发布时间:2017-01-19 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:
育才小学 五年级一班 张家宁
“Quack! Quack!”,一只“老母鸭”披着红头巾,提着一只花篮,在我们的哄笑声中慢慢地走上了场。“老母鸭”一摇一摆地走过去,轻轻地抚摸着她的“蛋”,又俯下身子温暖着“蛋”。不一会儿,一只小鸭子出世了,两只小鸭子出世了,三只,四只??四只小鸭子不停地叫唤:“Mum,!Mum!Mum!”只有一颗蛋没有破。“太阳”和“月亮”交替地升起,几天过去了,蛋壳终于裂开了,钻出一只黑乎乎脏兮兮的“丑小鸭”。“哥哥姐姐”们都嫌她脏,嫌她丑,像躲瘟疫一样躲着她,“丑小鸭”伤心地哭了,她明白了,这个家不属于她,她默默地离开了??她走啊走,来到一个湖边,她看到一群白天鹅正展翅高飞,他们的翅膀拍打着湖面,长长的脖子高高地昂着,身姿是那样美丽!“丑小鸭”惊呆了,她的心里好羡慕啊!她拍着自己的小翅膀一遍遍地练了起来。冬去春来,终于,“丑小鸭”脱下来“灰衣服”,穿上了洁白的“连衣裙”,她昂着高高的脖子展翅高飞??这时,音乐停了,场下静极了, 连掉根针都能听得见。突然,场上爆发出雷鸣般的掌声,我们情不自禁地欢呼起来!
正当我们准备为六二班带上胜利的光环时,却不料场上杀出一匹“黑马”来——六一班。 “大狮子”黄宝森一声吼叫:“I’ m hungry! Wheve is my food!”听到这儿,我们会心一笑,知道又有好戏看了。“小狮子”李冬薇撒娇似的缠着“老爸”:“Dad, I’ m hungry! Wheve is my food!” “大狮子”意味深长地说:“Dear daughter, you are a big kid,you can finding food yourself!”说完就走了。“小狮子”开始了她的觅食之路。一路上,有时会遇到好心的朋友,他们慷慨解囊,给她好吃好喝,可有时就不那麽顺利了,好几天都吃不上食物。她默默地对自己说:“Success belongs to the persevering!”有一天,一只猴子见到“小狮子”,吓得屁滚尿流,夺路而逃,连手中的苹果也扔了。“小狮子”尝了尝,味道还不错,带回家和“大狮子”分享了起来??这部话剧刚演完,同学们就激烈地议论起来:“这个话剧虽然简单,但寓意深刻,它告诉我们一个道理:干什么事情都必须坚持!所以,六一班肯定赢了!”“那不一定,胜负难料!”??
Don't Touch Me! 6人话剧剧本 剧本很短,适合短小品
1. Vicky︰a waitress at Monday’s restaurant. She is a hard working girl.
2. Lisa︰another waitress at Monday’s restaurant. She is a kind and naive girl.
3. Fenix︰one of customers. He’s a very ill-natured customer.
4. Allen and Tim︰customers at Monday’s restaurant. They’re good and decent men.
5. Kuki︰the boss of the restaurant.
Scene I
(One afternoon, there are many customers at the Monday’s restaurant.)
Vicky and Lisa talk and go to the kitchen, and then the boss, kuki, comes in, too.
Kuki:Hey, there are many customers today. Girls, work hard. Remember, God gives all things to industry.
Lisa: Yeah. I know.
Vicky:We will do our best.
The door opens now. Two men come in.
Kuki moves to the door.
Kuki: May I help you, sir? Two people? Come with me, I will take you to thetable.
Allen:Yes, pleases.
Tim: I’m starving. I hope I can eat the best food in this restaurant right now. Kuki: (laughing) Just a moment.
Two men walk in the restaurant. Lisa walks toward them.
Vicky: This is the menu, sirs.
Allen&Tim: Thank you.
