发布时间:2020-08-03 来源: 心得体会 点击:
圣殿骑士团 For centuries, the Order of the Knights Templar... 一直在寻找传说中的伊甸苹果 have searched for the mythical Apple of Eden. 他们相信其中蕴含的 They believe it contains not only 不仅是人类第一次违抗命令的种子 the seeds of man"s first disobedience, 也是打开自♥由♥意志的钥匙 but the key to the free will itself. 只要找到遗宝
破解它的秘密 If they find the relic and decode its secrets, 他们就将拥有控制所有自♥由♥思想的力量 they will have the power to control all freedom of thought. 刺客兄弟会
是他们唯一的阻碍 Only the brotherhood called the Assassins stands in their way... 西班牙
1492 年 宗教裁判所终于将西班牙交给了圣殿骑士团 The Inquisition has finally delivered Spain to the Templars. 穆♥罕♥默♥德♥苏丹和他的人还在格拉纳达负隅顽抗 Sultan Muhammad and his people still hold out in Granada. 但如果能抓住他的儿子
他的小王子 But if his son, the prince, is captured, 他必将献出城池
还有伊甸苹果 he will surrender the city and the Apple of Eden. 你
阿圭拉·德·纳哈 Do you, Aguilar de Nerha, 是否起誓在自♥由♥之战中守护我们的刺客兄弟会 swear to honor our order in the fight for freedom? 为了人类抵抗圣殿骑士团的暴♥政♥ To defend mankind against Templars" tyranny, 守护自♥由♥意志 and preserve free will? 我起誓 I swear. 如果伊甸苹果落入他们之手 If the Apple falls into their hands, 圣殿骑士团将毁灭一切阻碍 the Templars will destroy everything that stands in their way. 抗♥议♥
自♥由♥思考是我们的权利 Protest, dissent, our right to think for ourselves. 向我起誓
哪怕牺牲你自己的 Swear to me that you will sacrifice your life 甚至这里所有人的性命
and lives of everyone here to keep it from them. 遵命
师♥父♥ Yes, Mentor. 我们的生命不重要 Our lives are nothing. 伊甸苹果才是一切 The Apple is everything. 雄鹰之灵
将守护我们的未来 The spirit of the Eagle, will watch over the future. 所有人都盲目追寻着真♥相♥时 Where other men blindly follow the truth, 谨记
一切皆虚 remember, nothing is true. 所有人都被道德或法律束缚时 Where other men are limited by morality or law, 谨记
无事不允 remember, everything is permitted. 我们在黑暗中侍奉光明 We work in the darkness to serve the light. 我们
是刺客 We are Assassins. 刺客信条 墨西哥
1986 年 妈的 Shit! 妈妈 Mom? 爸爸 Dad? 你的生命不是你个人的
卡尔 Your blood is not your own, Cal. 他们找到我们了 They"ve found us. 要活在暗处 Live in the shadows. 走
快走 Go! Go now! 30 年后 美国德州
亨茨维尔监狱 你是来拯救我的灵魂的 You"re here to save my soul. 差不多吧 Something like that. 我
I... 我了解到今天是你生日 I understand it is your birthday. 是啊 Yeah. 生日派对正要开始呢 The party is just getting started. 坐下
你让我紧张 Sit down. You"re making me nervous. 主啊
洗刷我的罪孽 Lord, wash away my sin, 我将重新洁净 and I will be clean, once again. 你不怎么信《圣经》
是吗 You"re not much for the Bible, are you? 卡勒姆·林奇 Be it known that Callum Lynch 被判谋杀罪
将于今日 has been found guilty of capital murder 即 2016 年 10 月 21 日
执行死刑 and sentenced to die on this day, October 21st 2016. 囚犯有什么遗言吗 Does the prisoner wish to make a final statement? 请转告我父亲
就说我们地狱再见 Tell my father that I"ll see him in hell. 我叫索菲娅·莱肯 My name is Dr. Sophia Rikkin. 昨晚 6 点整
你被执行死刑 At 6 P.M. yesterday evening, you were executed 并宣布死亡 and pronounced dead. 现在
对这世上任何认识你或在乎你的人来说 And so far, as anyone in the world knows or cares, 你已经不存在了 you no longer exist. 你最好还是坐着 It"s better you to sit. 我的眼睛... My eyes... 你现在的感觉很正常
虽然不舒服 What are you feeling right now is normal and uncomfortable. 卡尔 Cal. 我是来帮你的
I"m here to help you. 你也要帮助我 And you"re here to help me. 让他走 Let him go. 别碰他 Don"t touch him. 来啊
勇敢去做啊 Go ahead. Do it. 跳啊 Jump. 你在这里不是囚犯
卡尔 You are not a prisoner here, Cal. 我是来保护你的 I"m here to protect you. 如果你认真听我的话
慢慢你就会明白一切 If you listen to me, everything is going to make sense. 而且你得信任我 And you need to trust me. 我在哪儿 Where am I? 你在马德里阿布斯泰戈基金会的康复区 You"re in a rehabilitation wing of abstergo Foundation in Madrid, 一个致力于实现完美人类的私人机构 a private organization dedicated to the perfection of human kind. 有你的帮助
