萧山金城路 萧山金城路小学六年级语数外辅导提高班到哪好/西湖区黄龙小学四年级语文补习首选机构

发布时间:2018-10-22 来源: 幽默笑话 点击:


【精锐简介】 精锐教育作为一家中国领先的高端教育连锁集团,创立伊始即秉持国际化管理理念和连锁化发展模式。截至目前,已在全国开设100余家学习中心。精锐以新颖教学模式,过硬的教学质量,一流的服务及学习环境得到了众多学生、权威机构媒体的肯定和广泛的社会赞誉,获得包括“2011年最具品牌影响力教育集团”、“2012年中国经济十大创新案例”、2013年“中国最具影响力课外辅导机构”、“2013年21世纪中国最佳商业模式奖”等多项荣誉,成为在业界受到广泛尊敬和好评的教育机构
免费课程咨询热线:400 006 6911 转分机 58200




  定语总结如下:  动词的-ing形式做定语在句中通常有两个位置,如果是单个的动词的-ing形式做定语,常放在被修饰词前做前置定语;如果是动词的-ing形式的短语做定语,常放在被修

  饰词后做后置定语。如:  1.He is an attacking player.他是一个攻击型的运动员。  2.He asked an embarrassing question.他提了一个令人难堪的问题。  3.A little child

  learning to walk often falls.学走路的小孩常常跌跤。  4.Do you know the number of people coming to the party?你知道来参加晚会的人数吗?  注意:当-ing形式做后置定语

  时,可以相当于相应的定语从句。如:  1.A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday.  →A young man who writes novels came to speak to us yesterday.

  一位写小说的青年昨天来向我们作报告。  2.The girl sitting next to me was my cousin.  →The girl who was sitting next to me was my cousin.坐在我旁边的姑娘是我表妹。

  -ing形式做定语通常从以下三方面考查,即:  1)说明被修饰词的性质,特征或用途。如:  1.They set up an operating table in a small temple.他们将手术台架设在一座小庙

  里。  2.He may be in the reading room,for all I know.他说不定在阅览室里。  3.Ladies and gentlemen,please go and wait in the meeting room.女士们先生们,请去会议室

  等待。  2)与被修饰词为主动关系且表示正在进行的动作。如:  1.There were about 200 children studying in the art school.有大约二百个孩子在这所艺术学校学习。  2.Who

  is the woman talking to our English teacher?  正在和我们英语老师谈话的那位妇女是谁?  3)有些-ing形式已经转化成形容词,常做定语用来修饰物,表示“令人……”。常用的


  interesting,satisfying,terrifying,frightening等。如:  1.That must have been a terrifying experience.那准时一段可怕的经历。  2.The experiment was an amazing

  success.那项试验是一个惊人的成功。  3.There is a page missing from this book.这本书缺了一页。  除了-ing形式能做定语外,如果-ing形式与被修饰词是被动关系,就用它的被

  动式,即being done.being doing通常表示正在被做,常做后置定语。如:  1.The tall building being built now is our new school.正在被建的高楼是我们的新学校。  2.The

  question being discussed was presented by the headmaster.正在被讨论的问题是被校长提出的。  ■-ing形式做定语专练  1.The lady said she would buy a gift for her

  daughter with the _____.  A.20 dollars remained  B.20 dollars to remain  C.remained 20 dollars  D.remaining 20 dollars.  2.The wild flowers looked like a

  soft orange blanket ______ the desert.  A.covering   B.covered  C.cover  D.to cover  3.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the

  school,most _____ were from Germany.  A.studyof whom    B.studyof them  C.studyingof them  D.studyingof whom  4.The question ______ at present has something

  important to do with our daily life.  A.to be discussing   B.to discuss  C.been discussed     D.being discussed  5.China is a_____country______to the third

  world.  A.developedbelongs   B.developingbelonging  C.developingbelongs  D.developedbelonged  6.---Who is the man______to the teacher?   ---A model

  worker_____our school.  A.talks,visits   B.is talkingis visiting  C.talkingvisiting  D.talkingvisited  7.How many of us________,say,a meeting that has

  nothing to do with us will be interested in the discussion?  A.attend  B.attending  C.to attend  D.have attended  8.The flowers_____sweet in the botanic

  garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.  A.to smell   B.smelling  C.smelt  D.to be smelt答案:D A D D B C B B


相关热词搜索:萧山金城路小学六年级语数外辅导提高班到哪好 西湖区黄龙小学四年级语文补习首选机构 萧山金城路楼盘 萧山金城路移动营业厅

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