
发布时间:2020-02-17 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:

  编者按:   “双语视窗”栏目从2006年开办至今,已经走过了2年的历程,这些由在华外国友人撰写的小文章,以他们在华所见所闻为切入点,生动具体地反映出东西方观念、习俗的异同,也向我们提出了一个个既有趣又值得深思的问题。栏目一再连载得益于读者反馈中的正面回应。
  I am currently enrolled part-time in an MBA program in Beijing run jointly by an American and a Chinese university. The Chinese and foreign instructors all lecture in English. It has been most interesting for me, the only non-Chinese student, to cast a Western eye on this very up-to-date effort to educate Chinese in the latest Western business thinking. I obtained my own undergraduate degree in France.
  Educational reform gets a lot of attention in the Chinese press, but what is really happening? I have just begun my studies here, so what I am offering in this column are first impressions. Such impressions may be mistaken, but they can also be true, and the freshness of the impressions gives them a clarity that can be worn away with time. Second, the program I’m in is a pioneering initiative that I am proud to have been selected to take part in. The organization and teaching staff are excellent, and the courses move right along ? so much so that I must confess I sometimes have trouble keeping up. Still, from a Western point of view the program has its peculiarities.
  For one thing, the timetable features long breaks every hour. In a sense this is good, as the math we’re doing studying requires concentration and it’s hard to concentrate for hours on end. Back in France, though, when I was studying philosophy, another subject that demands concentration, I never had more than a ten-minute break every two hours, and the exams were five hours long! In the beginning I found this hard; I was still growing and I could have used a snack. Within two months of starting, however, I was taking the long lectures in stride.
  The relation between students and teachers is very different here too. My Chinese classmates jump on our poor professor with questions at every break. Do they do this because they have urgent questions, or is it just to give him the idea that they are terribly serious students? After an intense hour of math, I must say I really can’t think of any questions. I have to go home and mull over what I’ve learned; if I find I have questions, I first try to answer them myself, and if that doesn’t work, then I approach the teacher at the next class.I would feel very childish and ridiculous bombarding the teacher with questions I could answer for myself with a little thought.
  The main difference between these Chinese students and their Western counterparts is in their attitude towards studying. Here let me remind readers that all the people in the program are 25-to-40-year-old holders of bachelor’s degrees with years of working experience. I’m not discussing schoolkids! Doing this MBA program means spending a lot of money and putting in three years of assiduous weekend work on top of the managerial jobs we already hold. We have to read an average of 500 pages a month in addition to the time we spend on classes and homework. And we all devoted many an hour to preparing for the TOEFL and the GMAT and putting together our applications. But what do I observe? My Chinese classmates get the answers to the homework problems from books and former students, and they copy one another’s homework in class, right under the professor’s nose! Is this the behavior of adults making a rational investment of time and resources?
  These people don’t have a better understanding of the course material than I do, yet they get better grades: for them studying means finding a way to pass exams, not really exploring a new body of knowledge and experience. Here’s another example of this sort of “clever” short-sighted behavior: Recently one of our teachers was explaining something quite complex to us. It was the last class before the mid-term.Then somebody asked the teacher if this material would be on the test. When he said no, people laughed and losing all interest in the problem, proceeded to make so much noise that the teacher had difficulty finishing his explanation. Perhaps I am being harsh, but all this cheating and exam mania does not suggest the mindset of a far-sighted business elite.
  If this is the way things are in a highly selective program at an excellent school, then I can imagine what attitudes prevail at lower levels in the educational system. Do Chinese students take any pleasure in studying and acquiring new knowledge, or is it all just a cynical game? Is there any real intellectual development going on? When will Chinese students learn to have fun becoming more learned and insightful human beings? I long for the day when young Chinese are happy in school, never bored and not under pressure to pass exams of questionable significance or value.省略)
  责编:周 瑾

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