zepto【Negotiation Leads to Stability】

发布时间:2020-03-26 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:

  As the Palestinian people face many challenges, the international community, including China, is paying a great deal of attention. Diab N.M. Allouh, the Palestinian Ambassador to China, shares his views on the current Middle East situation in an interview with Beijing Review reporter Ding Ying.
  Beijing Review: Is it possible for Hamas to form an alliance with other political parties?
  Diab N.M. Allouh: We believe that the best way to face the challenges is for Hamas to form a national unity government, performing all the functions and with everybody working for national unity through dialogue.
  The Olmert government in Israel has announced that it would sever all contact with the Palestinian Government. Can we say that the peace process has been terminated?
  The Israeli Government’s decision to stop contacts with the Palestinian National Authority and its government leads to instability at all levels, in particular politically, and it is not in the interests of either the Israelis or Palestinians.
  What do Israel’s three conditions for resuming peace talks mean to the Palestinians?
  The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and the PLO has already given its answer to these conditions [recognizing Israel, renouncing violence, and accepting all agreements reached by the previous Palestinian government]. I think the Israeli Government tries to distance itself from the peace process when it puts forward these conditions again, and it seems to me that Israel has decided to draw a one-sided solution without negotiation.
  What about the current Palestinian economic situation? How will the new government deal with its financial challenges?
  The Palestinian situation is disastrous after the Israeli Government stopped the transfer of tax revenues that belong to the Palestinian people. At the same time, the Palestinian economic situation will be destroyed without financial aid from foreign countries.
  Can we consider that the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has been upgraded? In what way do you think a final peace can be realized in the region?
  The conflict and violence will escalate and continue, and there is no stability and security in the area, until both Palestinians and Israelis sit down at the negotiating table.
  Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he hopes to settle the Israeli-Palestinian border before the end of 2008. What’s your comment?
  The Palestinian-Israeli border must accord to UN resolutions and Israel must accept the border in place before June 5, 1967 as the boundary in full agreement between both sides.
  What role does the Palestinian side hope China will play in the Middle East situation?
  The People’s Republic of China has been, and still is, supporting the Palestinian people, and we have had excellent relations with China for a long time. We highly appreciate China and its standing with our people.
  We will cooperate and give Sun Bigan, the new Chinese envoy to the Middle east, all assistance and help to do his job in favor of stability and peace in the region, and we welcome every step from China that can help all parties in the Middle East achieve a peaceful solution.

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