发布时间:2017-02-09 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:
幽默是一种令人发笑而有余味的情操,广泛存在于中西方语言中。精炼含蓄、奇妙得体的幽默语在使用与理解上离不开与其紧密联系的文化溯源。幽默的涵盖面甚广 ,它包括笑话(joke)、讥讽(satire)、 反语(irony)、 喜剧 (comedy)、 俏皮话 (wisecrack)、轶事趣闻(anecdote) ,等等。对幽默的研究可以追溯到亚里士多德时代。而对幽默的定义 ,学者们却莫衷一是。我们暂把幽默定义为一种诙谐的、滑稽的意在带给交际双方愉悦的交际方式。然而不可否认的是中英文幽默存在一定的差异,其主要体现在幽默的内容、功能、语言类型和表现形式上,造成差异的根源主要在于中西方文化和思维方式诸多方面的不同。
幽默是人类审美追求的反应,也是对现实生活的映射。在内容上折射出不同民族独特的风土人情、文化理念。从主题上看 ,中国受传统儒家思想影响根深蒂固 ,人们谈“性” 色变 ,因此 ,东方传统幽默中性主题是禁区 ;而西方幽默中这类主题却占很大比例。 从内容上看 ,在西方的幽默中 ,单纯娱乐性质的纯幽默比重很大, 这是幽默从萌芽状态时起便形成的一个鲜明特征。而中国幽默似乎肩负着更沉重的历史使命---针砭时弊。纵观流传至今的几百段传统相声 ,讽刺段子占绝大多数。而幽默的民族特色在艺术手法上的表现远不如主题、 内容那样明晰。它往往根植于一个民族源远流长的文化传统和心理素质 ,表现得十分隐蔽、微妙。中国幽默刻意追求一贯到底、 层层递进的情趣性。最能显示中国人幽默文化底蕴的形式莫过于相声。相声的四个环节 (“垫话”、“瓢把儿”、“正话”和“底” ) 对应了幽默结构的四部分。相声从头至尾包含多个“包袱” ,使听众始终怀着浓厚的兴趣 ,从紧张的期待走向缓和的满足 ,然后又跨向新的期待和新的满足。而西方的幽默小品往往只有一个“包袱”,喜剧中“包袱”要多一些 ,但由于喜剧的完整性,连贯性和情节性的要 求 ,运用“包袱”的限制很多。相声则不然 ,尽管它也 有一定的情节主线 ,但从不为死守情节的需要而放弃 使用“包
袱” 的机会 ;相反 ,有时还以“包袱”为媒介 ,巧妙地从一个情节跳跃到与之毫无关联的另一个情节。
幽默是一种以社会认可的方式表达人类需要的方法。幽默的功用可分为:批判性(对生活中的缺点和反面现象加以否定)、肯定性(对生活中的优点和正面现象予以肯定)和纯幽默(既不肯定,也不否定,它只是对生活现象进行富裕情趣的反应)。西方的幽默文化底蕴深厚。西方人在性方面比中国人开放 , 往往有关性方面的笑话较多;其单纯娱乐性质的幽默比重较大; 另外 ,“智力成分压倒了其它成分”。总的来说,西方幽默更多发挥了其缓解精神压力、确立优越感的功能。中国人使用幽默一般侧重社会教育功能 ,例如 ,《文心雕龙》 对谐隐这一幽默形式的评价是 “:古之嘲隐 ,振危释惫。” 意思是古代的嘲笑文章和隐喻 ,目的在于拯救危亡和释除疲惫。事实上,中国人的幽默大多用来讽刺和规诫 ,或以增进社会的融洽和谐, 或作为单纯的引笑释怀的工具。拿国家级幽默大师赵本山来说,他的作品基本取材于农村、农民,其中不乏取笑、自嘲的成分。几乎每个作品都渗透着中国小百姓穷酸的味道,这些同样让人捧腹大笑,不过笑的时候往往有些心酸。
他们手拉手看了猩猩,看了大象,忽然中国小兵尿疼了,想去厕所,但不好意思说…… “怎么办”小兵正想办法,想到了好办法,就对外国女人说“我去方便一下”
Not only in China but also in western countries, when taking strict standard of literature, Chinese jokes and western humor can only be classified in the popular literature rather in the palace of literature.
Although there are big differences between Chinese and Western culture in many aspect, it is still amazing that people from different places are appeal to jokes and humor. By comparison of the similarities and difference of Chinese jokes and western humor ,we will have a clear view of this kind of literature.
According to the paper, there are many similarities and difference between jokes and humor . The reasons of the existence of common points of the Chinese jokes and western humor are the interlinked culture and semantic principle. While for the significant difference between Chinese jokes and western humor is the gaps of culture and ways of thinking . In this paper, we will have more detailed explanation.
First the paper introduce the content of Chinese jokes and Western humor.The author takes The Stupid Man Takes Salt and xiaolin ,etc as Chinese examples , in which the stories use vivid and exaggerated descriptions in order to show us a person or several person whose behavior is so stupid that make the listener or reader burst into laugh or make a ironic portrayal of the society . As a consequence, the story warns us not do this kind of things. According to the demonstration of a series of examples such as the difference between a diplomat and a lady and why she did not talk or a excuse for baldness, we can find that western humor is more implicit. Besides ,it is more thought –proking . when you read it ,it can not make you burst into
laugh immediately but once you understand its deep meaning you will find it is meaningful. What’s more , not only people use it in their daily life but also in political situation.
Then the paper list 4 common ways of jokes or humor expression. These are Exaggerate ,Litotes( restrained statement), Pun ,Other ways. By the using of these ways , we can find many similarities of Chinese jokes and western humor.
At the end, the paper shows us the reason of the difference and the similarities of Chinese jokes and western humor . First is the way of thinking .China’s culture is so introvert that we are used to described things picturesquenessly. On the contrary, the western countries are relatively extrovert, so that they advocate creative . That is the reason why when we are reading western humor ,we will find it is more implicit . Second is the purpose .Chinese jokes put more emphasis on its amusing effection and warning influence ,while western countries attaches more importance to cultivate people’s sense of humor .Third is the principle of language usage .When we are using language we should pay attention to the 4 principles—Quantity principle, quality principle, relevance principle , means principle. But when it comes to jokes and humor , absolutely we will go against the quality- principle when we use exaggerate, and we will neglect the quantity –principle when we use litotes.
As the author’s presentation ,we cast light on the reason of the difference and similarities of china jokes and western humor .Just as the author said with the mutual integration of culture, we believe we will get more laughter and understanding of the china jokes and western humor..
From this paper we can find the author’s point of discussion is clear. Besides, the quote is sufficient and proper. The analysis is organized orderly.
龙海鹰. (2006). 中国笑话和西方幽默 西安外国语学院学报第十九卷第一期,129-132
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