我们就能开辟新途径 With your help, we can pioneer new ways 最终消除暴♥力♥ to eradicate violence. 我可以搞定的 I had this. 你父亲命令带他回去 Your father wants him in. 他是我的病人
这是我的项目 He"s my patient. This is my program. 准备阿尼姆斯 Prepare the Animus. -刺客之刃准备好了吗
-就在这儿 - Are the blades prepared? - Right here. -刺客之刃主人确定了吗
-是阿圭拉的 - And we confirmed their provenance? - They belong to Aguilar. 是从他的坟墓找回的 We recovered them from his burial site. 这是什么
What are these? 最后阶段准备 Assume final preparations. 回溯坐标
1492 年
安达卢西亚 Our regression, Andalusia, 1492. 完整记录下来一切 Record everything. 机械臂准备完毕 Arms ready. 这是怎么回事 What is this? 抱歉
我也不喜欢用这种方式 I"m sorry, Cal, this is not the way I like to do things. 那就别这么做 Then don"t do it. 进行硬膜外麻醉注射 Insert epidural. 你到底想从我身上得到什么 What do you want from me? 你的过去 Your past. 认真听我说
卡尔 Listen to me carefully, Cal. 你即将进入阿尼姆斯 You"re about to enter the Animus. 你将看到的
感到的一切 What you are about to see, hear and feel, 都是一个已经死去五百年之人的记忆 are the memories of someone who has been dead for 500 years. 等等 Wait a minute. 你无法抵抗的
卡尔 You can"t change what happens, Cal. 启动扫描设备 Engage scanner. 状态如何 Status? 扫描 DNA 链
正在搜索时间帧 Scanning DNA chains. Searching for time frame. 第一匹配记忆已锁定 First memory match locked. 匹配 DNA 已识别 DNA match identified. 不要抵抗
Stay with it, Cal. 尝试同步 Attempt synchronization. 找到他了 We found him. 我们找到了阿圭拉 We found Aguilar. 同步达成 Synchronization achieved. 好了 There. 启动回溯 Commence regression. 我们的任务是找到那孩子 Our mission is the boy. 是王子 It"s the prince. 是谁家藏匿了这个孩子 Which household harbored the boy? 只有我 Only me. 其他人都不知道
没人知道 Nobody else knew. Nobody. 绞死他的家人
让他看着 Hang his family and make him watch. 烧掉整个村子 Burn the whole village. 有格拉纳达王子做人♥质♥
他父亲苏丹 With the prince of Granada as captive, his father, Sultan, 将献出叛军城池 will surrender his rebellious city, 那是异教♥徒♥的最后避风港 the last safe haven for the infidels. 上帝将惩罚他们信奉的异教 God will punish his people"s heresy. 西班牙终于要臣服于圣殿骑士团之统治 Finally Spain will be under one Templar rule. 跟着记忆走
卡尔 Stay with the memory, Cal. 阿圭拉
孩子 Aguilar! The boy, Aguilar! The boy! 阿圭拉
孩子 Aguilar, the boy! 把他拉回来
Pull him! 启动复原 Commence rehabilitation. 进行系统检查
记录他的情况 Run a system"s check, and log his condition. 你做得很好
卡尔 You did well, Cal. 回顾历史
很明确的一点就是 Looking back it"s clear that 世界历史就是一部暴♥力♥史 a history of the world is history a violence. 去年的反♥社♥会♥行为 Last year the economic impact of 对经济造成的损失高达 9 万亿美元 antisocial behavior was 9 trillion dollars. 我们认为现代人总会有一些暴♥力♥冲动 We believe that man today experiences a measure of aggression 但却找不到合适的宣泄方式 for which he finds no acceptable outlets. 想象一下 Now imagine 如果这些代价
可以在别的地方得到管控... if all these costs could be channeled elsewhere... 回溯进行得顺利吗 So regression went well? 就是林奇 Lynch is the one. 他是阿圭拉的直系后裔 Direct descendent of Aguilar. 一切都清晰了起来
这可是第一次 Everything was clear in there, for the first time. 我们共同的梦想是什么 What do we all dream of? 就是一个更和平的世界 A more peaceful world. 你又盗用我的演讲辞 I see you stole my lines again. 我只盗用最出色的人 I only steal from the best. 那件宝物呢 And the artifact? 伊甸苹果
唾手可得 The Apple. It"s within our grasp. 在里面发生了什么
What happened in there? 你为什么将他拉回来了 Why did you pull him? 我必须如此 I had to. 我们要保护他的安全 We have to keep him healthy. 赢得他的信任 Earn his confidence. 我确信他能带领我们找到宝物 And I know that will lead us to it. 对他狠点 Push him. 阿尼姆斯的运作方式不是这样的 That"s not how the Animus works. 好了 Here you go. 谢谢 Thank you. 1917 年
