发布时间:2020-07-31 来源: 思想汇报 点击:
对不起 I"m sorry. -噢
宝贝 -Oh, it"s okay. -I"m sorry, baby. -对不起
-他妈的肩膀 -I"m sorry. -Fucking shoulder. 继续 Keep going. 这感觉不错 That"s helping. 想都别想 Never. 就剪一点
就把前面的剪了 Just a little bit. Just to clean it up. 我不要 I"m not cutting it. 但你短发看起来更帅啊 But you"d look so hot with short hair. -噢
-是的 -Oh, would I? -Yeah. -谢谢
不... -Thank you. -No, no, no... 抱歉
我不是那个意思 Sorry, I didn"t mean it like that. 你很帅 You are hot. 你是最帅的 You are the hottest. -继续
-你还有你那艳丽 -Keep going. -You and your gorgeous, 茂密的长发 thick, long hair. -继续...-我就他妈的喜欢这么长 -Continue... -I just fucking love the way it"s long. 是吗 Yeah? 父亲节快乐
爸爸 Happy Father"s Day, Daddy! 孩子们
我们说好了早餐后的 Kids, we said after breakfast. 我想吃蛋糕做早餐 I want cake for breakfast. 哇
巧克力加糖果屑 Wow! Chocolate with sprinkles!
我的最爱 My favorite. 父亲节快乐 Happy Father"s Day! -快打开
快打开 -Open it! Open it! Open it! -Open it! Open it! Open it! 我在打开 I am, I am. 我喜欢充满惊喜 I like building up the anticipation. 噢
你们... Oh, you guys... -你喜欢吗
-大爱啊 -You like it? -I love it. 爱死了 I love it. -谢谢你们
-妈妈帮我们一起做的 -Thank you. -Mom helped us. 才没有
这都是你们的主意 No, I didn"t. It was all their idea. -是吧
-对 -Right, kids? -Right. -蛋糕
蛋糕 -Cake! Cake! Cake! -Cake! Cake! Cake! -好
蛋糕 -Okay, okay. -Cake! Cake! Cake! 蛋糕
蛋糕... Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! 噢
看看这蛋糕多好看 Oh, look at that beautiful looking cake! 啊... Ah... 是谁砸蛋糕到怪物上的 Who did this to monster! 噢
你们躲不了怪物的 Oh, you can"t hide from monster! 怪物能闻到你们 Monster can smell you! 快跑
怪物来了 Run! Run! Monster"s coming! 怪物让孩子们消失了 Monster made kids disappear. 而且... And...
怪物想继续我们刚才做的事 Monster wanna finish what we started. 太晚了
孩子们都起床了 Too late, the kids are awake. 怪物很伤心 Monster sad. 我知道怪物能等到星期一的 I"m sure monster can wait till Monday. 怪物已经等了 3 个星期了 Monster been waiting three weeks. 是啊
但有小孩还有我的展览 Yeah, but with the kids and my exhibition 我没办法让所有人可以同时开心啊 I cannot keep everybody happy all the time. 怪物不想吵架 Monster doesn"t want to start a fight. 好吧
我也不想 Okay. Sorry, me neither. 我保证
我们吃完这个我马上回来 I promise we"ll finish this as soon as I get back. 噢
怪物很开心 Oh, monster happy. 怪物很开心 Monster happy. 怪物非常开心 Monster very happy. 是的
妈妈 Yeah, Mommy. -谢谢
-不客气 -Gracias. -De nada. -全都收拾好了吗
-对 -Everybody packed? -Yeah. 猴子
乖 Monkey, good boy. 爸爸
为什么我们能带猴子一起去海滩 Dad, why can"t we take Monkey to the beach with us? 是啊
你知道他很喜欢海滩 Yeah, you know he loves the beach. 猴子要呆在这陪你们爸爸呢 Monkey needs to stay here and keep your dad company 好让他周末不用那么孤单 so he doesn"t stay all alone during the weekend. -真不公平
-敲门声 -That"s unfair. -Knock-knock.
路易斯 Hey, Louis! 嘿
印刷机新鲜出炉 Hey, guys, hot off the presses. -怎么了
-说什么 -What"s going on, Louis? -What"s shakin"? 怎么样了
小伙伴 What"s going on, little guys? 韦伯先生
你好吗 Mr. Webber, how are you, sir? 早上好
路易斯 Morning, Louis. 我也想帮你
但我手拿着咖啡 I"d offer you a hand, but all I can lift is this coffee. 噢
原来你就是这样给女孩子留下好印象的 Oh, that"s what happens when you try to impress girls in the bat cage. 我不是在调情
我是一个绅士 I wasn"t flirting, I was being a gentleman. 是啊
我想她是个可怜又无助的 25 岁女孩 Yeah, I"m sure she was a poor helpless 25-year-old. 对
很无助 Yeah, helpless. 你们知道这是什么吗 Do you know what this is? 是给爸爸的父亲节礼物 Is it a Father"s Day present for Daddy? 不
这是妈妈的展览目录 No. No, this is Mommy"s catalog. 如果他们这次用对颜色的话 Assuming they got the color right this time. 噢
希望吧 Oh, let"s hope. 我觉得他们用对了 I think they did. 这有一点紫红
但几乎完美了 It"s a little bit magenta, but it"s almost perfect. -什么是紫红
-这颜色 -What"s magenta? -This color. 亲爱的
这够完美了 Honey, it"s perfect. 妈妈
路易斯可以跟我们一起去海滩吗 Mom, can Louis come to the beach with us? 不
路易斯要留在这工作 No, Louis needs to stay here and do some work.
