to be thrown out? 我饿了 I"m hungry. 我能吃一块巧克力曲奇吗
拜托啦 Can I have a chocolate cookie? Please? 我可以留下照顾她
Look, I can stay. 没必要
我没事的 No need. I"m fine. 来吧 Come on. 你确定 Are you sure? 妈妈 Mom? 电♥话♥没人接 There"s no answer. 瓢虫
快走开 Ladybug, ladybug, fly away. 你的房♥子着了火
你的孩子已不见 Your house is on fire, and your children are gone. 妈妈 Mom? 妈妈 Mom! 瓢虫
快走开 Ladybug, ladybug, fly away. 你的房♥子着了火
你的孩子已不见 Your house is on fire, and your children are gone. 妈妈 Mom! 我给你拿水来了 I got you water. 妈妈 Mom! 醒醒
妈妈 Wake up! Mom... 对不起 I"m so sorry. 根据医嘱 Doctor"s orders. 她这周余下时间里都要休息 She"ll be off for the rest of the week. 这么说
拍摄得中止了 So, production"s shut down. 这还是头一次 That"s a first.
他决定用真鸟拍摄 There"s no way he made up his mind 绝不是当天一时兴起 on the day to use real birds. 这种事要花好久来筹备 Stuff like that takes forever to organize. 他早知道
乔 He knew, Jo. 他早知道
却对我只字不提 He knew, and he never told me. 蒂比
离开吧 Tippi, walk away. 别逞强 Come on. 你可以带着梅兰妮打包离开 You can take Melanie and pack up your stuff 回到纽约重拾模特事业 and go back to New York and modeling 像以前那样快乐生活 and your old life and be happy. 你一定得过来看看 Something you must see. 欢迎回来
蒂比 Welcome back, Tippi. 欢迎回来 Welcome back. 很高兴看你回来
蒂比 Nice to see you back, Tippi. 我们把戏拍完吧 Let"s finish this picture. 你看
一切都是值得的 So you see it was worth it. 有过的伤痛 All the pain. 受过的惊吓
承受的孤独 All the fear and the loneliness. 我知道自己有时候太难为你了 I know I"ve put you through some hard times. 但看看现在的你 Look at you now. 亲爱的
The point being, my dear, 我不下狠手
就没法教你这许多东西 there"s only so much I can teach you through kindness. 这算是道歉吗 Is this an apology? 尽我所能让你成为电影明星要道歉吗 For doing whatever it took to turn you into a movie star? 谢谢你 Thank you. 有这么个女孩
离我们而去 So here"s the girl, walking away from us, 离镜头而去
走下长长的站台 walking away from the camera, down a long platform. 我们一路跟随在她身后 We follow her all along the platform, 她要在站台上等车 where"s she"s waiting for the train. 她的发色很深 She has dark hair... 非常深
拿着个亮黄色皮包 dark, and a bright yellow purse. 是你能想到最亮的那种 The brightest yellow you can think of, 于是我们看着那个皮包 so we watch that purse. 着迷于那个皮包 We"re obsessed with that purse. 我们问自己 We"re asking ourselves, "皮包里有什么呢" "What"s in the purse?" 就这样了
是吧 And, uh, that"s it, is it? 《玛尔尼》第一幕第一场 Act one, scene one of "Marnie." 余下 100 分钟怎么办 How about the other 100 minutes? 那是埃文的工作 That"s Evan"s job. 她是个很复杂的角色 Uh, she"s a complex character--
a thief, a liar, 并且玛尔尼不让任何男人近身 and Marnie can"t let any man near her. 那是因为她遭受的童年创伤 It"s because of childhood trauma. 冷淡的女人 Frigid, you see? 不
她只是被吓到了 No, just scared, surely. 但是她被一个好男人的爱拯救了
对吧 But she gets rescued by the love of a good man, right? 我只是猜猜 I"m just guessing. 当然 Sure. 可能吧 Maybe. 我敢确定她一直没让那老笨蛋 Surely to God she hasn"t let the old fool 近了她的身 anywhere near her. 当然不会 Of course not. 她有刻意撩拨他吗 Is she leading him on? 没有 No. 长得美不是过错 Can"t help being a pretty girl. 她们都很美 They"re all pretty. 格蕾丝很美
英格丽也美 Grace was pretty Ingrid was pretty... 她有什么魔力
佩吆 OK, what"s she got, Peggy? 她有什么魔力让她独具一格 What"s this one got that"s so bloody special? 无论他怎么难为她 Whatever he throws at her, 无论他怎么挑衅她
however he provokes her... 她都让他觉得自己无法伤害她 she makes him feel he can"t hurt her. 她穿着睡袍
他穿着衬衫长裤 She"s in a negligee. He"s in a shirt and pants. 整个过程中 Now, all through this, 我认为她都要表现得无知无觉 I think we should play her quite unresponsive, 直到最下面那一段
until right at the bottom, 他吻上她的嘴唇 when he goes to kiss her. 僵局打破了 Now it breaks. "我不能
我不愿 "I can"t. I can"t. "我不要" I can"t." 就像令她作呕 Like it repulses her? 现在他真的恼了 Now he"s really getting mad. 他一直那么温柔
那么耐心 He"d been very sweet, very patient, 她却半点不动心 nothing yielding from her at all. "如果你不想睡觉
就请离开" "If you don"t want to go to bed, please get out"? "我当然想睡觉" "I do want to go to bed." 于是他环抭着她
突然 And now he goes around her, and quite sharp, 她举起双手推开他 her hands come up to ward him off, 然后她的睡袍滑落到了地上 and her negligee falls to the ground. 而她脸上毫无表情 And she has no expression on her face at all. 也不该有 She shouldn"t have.
我在拍特写 I"m on a big head. 如何 And? 他同意了 He says yes. 只要他跟蒂比的戏份相当 As long as his part is as big as Tippi"s. 谁 Who? 肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery. 刚拍完《诺博士》的肖恩·康纳利吗 The Sean Connery that just got out of "Doctor No"? 你有意见吗 You have a problem with that? 没有
先生 No, sir, 但玛尔尼可是个冷淡角色 but Marnie is supposed to be frigid. 那是演戏
亲爱的 It"s called acting, my dear. 我可得全副武装抵挡他的魅力 I"m going to have to give my best block of marble. 很久以前
有一个雕塑家 Once upon a time, there was a sculptor 用大理石雕出一个塑像... who made a beautiful statue out of marble... 我不想错过女儿的睡前时光 I don"t want to miss my daughter"s bedtime. 然后爱上了他自己的杰作 And fell in love with his own creation. 但是上帝垂怜他 But the gods looked kindly on him 赋予了她生命 and brought her to life, 从此他们幸福地生活在一起 and they lived happily ever after. 晚安
佩吆 Good night, Hitch. Good night, Peggy. 我只是觉得讲不通
It just doesn"t work for me, Hitch. 我不相信 I don"t believe it. 我不相信那个男人会在新婚之夜 I don"t believe that guy would rape his own wife 强♥奸♥他的妻子
所以.. on their wedding night, so... 在我的版本里
他安抚了玛尔尼 in my version, he comforts Marnie. 帮助她 Helps her. 我要你的故事不是这样的 That"s not what I asked you for. 照你要求的版本拍 Use the version I wrote for you 观众怎么还会对他抭有同情呢 and why would the audience have any sympathy for him at...