卢瑟福分♥裂♥开了原子 1917 Rutherford splits the atom. 1953 年
沃森和克里克发现双螺旋 1953 Watson and Crick find a double helix. 2016 年
我的女儿 2016 my daughter, 找到了根除暴♥力♥的方法 finds the cure for violence. 你向来都比我聪明 You"ve always been brighter than me. 我要迟到了 I"m late. 我还得向长老会汇报 I have to report to the Elders. 弗朗西斯科·利兹的《宗教裁判所大♥法♥官》 Francisco Rizi"s Grand Inquisition. 1492 年 1492. 战争
宗教迫♥害♥ War, religious prosecution, 也是托尔克马达法官及骑士团成员 and the closest Father Torquemada or any of our Order 寻找伊甸苹果最接近成功的一次了 came to a finding the Apple of Eden. 你还好吗
How are you, my friend? 很好 Well. 大人 Your Excellency. 下周
等长老们会面 Next week when the Elders meet, 我们会就是否中断你的阿布斯泰戈项目进行投票 we shall vote to discontinue your Abstergo project. 我们觉得
每年给你的三十亿资金 We feel that giving you 3 billion annually, 花在别处会有更大的用途 could be better spent elsewhere. 三十亿相比... Tri billion is nothing compared to... 我们胜利了 We"ve won. 人们已经不在乎他们的公民自♥由♥了 People are no longer care about their civil liberties, 他们只在乎自己的生活水平 they care about their standard of life. 现代世界已经抛弃自♥由♥这种理念了 The modern world has outgrown notions like freedom. 他们乐于盲从 They are content to follow. 只要自♥由♥意志尚存
威胁就依然存在 The threat remains while free will exists. 数个世纪以来
我们试图通过宗教 For centuries we try with religion, 政♥治♥
来铲除异议 with politics and now consumerism to eliminate dissent. 现在难道不是时候尝试科学办法了吗 Isn"t it the time we gave a science a try? 我女儿比我们所有人都要更接近成功了 My daughter is closer than we"ve ever been. 你美丽的女儿怎么样了 How is your beautiful daughter? 她追踪到了伊甸苹果的守护者 She has traced protectors of the Apple. 在哪儿 Where? 安达卢西亚
1492 年 Andalucia, 1492. 他们的后人呢
The descendents? 所有的后人都死光了 All the blood lines have died out. 只剩下一个 But one. 我们追踪他的血脉到 500 年前
We"ve traced his back 500 years, 定位到刺客兄弟会身上 to the Assassin"s Brotherhood. 幻觉
就是我们所谓的"血缘效应" Hallucinations are what we call the "Bleeding effect." 回溯后的画面 Images of your regression, 潜藏在你现在的视界里 laying themselves over your present day field of vision. 如果你允许的话
我可以教你怎么控制它们 If you allow me, I can teach you how to control them. 退下
我可以搞定 Stand down. I have this. 随她去吧 Let her be. 那台机器
到底是什么东西 What is it? The machine? 那是基因记忆机器 It"s genetic memory. 通过使用阿尼姆斯 By using the Animus, 我们可以获取祖先的记忆 we can relive lives of those who made us who we are. 我看到的情形
感觉很真实 What I saw in there, it felt real. 的确如此 It was. 在某种程度上是 In a way. 别跟我耍花招 Don"t mess with me! 我现在感觉不一样了 I feel different now. 为什么这么有攻击性 Why the aggression? 我本就是个有攻击性的人 I"m an aggressive person. 这是什么监狱
What kind of prison is this? 这里不是监狱
卡尔 It"s not a prison, Cal. 只要你乖乖合作
就会了解到更多东西 You"ll learn more if you cooperate. 放开我 Let me go. 我饿了 I"m hungry. 跟我来 Come with me. 林奇 1979 年-现在 对卡勒姆·林奇的担忧加深 黑帮突袭当地办事处 林奇必死无疑 这是什么东西 What is this? 我知道关于你的一切
卡尔 I know everything about you, Cal. 你的医疗数据
你的心理档案 Your medical data, your psychological profile, 以及你 MAO-A 基因的变异 the mutations in your MAO-A gene. 我知道你在寄养家庭的事 I know about the foster homes. 在少管所的事 The juvenile homes. 你是遗传和犯罪存在关联的活生生的证据 You are a living proof of the link between heredity and crime. 你们是怎么找到我的 How did you find me? 我们先找到了阿圭拉 We found Aguilar. 你被逮捕时
你的 DNA 被发现与他的相匹配 When you were arrested, your DNA matched his. -阿圭拉是谁
-你的祖先 - Who is Aguilar? - Your ancestor. 他的家族祖上都是刺客 His family were Assassins. 他们被圣殿骑士团
和你看到的 They were burnt at the stake by the Templars, 那个黑衣骑士奥哈达绑在柱子上烧死了 Torquemada and the black knight you saw, Ojeda.