就像你们爸爸一样 Just like your daddy. 正确 That"s correct. 我和你们爸爸今晚要开父亲节派对 Father"s Day party that me and your dad are gonna have tonight. 路易斯
嘘 Louis! Shh! -噢
-你们不是开派对 -Oh, come on. -You"re not having a party. 我不是要开派对 I"m not having a party, 我要努力工作 I"m working very hard. 你带上你的枪了吗 Did you pack your gun? -带了
-炸♥弹♥带了吗 -Yes. -Did you pack the bomb? -带了
-加农炮带了吗 -Yes. -Have you packed the cannon? -带了
-电锯带了吗 -Yes. -Have you packed the chainsaw? 电锯带了吗 You didn"t pack the chainsaw? 天啊
快去拿电锯 Go get the chainsaw, man! 胶合剂还没干
但明天晚上应该可以了 The cement still hasn"t dried, but it should be fine by tomorrow night. 但还是非常脆弱
而且那些搬运工在... Still, it"s extremely fragile and I don"t trust those movers... 搞到画廊一团糟后我就不相信他们了 after the mess they made at the gallery. 对
别担心 No, I"ll take care of it. Don"t worry. 好的
我会帮你全部收拾好的 Okay, gracias,I"ll have it all packed up for you. 好的 Okay. 这几乎干透了 It"s almost dry though. 好
那么把它送到画廊后我再通知你 Yeah, so I"ll just text you when it"s at the gallery. 不用担心 Don"t worry about anything,
你在海滩过个好的周末 I got it all under control. You have a good weekend at the beach. 玩得开心
我走了 Enjoy yourself. I"m out. 谢谢你
路易斯 Gracias, Louis. -韦伯先生
-谢谢 -Mr. Webber, I"ll see you tomorrow. -Thank you. 我意思是"今晚"开超级秘密派对 I mean, "tonight" for the super-secret party. -路易斯...-回头见
孩子们 -Louis... -See you, kids. -拜
-超级秘密派对 -Bye, Louis. -Super-secret party? -超级米米派对
-好吧 -Super-secret party. -Okay. 这是最后一个了 Is this the last one? -你喜欢吗
-大爱 -You like it? -I love it. 很好 Good. 我觉得它应该大一点 I think it should be bigger. -你觉得
那么我们就有游泳池了 -You think so? -Yeah, then we can get the pool. 好吧
我下次会做大一点 Okay, I"ll do it bigger next time. 我告诉维维安明天下午 2 点 I told Vivian tomorrow at 2:00. 我不需要她治疗了
已经愈合了 I don"t need her therapy anymore, it"s healing. 跟你的肩膀说吧 Tell that to your shoulder. 爸爸
你真的不能跟我们一起去海滩吗 Dad, are you sure you can"t come to the beach with us? 我最爱运动了 I would love nothing more, sport. 但如果爸爸这周末不工作
我们就要搬去住纸皮箱了 But if Daddy doesn"t work this weekend, we"ll have to live in a box. 你们想搬去纸皮箱住吗 Do you guys want to live in a box? -不
不怎么想 -No. -No. Not really.
除非是我设计的 Me neither. Unless I designed it. 好了
跟爸爸说再见吧 Okay, say goodbye to Daddy. 拜
爸爸 Bye, Daddy. 跟猴子说再见吧 Say goodbye to Monkey. 拜
猴子 Bye, Monkey. 爸爸
别忘了发你派对的照片上照片墙 Daddy, don"t forget to send all your party pix on Instagram. 好的 Okay. 到那里记得打给我 Call me when you get there. 我会的
我爱你 I will. I love you. -我爱你
-我爱你 -I love you. -I love you. 拜
亲们 Bye, guys. -拜
爸爸 -Bye. -Bye, Daddy. 去理发吧
爸爸 Get a haircut, Dad! 那么
猴子... Well, Monkey... 看来只剩你和我了
孩子 Looks like it"s just me and you, kid. 嘿
宝贝 Hey, baby. 房♥子怎么样 How"s the house? 嗨
很完美 Hi! It"s perfect. 看吧
跟爸爸说声好 Look. Kids, say hello to your dad. -嗨
-哈喽 -Hi! -Hello. 就缺你而已 All it needs is you. -我爱你
-我也爱你 -I love you. -I love you, too.
