发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:
摘 要:为研究煤渣在烤烟种植中的作用,实现煤渣在烤烟生产上的废物利用,采用田间试验研究不同煤渣用量和施用方式对烤烟农艺性状及产量品质的影响。结果表明:增施煤渣能明显改善烤烟的农艺性状,提高烤烟的经济性状,使烤后烟叶内部化学成分更趋协调。所有处理中以T4处理(750 kg/hm2煤渣堆沤穴施、15000 kg/hm2干煤渣撒施)最佳,产量较对照增加126 kg/hm2,提高了5.22个百分点,产值较对照增加4042.05元/hm2,提高了9.11个百分点,均价较对照增加0.68元/kg,提高了3.71个百分点,上等烟率较对照提高了16.75个百分点。施用煤渣后,土壤的砷含量和烤后烟叶的铬含量大幅度下降,土壤砷含量(除T3处理外)降低了98%以上,烤后烟叶铬含量降低了86.5%以上。
中图分类号:S318 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2014-0444
Research on Application Coal Cinder in Flue-cured Tobacco Production
Wang Xichun1, Huang Shiwang1, Liu Zhengri1, Gao Chunyang1, Zhou Xiangping1,
Zhang Fang1, Li Xiaozhong2, Tang Ruoyun2, Yang Hongqi3, Zhao Ajuan4
(1Yongzhou Branch of Hunan Tobacco Corporation, Yongzhou 425000, Hunan, China;
2Tobacco Quality Supervision and Testing Station, Changsha 410004, Hunan, China;
3Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, Hunan, China;
4Changsha Branch of Hunan Tobacco Corporation, Changsha 410000, Hunan, China)
Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of coal cinder in flue-cured tobacco planting, realize the waste utilization of coal cinder in flue-cured tobacco production, a field experiment was carried out at different dosage coal cinder and different application patterns, the tobacco agronomic traits, tobacco quality and economic traits were evaluated. The results showed that: by using coal cinder, the tobacco agronomic traits and economic traits were bettered, the internal chemical constituents of roast tobacco leaf were be more coordination. Among all the treatments, the T4 treatment (hole applying coal cinder 750 kg/hm2 and broadcasting coal cinder 15000 kg/hm2) was best improved tobacco economic traits. Compared with T9 treatment (none coal application), the yield increased 126 kg/hm2, increased by 5.22%; the output value increased 4042.05 yuan/hm2, increased by 9.11%; the average price increased 0.68 yuan/kg, increased by 3.71%; the high class leaf ratio increased by 16.75%. After applying coal cinder, the heavy metals of arsenic in the soil and chromium in the roast tobacco leaf were reduced significant. The arsenic in the soil (except T3) and the chromium in the roast leaf were reduced more than 98%, 86.5% respectively.
Key words: Coal Cinder; Flue-cured Tobacco; Production; Application Research
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中国是以煤炭为主的能源生产与消费大国,据电力网报到,2013年全国煤炭消费量达36.1亿t。无论是工业、发电厂还是民用锅炉及其他燃煤设备,每年都会产生大量的煤渣,1 t煤燃烧后平均产生约0.35 t煤渣,煤渣弃置堆积占用土地,长期堆放会给生态环境带来负荷[1]。前人已进行过相关研究,根据煤渣属性及其特性,挖掘煤渣潜在的利用价值,发现煤渣在建筑业、废水处理等方面有着越来越广泛的用途[1-8]。李静等[9]研究认为,以煤渣:珍珠岩:菌渣=1:1:4比制成的无土栽培基质,种出的莴笋各项指标优,栽培出的蔬菜NO3-、重金属含量低,栽培后营养元素含量仍很高,成为多茬栽培的较为理想基质。史正军等[10]研究认为,添加煤渣的营养基质对试供植物生长的物质积累最有利。但煤渣在烤烟生产的应用还不鲜见,永州烟区是中国烤烟种植适宜区,近年来随着烤烟种植规模化,采用火土灰来改良种烟土壤的习惯已逐渐消失,连年使用大量的化肥会导致土壤板结;而且烘烤烟叶会产生大量的煤渣,给周围环境造成压力。永州烤烟生产面临的一方面是火土灰的严重缺乏,另一方面是烘烤燃烧产生大量的“垃圾”。因此,开展煤渣在烤烟生产上的应用研究,有望解决煤渣在烤烟上的应用方法问题,这对变废为宝、保护生态环境,具有重要的现实意义。