阿圭拉继承了刺客大业 Aguilar took up the Assassins" cause. 你经常外出吗 Do you go out much? 比你外出的时候多 More than you. 这里的其他人呢
也都是实验室里的小白鼠吗 And the others in here? Are they the lab rats too? 他们也是刺客
跟他们的祖先一样都是杀手 They are Assassins, murderers like their ancestors. 跟你一样
卡尔 Like you, Cal. 天生就具有暴♥力♥倾向 All born with predisposition to violence. 杀手 Murderer? -你杀了那个人
-他是个皮条客 - You killed the man. - A pimp. 你会再次杀人吗 Would you kill again? 幸福的一家人 Happy families. 她一定为你感到很骄傲 She must be very proud. 我不知道 I wouldn"t know. 她被一名刺客杀死了 She was killed by an Assassin. 跟你母亲的遭遇一样 Like your mother. 抱歉 Sorry. 我父亲杀了我母亲 My old man killed my mother. 那让你是什么感觉 And how does that make you feel? 我想杀了他 Like killing him. 要么我们让这事影响我们一辈子 Either we let it to effect us for the rest of our lives, 要么采取点措施 or we just do something about it. 你选择了暴♥力♥
我选择了科学 You turn to violence, I turn to science.
卡尔 It"s the Apple of Eden, Cal. 我相信它真的存在 I believe it exists. 《圣经》告诉我们 The Bible tells us 其中蕴含了人类第一次违抗命令的种子 it contained the seed of man"s first disobedience. 但也有些人认为 But there are those of us who believe that 上帝
或某种古文明 God or some ancient civilization 给我们留下了一张指示图 have left us a road map 帮助我们了解人为什么会有暴♥力♥性 to understand why people are violent. 据称伊甸苹果最后一次出现是在阿圭拉手上 Aguilar was the last person known to have had it in his possession. 我们需要你查出他把那东西♥藏♥在哪儿了 We need you to find out where he hid it. 我以为我是来接受治疗的 I thought I was here to be cured. 暴♥力♥就是一种疾病 Violence is a disease. 跟癌症一样 Like cancer. 并且如同癌症
我们希望有一天能控制住它 And like cancer, we hope to control it one day. 正是暴♥力♥让我活到了今天 Violence is what kept me alive. 严格来说
你已经死了 Well technically, you"re dead. 我饿了 I"m hungry. 我能得到什么好处 What"s in it for me? 一旦我的研究完成了 Once my research is complete, 就没必要把你关在这里了 there is no reason to keep you here. 我能过上以前的生活 I get my life back? 更好
你能拥有全新的生活 Better. A new one.