想你 Miss you. 晚安 Good night. 是谁 Who"s there? 麻烦你一下先生
拜托了 Just one second, sir, please. -你们
拜托了 -Hello? -Could I use yourphone, please? 什么 Yes? 很抱歉我们打扰你了
先生 We"re so sorry to bother you, sir, 但你可以告诉我们格雷戈里在哪住吗 but could you please tell us where the Gregorys live? 这是我们找的第三间房♥子了 This is the third house we"ve tried. 好像所有人长周末都出去了 Looks like everyone"s gone for the long weekend. 格雷戈里 The Gregorys? 不
我不认识这里... No, I don"t know anyone around here... 叫那名字的人 by that name. 地址是哪里 What"s the address? 额 Um, 我其实也不知道 I honestly don"t know. 我的电♥话♥湿了而她的电♥话♥留在家了 My phone got wet and she left hers at her house. 的士就把我们放这里 The taxi just dropped us here. 我们一直在这周围走了 20 分钟了 We"ve been walking around for, like, 20 minutes. 对
我的脚都快断了 Yeah, my feet are, like, dying. 但我很抱歉
恐怕我帮不了你们 Well, I"m sorry. I"m afraid I can"t help you. 祝福你们 Bless you.
给你 Here. 谢谢 Thank you. 那么
可以进来打个电♥话♥ Well, if you guys want you can come in and use my phone. 噢
但... Oh, thanks, but... 联♥系♥人都在我们手♥机♥里 All our contacts are on our phones. 我...我甚至自己号♥码多少都不知道
你能信 I... I don"t even know my own number, can you believe it? 也许阿什利在脸书聊天室 Maybe Ashley"s on Facebook chat? 啊
聪明 Ah, genius. 其实
你介意我们用一下你的电脑吗 Actually, would you mind if we just used your computer for a sec? 我们不想勉强你 We don"t want to impose. 我们拿到地址后就不麻烦你了 We"ll just get the address and be out of your hair. 好吧
当然 Yeah. Sure. 进来 Come in. 谢谢你 Thank you. 不用
不用担心 No, it"s fine. Don"t worry. 噢
我不介意 Oh, I don"t mind. 我们不想把你房♥子搞脏 We don"t want to mess up your house. 是啊
麻烦你了 Yeah. Excuse me. 额
非常感谢你 Um, thank you so, so much. -我知道这很突然
-没事 -I know this is so random. -It"s fine. 等等
我去给你们拿平板电脑和毛巾 Hang on, I"ll get you an iPad and some towels. 谢谢 Thanks.
房♥子很漂亮啊 Nice house. 谢谢 Thanks. 女孩们 Girls? 我们在这 We"re in here. 对不起
这比较暖和 I"m so sorry, it was warmer here. 希望你别介意 Hope you don"t mind. 我们冷死了 We were freezing. 给你们 Here. 我的天
谢谢你 Oh, my God. Thank you. 这真让人尴尬 This is beyond embarrassing. 不用担心 Don"t worry about it. 当自己家一样就好 Make yourselves at home. 顺便一提
我是贝尔 I"m Bel, by the way. 埃文 Evan. -很高兴认识你
-很高兴认识你 -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. 阿什利在线 Ashley"s online. 很好 Cool. 你真是好人
埃文 You"re a life saver, Evan. 现在不是谁都会让两个陌生人进屋的 Not everyone would just let two total strangers into their house these days. 你们看起来不怎么危险 Well, you don"t look that dangerous. 最坏情况 Worst case scenario, 我知道我应付不了你们两个 I know I can take the both of you.
那很难说 I"m not so sure. 我有练空中拳击 I do air boxing. -空中拳击
懂吧 -Air boxing? -Yeah, like, you know? -噢
对不起 -Oh, okay. -Oh, my God, I"m sorry. -先生
-是 -Excuse me, sir. -Yes. -这地址是什么
-他叫埃文 -What"s the address? -His name"s Evan. 埃文 Evan? 坎特
458 号♥ 458 Canter. 哇
我们离好远 Wow. We"re like, far. 是坎特纳
不是坎特 It was Kantner, not Canter. 出租车肯定是误解我们了 The cab must"ve misunderstood us. 我早告诉你走错路了 I told you that he was going the wrong way. 那家伙基本不会说英语 That guy barely spoke English. 我意思是
他的英语比我的还差 I mean, his English was worse than mine. 这下可真麻烦 This is so retarded. 别担心
我召唤优步 Don"t worry about it. I"ll call an Uber. 不
不 No. No, no, no. 我们可以出去找出租车
没问题的 We can find a cab outside. It"s no problem. 你在这找不到的 Not around here, you won"t. 相信我
这是唯一可靠的方法 Trust me, it"s the only reliable way. 你确定
我觉得像白♥痴♥一样 You sure? I feel like such an idiot. 我们不想破坏你的夜晚 We don"t want to ruin your night.
