破冰 20秒破冰话术
发布时间:2020-03-11 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:
两岸就是一家人,我们继承相同的血缘、相同的历史,只要好好沟通,相信两岸能够相互合作、携手共创未来。 1949年,有近20万山东籍学生和士兵离开家乡去了台湾。后来两岸关系一度紧张,处于封锁状态,客居台湾的游子们只能隔海远望故乡和亲人,思乡情绪浓烈。
On the New Year"s Day of 1979, the Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress of China’s mainland published the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan, which initiated that Taiwan and mainland should realize “Three Links” (including direct postal, transportation, and trade links) to “develop trade, mutual exchange and economic interactions”.
In June, 2008, the two associations (Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait and Straits Exchange Foundation) resumed negotiation, and signed the Meeting Summary on Charter Flight across the Taiwan Strait, which promoted weekend charter flight to start in July, 2008. In November, the two associations held a meeting in Taipei and signed the Air Transport Agreement across the Taiwan Strait, and both parties agreed to open up the north line of the bi-directional air flight of Taiwan Strait. So far, “Three Links” between Taiwan and the mainland has been realized at the end. Thus the exchange between Taiwan and the mainland has been guaranteed by policy.
Actually the formal exchange between Jinan and Taiwan was started approximately in 1980s. At that time, Taiwan people came to Jinan for visiting relations, traveling and starting business, etc, which opened up the curtain for Jinan and Taiwan exchange.On April 26, 2009, Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait and Straits Exchange Foundation officially signed an agreement in which the mainland agreed to add 6 passenger transport air stations including Jinan, Hefei, Harbin, Nanchang, Guiyang and Ningbo to the 21 previous passenger transport air stations. Jinan and Taiwan have achieved direct flight so far.