你不是饿了吗 You are hungry. 你不知道他是什么人
也不清楚他的本性 You don"t know who he is, what he is. 他是个危险人物 He is a dangerous man. 再给他点时间
埃米尔 Give him little more time, Emir. 那家伙可能会证明
他身上有高贵的血统 Man may prove that has some noble blood in him yet. 不如坐这里吧
先生 How about here, sir? 菜单上有很多可选项
但我们推荐鸡肉 It"s an open menu, but we do recommend a chicken. 你需要什么
菜单上有很多可选项 What can I get you, Mr. Lynch? It"s an open menu, 但我们推荐鸡肉 but we do recommend a chicken. 我要牛排 I"ll steak. 给这位先驱来份牛排 Steak for the pioneer. 你是谁 Who are you? 他们都叫我穆萨 They call me Moussa. 但我的真名叫巴普蒂斯特
我已经死了 200 年了 But my name is Baptiste. I"m dead 200 years now. 巫毒大♥师♥ Voodoo poisoner. 我是无害的 I"m harmless. 他们都在观察你 They"re watching you. 等着看你是什么样的人
先驱 Waiting to see who you are, pioneer. 你见过他了吗 Have you met him yet? 你见过他了吗 Have you met him yet? 我们是伊甸苹果最后的守护者
朋友 We are the last to protect the Apple, my friend. 你一旦做出错误的选择
Pick the wrong choice,
就会把我们全部打入无限时空 you"ll send us all to infinity. 这个 This... 属于你 belongs to you. 你要带领他们找到伊甸苹果 You"re going to lead them right to it. 不
我会把苹果吃掉 No, I"m going to eat it. 到底怎么回事 What the fuck is going on? 他必须再次进入阿尼姆斯 He has to go back in the Animus. 马上 Now. 他需要休息一段时间
才能再次进入 He needs more time before he goes in again. 我们没时间了 We don"t have time. 为什么 Why? 我不会拿他的生命冒险 I won"t risk his life. 那我只好找其他人代劳了 I"ll have to find someone else to do it. 到你了
猛♥男♥ You"re up, slugger. 我疯了 I"m crazy. 我疯了 I"m crazy. 疯狂想感觉如此孤寂 Crazy for feeling so lonely. 他们打算把他再次送进阿尼姆斯 They"re getting him back in again. 我们应该在他背叛我们之前阻止他 We should stop him before he betrays us. 设置好中断日期 Set the date for the six. 如果他的情况恶化
就把他拉出来 If his condition deteriorates, pull him out. -你父亲说...
-我不管他说过什么 - You father... - I don"t care what my father said.
我到底做错了什么 What in the world did I do? -卡尔
-我疯狂尝试... - Cal, listen to me. - I"m crazy for trying... 听我说
你必须跟阿圭拉保持合体状态 Listen to me. You have to stay with Aguilar. 疯狂想哭泣... Crazy for crying... 脱离同步状态可能会有危险 Staying in synch-void could be dangerous. 我疯狂地爱着你... And I"m crazy for loving you... 很快他们将进军格拉纳达 Soon they will march on Granada. 默♥罕♥默♥德♥苏丹王很软弱 Sultan Muhammad is weak. 他为了救王子 He"ll surrender the Apple 肯定会交出苹果
背叛信条 and betray the Creed to save the prince. 爱让我们软弱 The love makes us weak. 我愿意牺牲自己的亲骨肉 Gladly I"ll sacrifice my flesh and blood, 换取信条永存 for survival of the Creed. 我今日若死
你无需为我落泪 When I die today, don"t waste your tears for me. 主已给出指示 The Lord spoke. 他说 And he said: "一个人若不住在我里面 "If a man abide not in me 他就会被丢进火里 he is cast into the fire 被焚烧殆尽" and he is burned!" 数十年以来 For decades, 你们都活在因宗教纷争 you have lived in the world torn apart 而分崩离析的世界 by religious discord.
多亏上帝 But soon, thanks to God 和宗教裁判所 and Inquisition 我们将彻底清除这种疾病 we will purge this disease! 在你们面前的罪人 The sinners before you, 企图保护格拉纳达的异教王子 sought to defend the heretic prince of Granada, 那里是圣♥战♥要攻下的最后一个异教♥徒♥据点 the last heathen stronghold in our holy war. 所以今天 So today, 在国王和王后的见证下 before our king and queen 我发誓
我们都将在上帝的圣火中 I swear we shall wash ourselves clean, 洗净污秽 in the holy fire of God! 看啊 Behold... 上帝的旨意 God"s will! 你将眼睁睁看着你的师♥父♥被烧死 You will watch your mentor burn 然后你也将受尽折磨而死 and then you will die the slowest. 将荣耀归于未来 Give glory to the future. 而不是我们 Not to us. 他正在同步 He is synchronizing. 该死的异教♥徒♥ Damned heretics! 别让他们跑了 Don"t let them escape! 跳啊 Jump. 解除同步完成 Complete desynch. 放他下来 Get him down!
快叫医护人员来 Call the medics! 没事了
卡尔 Okay. It"s okay. Cal, stay with me. Cal. 坚持住
快点 Stay... It"s okay. Hurry up! 没事了
看着我 Okay. Okay. Look at me. 看着我 Look at me. 我的腿失去知觉了 I can"t feel my legs. 身体麻痹只是暂时的 Paralysis is temporal. 坏消息是什么 What"s the bad news? 它引起了神经分♥裂♥
但我们把你治好了 It caused a neurological split but we got you through it. 这一次侥幸而已 This time. 我会死在这里的
对吧 I"m gonna die in here, aren"t I? 不 No. 如果你凭借你的自♥由♥意志进去
就不会死 Not if you go in there on your own free will. 我做不到 I can"t do this. 你可以的 Yes, you can. 能找到伊甸苹果的人只剩下你了 The Apple. You"re the only one left who can find it. 我们能结束痛苦
卡尔 We can put an end to pain, Cal. 帮助所有人 For everyone. 你从哪里找到的 Where did you get this? 我父亲在你母亲的凶杀现场找到的 My father recovered it from the scene of your mother"s murder. 然后带到这里来保管 And brought it here for safekeeping. 保管 Safekeeping?