没问题 No really. It"s fine. 在寻找司机 It"s looking for a driver. 而它将会在... And it"ll be here in... 45 分钟内来到这 45 minutes. 那么久 That long? 雨天 The rain. 找到一台就很幸运了 We"re lucky we even got one. 什么 What? 额
我知道这听起来很奇怪 Um, I know this is gonna sound weird, 但我们可以用一下你的干衣机
but could we maybe throw our clothes in your dryer just for,
大概 10 分钟 like, 10 minutes? 我们真的不想全身湿透的去派对 We really don"t want to go to a party soaking wet. 对 No. 求求你 Please? 当然可以
额... Sure, sure. Um... 我们有些多余的浴袍
我会...去拿 We have some extra robes. I"ll, uh, go get them. -谢谢你
-好 -Thank you. -Yay. 这真的救了我们的命 This is literally saving our lives. 对
我们可能会生病然后死了 Yeah, we could get sick and die. 你的手♥机♥在吗 You have your phone? 在
怎么了 Uh yeah, why? 我可以试着修好它 I can try and fix it.
真的吗 Really? Oh. 我的孩子把我的电♥话♥扔浴缸里 My kid dropped mine in the tub, 而且你不会相信
但如果你把手♥机♥放进米缸里 and you won"t believe this, but if you put it in rice 会把手♥机♥抽干 it kinda dries it out. -那最好了
-米 -That would be awesome. -Rice? 我的天
你真利害啊 Oh, my God, you"re like a MythBuster. 非常感谢你
埃文 Thank you so much, Evan. 不客气... You"re welcome... -乔纳森
-乔纳森 -Genesis. -Genesis. 对
就是创世记 Yeah, like the beginning of time. 起源 In the beginning. 不好意思 Sorry. 好吧
你...你真不会开玩笑 Yup, that was...You"re sick of that. 谢谢 Thanks. 我去
额... I"ll, uh... 我去拿浴袍给你们 I"ll go get you some. 嘿
埃文 Hey, Evan? 衣服我们该拿去哪 Where should we put these? 噢
我来拿去吧 Oh, I"ll take them. 不
我们不介意 No, we can do it. We don"t mind. 我来吧 I got it. 我给你们冲了茶 I made you some tea.
那很好 -Thank you. -Thank you, that"s nice. -真贴心
-来给我 -So sweet. -I"ll trade you. 额
好的 Uh, okay. 谢谢 Gracias. 借过 Excuse me. 我的天 Oh, my God. 噢
对不起 Oh, sorry. 我们在热身 We were trying to warm up. 我意思是
我们从没见过这 Yeah, I mean, we"ve never seen one of these before. -实物
-没事 -A real one. -It"s okay. 小心点就好
这是古董 Just be careful. It"s old. 我看你们已经见过猴子了 I see you"ve met Monkey. 对
这是猴子 Yeah, this is Monkey. 猴子是时候去睡觉了 It"s time for Monkey to go to bed. -拜
猴子 -Bye, Monkey. -Night-night, Monkey. -晚安
-作个好梦 -Night-night. -Sweet dreams. 拜
猴子 Bye, Monkey. 好了
猴子 All right, Monkey. 回家吧
猴子 Go home, Monkey. 你有很多唱片 You have so many records. 抱歉
我们拿了一张试试 Sorry. We had to try one. 别再道歉了
这没什么 Stop apologizing, it"s okay.
你们品位不错啊 I love this album. You have good taste. 这像是... This is like... 疯狂收藏者啊 An insane collection. -对
-这一定很值钱 -Yeah. -It must be worth a fortune. 什么都数字化了
所以... Well, everything"s online now, so... 但是我喜欢乙烯基播出来的声音 But, uh, I love the sound of vinyl. 你真的很懂音乐 You"re really into music. 那个
我以前是干这个的 Well, it used to be my job. 什么
像是唱片销♥售♥员 What? Like a record salesman? 我以前是 DJ I was a DJ. 我的天
那真酷 Oh, my God. That"s so cool! 你就像是激光上校 You"re like Major Lazer! 这现在是个爱好
我好几年没演出了 It"s really a hobby now, I haven"t had a real gig in years. 等等
你几岁了 Wait, how old are you? 我 43 岁 I"m 43. -不是吧
-我真不敢相信你 43 了 -No fucking way. -I can"t believe you"re 43. 我以为你才 28 最多 30 I thought you were, like, 28 or 30 at the most. 好吧
我 30 岁就结婚了 Well, I got married when I was 30. 你老婆呢 Where"s your wife? 她跟我的孩子们在海滩 She"s at the beach with my kids. 我们本来去那过父亲节
但工作太忙 We were gonna spend Father"s Day there, but, uh, work happened. 我的天
你在父亲节一个人 Oh, my God, you are all alone on Father"s Day.