After a few minutes. Lisa and Vicky walk to the kitchen.
Lisa: Hey, Vicky. I don’t like that customer. See, that man sits near the door.
Vicky: Why? Does he make any troubles for you?
Lisa:I don’t know. I feel…….Oh, I just don’t like the way he looks at me.
Scene II
Vicky delivers a dish to the table where Allen and Tim sit.
Vicky: (talks to herself) Lisa is right. The way that man looks at me makes me
Vicky delivers a dish again to Fenix’s table.
Vicky: Here is your meal, sir. Enjoy it, please.
Vicky turns to the kitchen. At this moment, Fenix touches her back!
Vicky: Wow~~~~ (she screams.)
Kuki:(runs to Vicky) what happened?
Vicky: He, he……He touched me!
Fenix: No!! I didn’t.
Lisa:You lie!! I see you did that. What I say is an absolute truth.
Other customers gather around them to see what is happening.
Kuki: Well, seeing is believing, sir……
Fenix: I feel humiliated. So, boss. You must solve this problem. Look at yourWaitress. They are such tricky women.
Kuki: But, they say you did it……….Sir, I think…….
Fenix: What? You mean I am a pervert? Oh………Is this the way you serve your customers? You must give me an explanation today! Maybe giving me some money will make me forget it.
Lisa:You are a shameless cheater, liar.
The argument continues.
Scene III
Allen and Tim are angry for what they saw.
Allen: I won’t tolerate your behavior anymore.
Tim: That’s right. Come on, sir. It’s your fault. We all know that.
Fenix: Hmn? You think so? But I don’t think so. I mean, if the boss and thewaitresses make an apology to me, I might leave early. Or I will stay and make sure that no other customers walk inside the restaurant.
Kuki:Oh……Don’t do that, please. Sir, you have to know it won’t do you any good.
Fenix:Yeah……it won’t do me any good unless you pay me some money for the humiliation you have caused me. You have disgraced me.
Tim:Such a liar, I can’t believe it!!
Fenix:Mind your own business.
Allen: (Takes out his badge.)See.
Allen: I’m a police officer. Maybe you know what I’ll do with you.
Fenix turns to the door quickly.
Everybody in the restaurant all claps and cheers for Allen.
Lisa: There is very few good people in our society. Many bad people bullythe weak and fear the strong.
Tim:Yeah…….but trust me, justice will win.
Kuki: We are so lucky you are here. Thank you very much.
Allen: You are welcome. It’s just my duty.
Scene1(At Salesman’s home)
N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why. The foolish students always come here. I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money……
Oops! It’s time to make candies now.(看表)
First, put the flour on the table.
Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做)
Now press, press……
Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情)
Press, press……
Oh, my god!Never mind! Just do it!
Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces
白雪公主与七个小矮人 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 英文短剧本
旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother was very jealous. She dres(来自:www.zhaoQt.NeT 蒲公英文摘:幽默英文话剧)sed Snow White in rags and forced her to do the housework all day and all night, such as sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on. 白雪:( Sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on.) 皇后:I’m the new queen. I’m very beautiful. you see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me surely.Now, mirror, mirror, come here! 魔镜:Yes, I’m coming. Your Majesty! What do you want to know? 皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall.Who is the fairest of the all?
魔镜:Yes. Your Majesty! You are the fairest of all, I think.But there is a young lady. She is as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony.She is much more beautiful than you.
皇后:She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she? Tell me quickly.
Global warming
A. Class begins, good afternoon everyone.
B. C. D :Good afternoon, teacher.
A. First, I will ask you a question: What is the serious problem nowadays ?
B. I think it’s the problem of environment pollution.
A. It’s related to our correct answer. But it isn’t correct one.
B. Is it the problem of population increasing?
A. No.
C. Oh. I got it. It’s global warming.
A. Right! Global warming is one of the serious problems nowadays. Because……
B. Teacher. I have a question. It was very cold indeed this winter. I think it’s global cooling!
A. You got the wrong concept. Global warming doesn’t only mean that the weather is getting hot, but also mean that the weather is out of control. So it will be sometimes very cold.