你们这是偷窃 You stole it. 这是你母亲的项链
我想交给你 It"s your mother"s necklace. I wanted you to have it. 他为什么会去那里 Why was he there? -去救她
-谁要害她 - To save her. - From whom? -她的同僚
-那跟你有什么关系 - Her own people. - What"s that got to do with you? 刺客和圣殿骑士已经交战了数个世纪 Assassins and Templars have been at war for centuries. 我希望能改变这局面 I aim to change that. 对哦
我忘了 That"s right, I forgot. 我们的目的是根除暴♥力♥ We"re here to combat aggression. 我不喜欢你的方式 I don"t think I like your methods. 我是一个科学家 I am a scientist. 我来这里是为了治好我暴♥力♥的一面 I"m here to be cured of violence. 但有谁能治好你呢 Who"s gonna cure you? 我们是在喂养一头野兽 We"re feeding the beast. 我们在使他变得愈发强大 We"re making him stronger. 我是莱肯博士 I am Dr Rikkin. 叫我亚伦吧 Alan. 我负责管理阿布斯泰戈 I look after things here in Abstergo. 你不喜欢让外人插手
对吧 You like to keep things in the family, huh? 没错 Yes. 如果我们给你造成不适
很抱歉 I"m sorry if we caused you any discomfort. 有什么需要我帮忙的吗 Is there anything I can do?
让我离开这里怎么样 How about you let me out of here? 这件事我办不到 That"s something I can"t manage. 我是来跟你做一笔交易的 I"m here to make a deal. 我们需要伊甸苹果 We need the Apple. 也需要你帮我们找到它 And we need you to get it for us. 你在阿尼姆斯里一直在解除同步 You"ve been desynching in the Animus. 请你不要再那样做 We need you not to do that. 又要把我送进那台机器里了吗 Sending me back to the machine? 不
你已经让我们看到我们需要看到的情形了 No, you"ve already shown us what we needed to see. 那你会释放我们吗 Will you let us free then? 你希望从那个新人身上得到什么 What do you hope to gain from the newcomer? 能让所有人都受益的东西 Something that"ll benefit us all. 包括你
穆萨 You too, Moussa. 你对他们做了什么 What have you done to them? 如果你用自己的意志 It"s what happens 进行时空回溯
就会产生这种后果 if you don"t enter in regression on your own volition. 你认识这个吗 Do you recognize this? 这是刺客之刃 It"s Assassin"s blade. 你父亲正是用这把刀 This is the actual one... 夺去了你母亲的生命 your father used to take your mother"s life. 他也在这里
你知道吗 He"s here, you know? 一个母亲的死亡
卡尔 Mother"s death, Cal.
永远不该让她儿子看到 Not something a boy should ever be made to see. 这样做不对 This is wrong. 是你让我别无选择 You left me no choice. 他一定要靠自己的自♥由♥意志进去
是你说的 He has to go in on his own free will, you said that. -我只能去协商
-你是指操纵吧 - I had to negotiate. - You mean manipulate? 我向长老们承诺了我们会把伊甸苹果送到伦敦 I assured the Elders we would have the Apple for London. 只剩下两天时间了 That"s in two days. 他不想知道自己的过去
也不想认识自己的父亲 He doesn"t want to know his past, or his father. 他想毁掉这两样东西 He wants to destroy them, both. 我们不是在制♥造♥怪物 We"re not in the business of creating monsters. 我们没有制♥造♥它们
也没有毁掉它们 We neither created them nor destroyed them. 我们不过是将它们抛向自己必然的信念 We merely abandoned them to their own inexorable faith. -你是你母亲的孩子
-什么意思 - You"re your mother"s son. - What does that mean? 你体内的血液不属于你自己 Blood that flows through you is not your own. 而属于信条 Belongs to the Creed. 你母亲深知这一点 Your mother knew that. 她用死换来信条的传承 She died so the Creed may live. 告诉我到底是怎么回事 Remind me how, exactly! 你看到的事
是我♥干♥的 What you saw, I did. 你杀了她 You murdered her. 我杀了她
总比让那台机器弄死她要好 I took her life rather than have it stolen by that machine. 人因其崇高的使命而成长 Man grows with the greatness of his task.