我们来陪你吧 Poor Evan, we"ll keep you company! 抱抱 Hugs! 不
我们早上庆祝过了 No, it"s fine. We celebrated this morning. 哇
你真不像 43 岁 Whoa, you"re not 43. 你肯定每天都有健身 You must work out, like, every day. 对
我要保持身材 Yeah, I keep in shape. 虽然不像我 20 岁那时
但... Not like when I was in my 20s, but, uh... 别谦虚
很多人身材的线条 Come on, any guy that ripped 都没你的好 is more into his own ass than yours. 对
说认真的 Yeah, I mean, like, seriously, 你只有健身 is that all you do? 我的天 Oh, my God, 我记得我有一次跟模特做♥爱♥ I remember I fucked this model once, 而当我们在做♥爱♥期间 and while we were having sex 我在镜子里看见他在做仰卧起坐 I caught him doing crunches in the mirror. 这是有史以来最基情的事 It was the gayest thing ever. 看哪天我会找一个更年长 I"d take somebody that"s older
更有经验的苏格兰模特 and more experienced over an Abercrombie model any day. 是啊 Yeah. 那么
希望你会找到 Well, hopefully one day you"ll find both. 我不知道 I don"t know. 内衣模特都是像你 14 岁时的做♥爱♥对象而已 Underwear models are the kind of guys you fuck when you"re 14.
这是一个陈述 That"s a statement. -这是你老婆
-对 -This is your wife? -Yup. 我想看看 I want to see it. 哇
她很漂亮 Wow! She"s so pretty. 她很漂亮
你真幸运 She"s beautiful. You"re a lucky guy. 对
还有谁 Yeah, I certainly am. 我只是一个建筑师
但... I"m just an architect, but... 她更厉害 she"s the real deal. 你们看见这里大多数东西 Most of what you see is hers. -这些都她做的
-对 -She made all these? -Yeah. 哇 Wow. 它们很别致 They"re so pretty. 我喜欢这颜色 I love these colors. 红色是我的最爱 Red"s my favorite. 这真厉害 This is amazing. 其实我是学艺术史的 I actually studied art history. 我不是专家
但 I"m no expert, I was only there for a semester, but, 这... this... 这就像是高迪的建筑物
但是迷你版 This is like a Gaudi building, but small. 对
我老婆很喜欢高迪 Yeah, my wife loves Gaudi. 她是...她是巴塞罗那出生的 She was, uh, she was born in Barcelona. 跟我一样 Like me?
你们说话听起来太性感了 English, English.You guys sound too sexy. 我的西班牙语程度就这样而已 That"s about the extent of my Spanish anyway. 我的孩子说得很好 My kids speak it perfectly. 你老婆是个很棒的艺术家 Your wife"s an amazing artist. 为什么这些雕像在这 Why are these sculptures here? 它们应该在像
现代艺术博物馆 They should be in like, MOMA. 其实... Actually, um... 这说不上是现代艺术博物馆... It"s not exactly MOMA... 但她在洛杉矶有个很大的画廊展 But she"s having a big gallery show in LA. 凯伦
这名字很美 Karen Alvarado. That"s such a pretty name. 建筑师和艺术家 An architect and an artist. 你们这一对真完美 You guys are like the perfect couple. 而且她那么火♥辣♥ And she"s so hot. 你们肯定整天做♥爱♥的 You must have sex, like, all day. -贝尔
-干嘛 -Bel! -What? 我会的 I would. 她每次看见辣妹都会追着她 She sees a hot girl and chases after her. 好吧
我没抱怨 Well, it"s okay. I have no complaints. 抱歉
我只是说真心话而已 Sorry, I was just being honest. 不
没事 No, no. It"s fine. 额
但... Um, but, uh... 我得说 I must say
我只是不太习惯女孩子那个这么开放 I"m not used to girls just being so open about that. 那个 About what? 性 Sex? 不
我意思是...对 No, I mean... Yes. -是的
-是的 -Yeah. -Yes. 就是性 It"s just sex. 对 Right. 你现在看起来是老了 Now you seem old. 抱歉
很抱歉 Sorry. So sorry. 20 分钟到 Twenty minutes away. 你跟你老婆一起多久了 How long have you and your wife been together? 我是 29 岁而她是 20 岁 I was 29 and she was 20. 这很长时间了 It"s been awhile. 你这么多年都没跟其他人一起过 So you haven"t been with anyone else in all those years? 14 年都没有 Fourteen years, nope. 哇 Wow. 这是怎么做到的 How is that even possible? 当你爱上一个人... Well, when you love someone... 别这样
埃文 Come on, Evan. 人类是唯一的物种实行一夫一妻制的 Humans are the only species that practice monogamy. 我意思是
我们是比动物更高级的动物 I mean, we"re animals. We"re more animals than animals. 这刻在我们的基因上 It"s in our DNA.
一生人只跟一个人一起 Like, being with one person your whole life, 这是违反天性的 is going against your own nature. 听着 Look. 像这样 It"s like this. 我很明白男人 I understand men. 我知道就算我结婚了 I know whenever I get married, 我老公也会想跟其他女孩子一起 my husband is gonna want to be with other girls. 所以
我现在想玩 3P So, I want to get comfortable with having threesomes now, 因为这是他不出去偷腥的唯一办法 because I know that"s the only way he"ll never cheat on me. 哇 Wow. 那么
你们...你们是做什么的 So, are you guys...What do you guys do? 我意思是
你们...你们是在读书还是什么 I mean, are you... Are you in school or something? 我意思是... I mean... 其实我们是空姐 Actually, we"re flight attendants. 真的 Really? 你想要什么主菜
先生 What would you like for your entree, sir? 我们有鸡肉... We have chicken... 和意面 And pasta. 请扣好你的安全带
先生 Please buckle your seatbelt, sir. 我们可能遭遇到湍流 We may be encountering some turbulence. 那么... So... 你们通常飞去哪 Where you guys based out of?