B. Teacher. What causes “ global warming”?
C. I know. Now people drive too many cars and the exhaust gases discharged by the cars and lorries pollute the air and also destroy the nature. It causes global warming.
A. You are right. Do you know what will happen with the global warming?
B. Yes. The ices in South Pole are going to be melted and at the time, many islands will be gradually flooded with water. Human will have no places to live.
C. Surely, we don’t want that will happen.
A. What sould we do to stop “Global warming”?
B. I think we can protect the environment from ourselves. We can plant trees
C. When we are protecting the environment, we are saving ourselves.
A. Ok. Students, we can’t only speak but not do later . Let us go planting trees.
D. Oh, teacher! Tomorrow is March the twelfth, it’s tree-planting day!
A. Yes! Now all of you know the importance of protecting the environment.
B.C.D.Let us do our best to stop “Global warming” and make our earth a lovely homeland!
A. That is good . I hope you all will be succeeded in protecting the environment. Now the class is over bye-bye students!
B.C.D. good bye. Teacher.
Narration: Carrie, Cici and Wing are co-worker of a company. This day they are talking in the office.
Ca: Bingo! I finally finish this case. It is really tough! I have not slept well for almost a week.
Wing: Me too .I always get so busy in this season. I have drunk three cups of coffee in order to keep awake.
Ci: Our boss must be enjoying his holiday in Fiji very much. What do you think he will feel when he comes back to see our case?
Ca:Of course he will feel surprised and give each of us a promotion. Wing: Come on, he is a devil, how could he do this to us? Anyway, we should award ourselves for these days hard work!
Ca: You are right. Let’s pig out on junk food!
Wing: I have stayed in China for a whole year and I miss my hometown. I miss German food!
Ca: so do I .how much I love French food!
Ci: I have not eaten German or French food before. Do you have any recommendation?
Ca: If you visit France or go to a French restaurant, snails, cheese, and goose liver and red wine are the best choices.
Wing: You also can’t miss the famous German sausage, ham and blue checse Ci: They all sound yummy. But do you know what Chinese eat when they miss their families?
Wing&Ca: No
Ci: The answer is dumplings!
Ca:Well ,I heard that before though I haven’t tasted .
Wing: Can you make dumplings, CiCi? Would you make some for us? I have been longing for dumplings for a long time.
Ci: Aha, it is as easy as a pie for me .what about coming to my house tonight? We can make dumplings together. I will teach you how to cook it.
Ca: Great! That is fantastic. Then it will be the first time to make and eat dumplings
Wing: Very good idea! We could busy some basic ingredient at the supper
market after work.
Ci: Sure.We need flour, yeast, pork, cabbages, vinegar, sauce and ginger. (The three colleagues had their shopping and now they are in CiCi’s house) CiCiours some pour on the table and said:”Carrie, can you fetch some water here?”
Ca: sure, here you are .what s next?
Ci:Ci:we have to mix the flour yeast and water together .be careful ,don’t add too much water.
Ca: Okay, I’m kneeing the dough repentedly.it is becoming and softer Wing: Yeah, I am cutting the pork into many small pieces, and then I will add several spoons of oil in it .shall I blend them?
CiCi: Yes, make sure they blend well. A bit salt and a spoon of vinegar are needed, too.
(an hour later)
Ca: Yes, the dumplings are prepared .lets start!
CiCi: Wait! I remember well that you all miss the food from your hometown.Look, what are these?
Ca: Wow! Cheese! Where did you get it? And my favorite red wine. Wing: God. Those are sausage and ham, I can’t believe it!
CiCi: Haha, it is a big surprise, isn’t it? Now ,we are got all three countries’ food ready.
Ca: So it is a complete big meal.
Wing: An unforgettable banquet in my life. Let’s cheers!
Ca, Ci, Wing: Cheers!
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