
发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:

  摘 要:为了检验散叶插签装烟和烟夹装烟烘烤的先进性和适应性,在卢氏县杜关荆彰镇鑫叶专业烟叶合作社烘烤工厂进行了散叶、烟夹和编竿3种不同装烟方式的对比试验。结果表明,散叶处理在烤后烟叶质量方面较优于挂竿和烟夹,但优势总体不明显,烟夹处理的烤后烟叶质量和挂竿相当;装烟量和干烟量以散叶烘烤的最多,烟夹烘烤的次之,挂竿烘烤的最小;挂竿烘烤的耗能最多,烟夹烘烤次之,散叶烘烤耗能最小;另外,烟夹烘烤最省工,挂竿烘烤最费工。
  中图分类号:TS44+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-060X(2015)07-0063-04
  Abstract:In order to check the advancement and adaptability of leaf loading ways of intercalating rods and using clips in loose tobacco leaf flue-curing, the comparative test was done in different leaf loading ways such as loose style, clip style and hanging style at the curing workshop of Xinye specialized tobacco cooperatives in Jingzhang Town, Lushi County. The results are as follows.(1)the quality of cured tobacco leaves of the loose style treatment was better than those of the two other treatments, but the advantage was not obvious, and the quality of cured tobacco leaves was similar between clip style treatment and hanging style treatment.(2)The capacity of loading fresh leaves and drying leaves was the most in the loose style, followed by the clip style but the least in the hanging style.(3)The energy consumption was the most in the hanging style, and at the mid-level in the clip style but the least in the loose style. And(4)the labor quantity was the least in the clip style, but the most in the hanging style.
  Key words:flue-cured tobacco; mode of leaf loading; loose style; hanging style; clip style; quality of cured tobacco leaf; energy consumption
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 试验材料
  1.1.1 试验用地及品种 试验材料取自卢氏县杜关烟叶工作站康家湾新品种示范田,试验田土质为棕壤,肥力中等。供试品种为云烟87,于2014年5月12日移栽,行距120 cm,株距50 cm,田间管理按优质烤烟栽培生产技术规范进行。按照试验采收标准,选取长势基本一致的烟叶进行烘烤,采收时保证烟叶部位一致,成熟度较好。
  1.1.2 试验用烤房 供试烤房为气流上升式密集烤房,装烟室规格为长800 cm,宽270 cm,高330 cm,分三棚两路,循环风机上置,最高功率2.2 kW。
  1.2 试验方法
  1.2.1 试验设计 共设3个处理:G(编竿)、J(烟夹)和S(散叶),每个处理2次重复。编竿方式每竿编烟120片左右;烟夹每夹15 kg左右;散叶装烟方式以松紧适宜为准。散叶参考贵州散叶烘烤工艺,编竿和烟夹参考3段式烘烤工艺,同时结合试验实际烘烤情况进行烘烤。
  1.2.2 烤房温湿度变化及能耗统计 温湿度计都挂置在装烟室一棚和三棚的中部位置,温湿度探头距烟把头的位置以8~10 cm为宜。每4 h记录1次各处理烤房内的温湿度和烟叶变化情况。烘烤结束对每个处理的用煤量及用电量进行统计。
  1.2.3 不同处理烤烟产量统计 烤前选取有代表性的烟叶作为样竿(10竿)、样夹(6夹)和样格(6格)称重,样竿(格、夹)都装在中间棚次靠中位置,烤后对样竿、夹、格称重,根据烘烤前后记录的数据,计算每座烤房的烤前装烟量和烤后产量。

相关热词搜索:烟叶 能耗 外观 方式 质量

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