发布时间:2018-06-26 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:

On July 8, 2015, Democratic Party of Hong Kong released that the lead content in the tap water of some buildings of Kai Ching Estate, public housing in Kowloon, under the supervision of the Hong Kong Housing Authority exceeded the level of WHO. This could be ascribed to the lead containing in the accessories and soldering in the plumber links. After this, tap water from nearly 30 blocks, buildings, or schools were detected with excessive heavy metal content, which includes lead, nickel, cadmium, etc.
On July 13, Hong Kong Center for Health Protection announced that at the end of May, a 72-year-old man living in Kai Ching Estate developed an infectious disease, Legionnaires" disease with caused fever, headache, diarrhea, breath difficulty and other symptoms. The patient may breathe in the polluted water spots and fog from the artificial water producing system. Related germs were detected in the kitchen, sprinkler and bathroom.
This news caused huge panic among nearby residents. They snapped up the bottled water in the supermalls and registered in the hospital to test their blood. 3 out of the 23 kids under six year old who were found with excessive lead content in blood are diagnosed with developmental retardation, and 5 were slightly developmental retardation. Although it was not proved that the symptom was related with drinking water, the 3 kids confirmed with the disease came from Kai Ching Estate.
Hong Kong Housing Authority said they would systematically replace the problematic parts, and discuss whether to enlarge the testing sphere. Meantime, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government set up a review committee on excessive lead content in drinking water to look for the reasons, reflect and assess the standards and supervision system of the existing drinking water in Hong Kong.
It’s not a single case
According to the data of WHO, around 748 million people lack the access of purified drinking water, and the drinking water source of 1.8 billion people are tainted by feces. Thousands of millions of people lack the access to soap and water for washing hands to prevent the disease transmission. Annually, two million people die of unsafe drinking water, and public and individual sanitation problems. Polluted sewage is more and more used in agriculture, which may cause severe public health risks.
As a matter of fact, with the economic development and improvement of people"s livelihood, the sanitation problem of drinking water gained unprecedented attention, the technology of purification and disinfection made continuous progress, and the process received stricter supervision. But due to factors like environmental pollution, water source quality, chlorine treatment, tap water pipelines, halter conservation, drinking water poison incidents are just common occurrence.
相关热词搜索:Drinking Water Worrisome