发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:
摘要:为研究烤烟上部叶采收的最适成熟特征,将云烟87上部叶按不同成熟度进行分次采收,通过外观质量和感官质量评价确定常规采收时间推迟5d即移栽后125d(M2阶段)对烤烟进行一次性采收,烟叶质量最优。其中移栽后125 d的顶3~顶1叶(TM2)的外观质量和感官质量评分为44.67和71.79;移栽后125 d的顶6~顶4叶(FM2)为43.36和71.75;均优于其他几个阶段。从叶片结构的细胞学变化规律看出,随着烟叶成熟度的提高,栅栏组织和海绵组织在移栽后125 d(M2阶段)开始变得疏松、细胞间隙增大、细胞中各种细胞器开始降解、淀粉颗粒积累到最饱满状态。其中移栽后125 d的顶2叶的栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅栏组织细胞密度和海绵组织细胞密度分别为145.3 ?m、144.7 ?m、43个/mm、43个/mm;移栽后125 d的顶5叶的栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅栏组织细胞密度和海绵组织细胞密度分别为139.7 ?m、148 ?m、42个/mm、41个/mm。该研究进一步证实M2阶段为烤烟上部叶采收最适成熟特征。
Abstract: In order to study the optimum mature characteristic of tobacco upper leaves for plucking, the appearance and sensory qualities of YunYan87upper leaves were analyzed. The results showed that the date of 125 days after transplanting (M2) was the best stage of one-time plucking of upper leaves. The appearance and sensory qualities scores of the top3-1leaves at the date of 125 days after transplanting (TM2) were 44.67 and 71.79 respectively, and the top6-4leaves at the date of 125 days after transplanting(FM2)were 43.36 and 71.75, whichwere all better than those of other stages. The cytology observation of tobacco leaves indicated that the palisade tissue and spongy tissue of tobacco leaves became more loosen from the date of 125 days after transplanting (M2), with the intercellular space enlarged, organelle degraded, and the starch particles were full. The thickness and cell density of palisade tissue and spongy tissue of the top2 leavesat the date of 125 days after transplanting was 145.3 ?m,144.7 ?m,43 mm and 43 mm; The thickness and cell density of palisade tissue and spongy tissueof the top5 leavesat the date of 125 days after transplanting was 139.7 ?m,148 ?m, 42/ mm and 41/mm, respectively. This research might provide the theoretical base for further verifying that the M2 stage was the optimum mature characteristic of upper tobacco leaves for plucking.
Keywords: upper tobacco leaf; maturity;cellular structure;appearance quality; sensory quality.