到处飞 Everywhere. 上周末我们去了新西兰停留了 24 小时 Last weekend we were in New Zealand for 24 hours. 那真是棒 It was awesome. 哇
那时差怎么办 Wow, how was that jet lag? 我们不睡觉 We don"t sleep. 就像做一个假摇滚明星 It"s like being a fake rock star. 像这样
你在头等舱全世界飞 You know, you fly around the world first class, 满屋是酒而且是免费的 drinks are on the house and they pay you for it. 我很嫉妒 I"m jealous. 当我还是 DJ 时有一次巡回演出 I once got offered a tour when I was a DJ. 不像你们那样
但...三个州跑 Not like you guys, but, uh, Tri-State area. 对
我认为做空姐是增加人生阅历的最好方法 Yeah, well, I think traveling is the best way to get life experience. 特别当你只会在那停留 24 小时 Especially when you"re only there for 24 hours. 你真的会非常享受 You really make the most of it. 是啊
我们的真非常享受 Yeah, we make the most of it. 不像我们那个同事海星 Unlike that fucking starfish we work with. Ugh. 呕
海星 Ugh, starfish. -海星
-这个跟我们一起工作的女孩... -Starfish? -This girl we work with... 她不用做床上的事 She doesn"t have to do anything in bed, 她就躺在那像他妈的海星一样 she just lies there like a fucking starfish. 因此叫海星 Hence, starfish. 我意思是
谁会想操她啊 I mean, who"d want to fuck that?
我不明白这种女孩 I don"t understand girls like that. 当我跟一个男人一起
我会想他拥有最美好的时光 When I"m with a guy, I want him to have the time of his life. -无条件
-对 -No rules. -None. 无限制的性♥欲♥ Nothing"s off limit, sexually. 有界线的性♥爱♥不是真正的性♥爱♥ Sex with boundaries isn"t really sex. 如果我们身体上想做 If our bodies are capable of doing it, 那么我们也应该去做
对吧 then we were meant to. Right? 噢
我可以用下你的厕所吗 Oh, Evan? Can I use your bathroom? 当然
厕所就在走廊的右手边 Of course. It"s, uh, down the hall on the right. 谢谢 Thanks. 这些我都不懂 I don"t know any of these. 我有很好的品味 Well, I have pretty eclectic taste. 你有西班牙音乐 You have Spanish music. 其实是智力 Chilean, actually. 我老婆很喜欢她
巴伦苏埃拉 My wife loves her, Fran Valenzuela. 可以播这个吗 Can you put it on? 当然 Sure. 她很有才华 She"s really talented. 她 13 岁就开始作曲了 She started composing when she was 13. 这是她的第三张专辑 This is her third album. 哇 Wow! 你怎么知道那会混起来 How did you know that would mix?
DJ 就跟酒保一样 DJ"ing is like mixing a drink. 首先你要找到正确的要素 First you find the right ingredients, 然后你就可以混合起来了 then you find the blend. 埃文
我有件事要坦白 Evan, I have something to confess. 什么 Yes? 我很高兴我们敲了你的门 I"m glad we knocked on your door. 我们在这比 I"m having a way better time here 本来要去那傻派对来得开心 then at that stupid party we were supposed to go to. 好吧
这里通常不会在凌晨 1 点 30 分 Well, I have to confess, it"s not usually this exciting around here 这么兴奋的 at 1:30 in the morning. 这就像我们命中注定要相遇一样 It"s like destiny that we were meant to meet. 你相信命运吗
埃文 Do you believe in destiny, Evan? 我是个建筑师 I"m an architect. 所以我明显是相信未来是掌握在手中的 So obviously I believe that things happen by your own design. 我相信命运 Well, I do. 我不认为人们都是随便认识的 I don"t think people just meet randomly. 我觉得如果我们在这一起 I think that if we are here, together, 是因为 it"s because 我们要互相学习 there"s something we have to learn from each other. 探索 Discover. 车到了 It"s here. 我去找乔纳森 I"ll go get Genesis.