我应该把你也杀了 I ought to have killed you. 我下不了手 I couldn"t. 给你 Well, here. 拿着 Take it. 完成你 30 年前没能做到的事 Do what you couldn"t do 30 years ago. 如今刺客之刃已在你手中
卡尔 It"s in your hands now, Cal. 这正是他们想要的结果 This is what they want. 杀了我 Spill my blood. 但千万不要再进入阿尼姆斯 But do not go back in the Animus. 为什么 Why? 伊甸苹果当中蕴含着自♥由♥意志的基因密♥码♥ The Apple contains the genetic code for free will. 他们会用来毁灭我们 They will use it to destroy us. 我一定会找到的 I"m gonna find it. 然后看着他们
毁掉你和你的信条 And watch them destroy you and your Creed. 信条是杀不死的 You can not kill the Creed. 它根植于你的血液中 It"s in your blood. 伊甸苹果就是一切 The Apple is everything. 你母亲为了保护它牺牲了生命 Your mother died to protect it. 她当年别无选择 She had no choice. 但我有 I do. 你要杀了信条 You"re gonna kill the Creed! 带我去阿尼姆斯 Take me to the Animus.
把我放进去 Put me in. 准备阿尼姆斯 Prepare the Animus. 自愿回溯 Voluntary regression. 你知道杀手的名字是怎么得来的 Do you know how the Assassins came to be named? 是根据阿♥拉♥伯词语"哈萨辛"演变来的 From an Arabic word "Hashashin". 他们曾是社会的弃徒 They were society"s outcasts. 他们会偷盗
冷血地杀人 Those who stole, who murdered in cold blood. 人们都嘲弄他们
瘾君子 People ridiculed them... Rebels, fools, drug addicts. 但其实他们很明智 But they were wise. 他们利用这种骂名
来隐藏自身对信条的忠贞 They used this reputation to hide the dedication to principles 甚至瞒过了最强大的敌人 beyond those of even their strongest enemies. 为此
我很钦佩他们 And for that I admire them. 但你不是其中的一员 But you"re not one of those men. 对吧 Are you? 那就试试看吧 Let"s find out. 开始回溯 Commencing regression. 这是我毕生的事业 This is my life"s work. 这是我的生命 It"s my life. 为了信条 For the Creed. 我们自身的生命 Our own lives... 重要的是
我们为后世留下什么 What matters is what we leave behind. 苏丹 Sultan...
把伊甸苹果交出来 Surrender the Apple. 那些保护你的刺客都已经走了 Your Assassin protectors are gone. 信条已经完了 The Creed is finished. 我儿 My son. 这里面是人类第一次违抗命令的种子 Here lies the seed of man"s first disobedience, 是自♥由♥意志 of free will itself. 多亏了伊甸苹果 Thanks to the Apple of Eden, 这已知的世界 the known world 将会被引入新纪♥元♥ shall be ushered into a new age. 一个和平的新纪♥元♥ One of peace, 在那里
所有彼此敌对的人类 in which all the warring populations of mankind 将完全服从圣殿的统治 shall bow in perfect obedience to our one templar rule. 伊甸苹果 The Apple. 交给他 Give it to him. 立刻 Now. 为了信条 For the Creed. 快走 Go! 原谅我 Forgive me. 已经结束了 It"s over! 有刺客 Assassin! 信仰之跃 A leap of faith. 现在在哪儿 Where are we?
似乎是个军事港口 It looks like a military port. 位于加的斯
帕洛斯德拉夫龙特拉 Kadiz, Palos de la Frontera. 刺客为此而死 The Assassins died for it. 用你的生命去保护它 Protect it with your life. 我是信条的朋友 I am a friend of the Creed. 带入你的坟墓 Take it to your grave. 我发誓 I swear. 他们在说什么
翻译一下 What is it? Translation. 追寻着太阳的光芒 Following the light of the sun, 我将抛下这个旧世界 I shall leave this old world behind. 是克里斯托弗·哥伦布 It"s Christopher Columbus. 他的坟墓在哪里 Where is he buried? 他的遗体被转送回了西班牙 His remains were returned to Spain. 他的坟墓在塞维利亚大教堂里 His tomb is in Seville Cathedral. 我们找到了 We found it. 全明星们
过来 Hey All Stars, come here. 挑一个 Pick one. 随便选一个 Anyone. -休息大厅发生袭击事件
-封锁阿尼姆斯 - Breach in common room. - Seal the Animus. 那是记忆吗 Is it a memory? 不是 No. 快啊 Come on!