我去拿你们的衣服 I"ll get your clothes. 我♥草♥ What the fuck! 女孩们 Guys! 女孩们
车在外面等着 Guys, the car"s outside. 女孩们
都差不多干了 Guys, I have your clothes, they"re pretty much dry. 女孩们 Guys! 好的
我要进来了 All right, I"m coming in, 我没有在看
抱歉 I"m not looking, so excuse me. -惊喜
-惊喜 -Surprise! -Surprise! 你们干嘛 What the fuck are you doing? -来吧
来一起吧 -Come on, Evan. Join us. -Yeah, join the party. -过来
-车载外面等着 -Come here. -The car"s outside. 车可以等啊
过来 The car can wait. Come on. 我去告诉司机你们快来了 I"m gonna tell the driver that you"re coming out. 穿上衣服
马上 Get dressed. Now. 拜托了
这是你们的衣服 Please. Here"s your clothes. 埃文
看看我们 Evan. Look at us. 过来嘛... Come on... 哇
停手 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop. Stop. Stop. 我不能这样
我已婚了 I can"t do this. I"m married. 很幸福
好吧 Happily. Okay? 你可以的 Yes. You can.
这是我们的小秘密 Hey, it"s our little secret. 哇
停 Whoa, stop. Stop. 只是性♥爱♥而已
我们都是成年人 It"s just sex. We"re all adults here. 我很高兴 I"m flattered. 但我真的不可以
求你们把衣服穿上 But really, I can"t. Please, get dressed. 你可以的 Yeah, you can. 来吧
就一天 Come on, just one day. 就放松享受吧 Just relax and enjoy it. 你喜欢这样 You like this? 你以前试过双飞吗 Have you ever had two girls do this to you before? -父亲节快乐
-父亲节快乐 -Happy Father"s Day! -Happy Father"s Day! -早上好
埃文 -Morning, Daddy. -Evan! Evan! 看看这个 Watch this! 贝尔
接住 Belly! Belly! Catch! Catch! 抱歉
贝尔 Sorry, Belly. 我以为你们离开了 I thought you guys left. -我们给你做了早餐
-我不饿 -We made you breakky. -I"m not hungry. 猴子
这是我的 Monkey, that"s mine. 你们俩一起住的 You two live together? 对 Yeah. 住哪里 Where? 为什么这么问
埃文 Why, Evan?
好让我送你们回去 So I can drive you there. 我已经没在家大概 4 年了 I haven"t been home in like four years. 这里可以做我们的家 This could be our home. 我送你们去你们想去的地方 I"ll drive you wherever you want. 我说了什么趣事吗 Did I say something funny? 我想去巴黎
埃文 I want to go to Paris, Evan. 不
我们去东京 No, let"s go to Tokyo. 伦敦 London. 罗马 Rome. 趁热吃你的早餐 Don"t let your breakky get cold. 嘿
宝贝 Hey, baby. 嘿
你还活着 Hey, you"re alive. 对
半死状态 Yeah, ah, barely. 我忘了凡妮莎的野草有多坚强 I forgot how strong Vanessa"s weed was. 我刚起床 I just woke up. 你真轻松 You are such a lightweight. -孩子们怎么样了
-不怎么好 -How are the kids? -Not so good. -怎么了
-埃文 -What happened? -Evan! 杰克被水母刺伤了
他哭了 Jake got stung by a jellyfish. He was crying. -噢
-是的 -Oh, no! -Yeah. 小可怜 Poor little guy. -他现在没事了吧
-他在哪 -He"s okay now. -Where is he?
他回沙滩去玩了 He"s back at the beach. 刚有点危险 It was a little bit hairy for a while, 但现在没事了 but now he"s okay. 那你呢
你的项目怎么样了 What about you? How"s your project? 进行得很好 Great. Great. Great. 额
我现在很开心 Uh, I"m in a really good groove now, 那么
回家再说吧 so, home stretch. 好的
那我不妨碍你了 Okay, then don"t let me interrupt you. 晚点再说
你看起来有点心烦意乱 Let"s talk later.You seem a little distracted. 没有
我不是那个意思 No. That"s not what I meant. 只是... It"s just... 我只是想尽快完成项目
不用再烦 so I don"t have to think about it, you know? 也许我早点完成
我可以 Maybe if I get done early, I can, 我可以开车来找你们 I can drive out there. 宝贝
不要有压力 Baby, I get it. Don"t stress. 做你该做的 Do what you have to do. -我爱你
-我也爱你 -I love you. -Love you, too. 别把我们的大♥麻♥全抽了 Don"t smoke all our weed. 我不会
我保证 I won"t. I promise. -拜
-再见 -Bye. -Ciao. 该死的 Shit! Shit! Shit! 你现在饿了 Are you hungry now?
起来把衣服穿上 Get up! And get dressed! 马上 Right now! 不好意思
能告诉我埃文去哪了吗 Excuse me, sir.Can you tell me where Evan is? 那个从大雨中拯救了两个女孩的那个贴心男 You know, that sweet guy that saved two girls from the rain? 他消失了
快起来 He"s gone. Get the fuck up. 快走 Let"s go. 我不喜欢你的语气 I don"t appreciate your tone of voice. 快去 Go! 来吧
看来埃文没有幽默感了 Come on, Belly. Looks like Evan lost his sense of humor. 快去 Go! 哈喽 Hello! 要走了 Let"s go! 贝尔去哪了 Where"s Bel? 我不知道
她不是我的朋友 I don"t know, she"s not my friend. 贝尔 Bel! 贝尔 Bel! 贝尔 Bel? 你♥他♥妈♥的在干什么 What the fuck are you doing? 你叫我们去穿衣服啊 You tell us to get dressed. 快来
游戏时间结束了 Come on. Playtime"s over. 埃文
你能抱抱我吗 Evan, can you hold me? 拜托
就一下下 Please, just once more.