-准备就绪 - Transport? - Standing by. 保护好阿尼姆斯
肃清整个机构 Protect the Animus. Purge the facility. 我需要先把你救出去 I need to get you out of here first. -不行
索菲娅 - No! - We have to leave, Sophia. 不 No! 不要 No! 你不是一个人
卡尔 You are not alone, Cal. 你从来都不是 You never were. -开门
-快 - Open... - Come on. 所有人都盲目追寻着真♥相♥时 Where other men blindly follow the truth, -记住
-一切皆虚 - remember... - Nothing is true. 所有人都被道德或法律束缚时 Where other men are limited by morality or law, -记住
-无事不允 - remember... - Everything is permitted. 我们在黑暗中侍奉光明 We work in the darkness to serve the light. 我们是刺客 We are Assassins. 现在要怎样
先驱 What now, pioneer? 我们要战斗 We fight. 大人 Your Excellency. 荣誉将属于你父亲 The glory will go to your father. 但我们都知道是谁找到的 But we both know who found it. 属于你的光辉时刻会到来的
孩子 Your time will come, my child. 伦敦
圣殿大厅 他们会为此把诺♥贝♥尔♥和♥平♥奖♥颁给你
They"ll give you a Nobel peace prize for this. 你最好开始写演讲辞了 You better start writing your speech. *-我看过你的演讲辞了
-然后呢 - I"ve read yours. - And? 如果我们铲除了自♥由♥意志
就将刺客兄弟会消灭了 If we eradicate free will, we eradicate the Assassins. 他们就像是荼毒社会长达数个世纪的癌症 A cancer that has menaced society for centuries. 那不是我的最佳作品
但意思都表达清楚了 It"s not my best work, but it gets the point across. 我们一直在寻找解决办法 We"ve been looking for solutions. 你解决了这个问题 You"ve eliminated the problem. 所以我的项目... So my program... 第一次为这个社会带来了秩序 Has brought order to society for the first time. 这一切都是我的功劳 I"m accountable for this. 已经算上你的功劳了 You"ve already been accounted for. 我们的成果都属于长老会 Our work belongs to the Elders. 现在是他们最光荣的时刻 This is their finest hour. 你对我撒谎了 You lied to me. 我一直都知道 I"ve always known 在你心里
圣殿骑士团排第二 that in your heart you"re a scientist first, templar second. 你最近的工作实在太令人叹为观止了 Your recent work has impressed as much 但那恰恰证实了我们的信仰
but it has confirmed our belief 也就是人类是无法获得救赎的 that mankind cannot be redeemed. 所以你早就盘算好了一切 So you"ve thought of everything. 也不算吧
我的演讲辞就没想好 Not quite. My speech. 如果能加上你出色的开场白就更好了
It could do with one of your elegant openings. 现在我成了死神 Now I"ve become death, 世界的毁灭者 the destroyer of worlds. 不太确定我能否让这一切实现 Not sure that I could make that work. 今晚
我很荣幸地向大家介绍 It is with great pleasure tonight that I introduce 我们古老骑士团的未来的构建者 the architect of our ancient order"s future. 有请阿布斯泰戈基金会的总裁 Please welcome the CEO of Abstergo Foundation, 亚伦·莱肯博士 Dr. Alan Rikkin. 随着伊甸苹果被重新寻回 With the recovery of the Apple, 我们现在拥有了 we are now in possession 关于人类本能的完整基因地图 of the complete genetic road map to humanity"s instincts. 任何能导致独♥立♥ Any impulse towards independence, 抗拒或反叛的冲动
都将被清除 resistance or rebellion will be crushed. 任何违背人类进步的体征 Any predisposition that might oppose our march of progress 现在都能被根除 can now be eradicated. 我只需大喊一声
你就会没命 All I have to do is shout. 我是来帮助你的 I"m here to help you. 你也是来帮助我的 And you"re here to help me. 我帮不了你了 I can"t help you anymore. 那么那些伟大的计划呢 What about all those great plans? 治愈暴♥力♥
攻击性行为 Cure violence, combat aggression. 那是不可能的了 That"s not going to happen. 是你开启的这一切
You"ve started this, Sophie. You don"t get to walk away. 我们都知道接下来会怎样 We both know what happens next. 并非所有东西都有资格活着 Not everything deserves to live. 我做不到 I can"t do this. 不
你可以的 Yes, you can. 但我们不该将荣耀 But it is not to ourselves, 献给自己
而是应该献给未来 but to the future, that we must give glory. 一个没有刺客信条的未来 A future purged of the Assassin"s Creed! 女士们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen, 这就是伊甸苹果 the Apple of Eden. 是我♥干♥的 I did this. 我会替长老会寻回宝物 I will retrieve the artifact for the Elders. 但我想把林奇留给自己 Lynch I want for me. 但我们不该将荣耀 It is not to ourselves, 献给自己
而是应该献给未来 but to the future, that we must give glory.