听我说 -Please, I miss your hugs. -Bel. Listen to me. 你现在要走了 You"re leaving. Now. 快去穿衣服 Get dressed. -我爱你
-贝尔... -I love you. -Bel... -我爱你
-不 -I love you. -No! 我非常爱你 I love you so much. 该死的
我♥草♥ God damn it! Fuck! 我爱你
我控制不了 I love you. I can"t help it. 我为你而疯狂 I"m crazy about you. 你有 3 分钟 You have three minutes! 我就在外面 I"ll be outside! 快穿衣服 Get dressed! 出发了 Let"s go! 你们他妈的在干什么 What in the fuck are you doing! 你们知道你们做什么了吗 You have any idea what you"ve done? 知道
艺术 Yeah. It"s called art. 我们受到昨晚的启发
记得吗 We were inspired from last night. Remember? 我他妈的要报♥警♥了 I"m calling the fucking police. 去啊 Go ahead. 你♥他♥妈♥的笑什么 What the fuck is so funny! 我有个有趣的故事要告诉他们 I just have a funny story for them. 故事叫"捕捉掠食者" It"s called "To Catch a Predator."
你♥他♥妈♥在说什么 What the fuck are you talking about? 15 岁判 20 年 Fifteen to 20 years? 我觉得是 20 年 I think it is 20. 15 岁判你 20 年
对吧 Fifteen gets you 20, right? -真不敢相信
-你不需要相信 -I don"t believe it. -You don"t have to. 法官会 The jury will. 强♥奸♥幼♥女♥
埃文 Statutory rape, Evan. 坐 20 年牢 Twenty years behind bars. 而且那只是判一个的刑 And that"s just for one of us. 而且我不打算洗澡 And I"m not planning on taking a shower. 我有证据 I have evidence. 是吗 Really? 如果你只有 15 岁那怎么能成为空姐 So how could you be a flight attendant if you"re only 15? 我♥草♥
什么 What the fuck! What? 我们看电影学的
埃文 We saw that in a movie, Evan. 我说了他会相信的 I told you he"d believe it. 你想看我的身份证吗 Do you want to check my ID? 她还没有
太还小 She doesn"t have one, she"s too young. 好吧 Okay. 你们想要什么 What do you want? 我们想每天早上给你做早餐 We want to make breakky for you every morning. 别这样 Come on.
你们要多少钱 Just tell me. How much do you want? 别生气
埃文 Don"t be mad, Evan. 这不是你 That"s not you. -你性格变了
-对 -You"re different from the others. -Yeah. 多少钱 How much! 你把我们当什么了
妓♥女♥ What do you think we are, hookers? 天啊
我们不是妓♥女♥ Jesus, Evan, we"re not fucking whores! 是啊 Yeah. 你才是妓♥女♥ You"re the fucking whore! 妓♥女♥ Whore! 埃文 Evan? 是维维安 It"s Vivian! 别乱跑 Do not move! 埃文 Evan! 埃文
很抱歉我迟到了 Evan, I"m so sorry I"m late, 但风暴把树枝刮到全城都是 but that storm blew branches out all over town. 还吹倒了两个交通灯 It even knocked two traffic lights out. 我发誓
我发誓我在那等了 15 分钟 I swear, I swear I was sitting there for 15 minutes 而且我试着开车走
但那里有维护卡车挡着 and I was trying to navigate, but there was repair trucks. 没事
没事 It"s fine. It"s fine. 其实我感觉好多了 Actually, I"m feeling much better. 噢
那真的很好 Oh, then that"s really good
因为这会有帮助 because then this"ll help. 我会给你个放松的按♥摩♥ I"ll give you a relaxation massage, 这有助血液循环 it"ll help circulate. 其实...凯伦应该告诉你了 Actually... Karen should have told you, 我这周末很忙 I have a lot of work to do this weekend. 我爱凯伦
她还好吗 I love Karen. I love her so much, how is she? 她很有才华 She is so talented. 我迫不及待地要看她的展览 I cannot wait to see her exhibition. 我告诉你其实 In fact, you know what? 吉姆和我要开车去看开幕 Jim and I are going to drive up for the opening 如果我可以不用去 if I can get out of that conference 索诺玛跟那些按♥摩♥师开会 I have in Sonoma with those massage therapists. 你知道那些会议 You know how that can be. 他不想你的按♥摩♥ He doesn"t want your massage. 你想吗
宝贝 Do you, baby? 进回去 Get back inside. 不想让我着凉 Don"t let me get cold. 这真的让人很伤心
好吧 This is really upsetting, okay? 我来这帮你治疗 I"m here to heal, 但这真的...这真的很让人伤心 but this is ...