发布时间:2017-01-19 来源: 散文精选 点击:
Knowledge and Wisdom
Bertrand Russell
Most people would agree that, although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no correlative increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define `wisdom' and consider means of promoting it. I want to ask first what wisdom is, and then what can be done to teach it.
There are, I think, several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your intellectual energy. You have not time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say), as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the most populous parts of the world. To take an even more spectacular example, which is in everybody's mind at the present time: You study the composition of the atom from a disinterested desire for knowledge, and incidentally place in the hands of powerful lunatics the means of destroying the human
Comprehensiveness alone, however, is not enough to constitute wisdom. There must be, also, a certain awareness of the ends of human life. This may be illustrated by the study of history. Many eminent historians have done more harm than good because they viewed facts through the distorting medium of their own passions. Hegel had a philosophy of history which did not suffer from any lack of comprehensiveness, since it started from the earliest times and continued into an indefinite future. But the chief lesson of history which he sought to inculcate was that from the year 400AD down to his own time Germany had been the most important nation and the standard-bearer of progress in the world. Perhaps one could stretch the comprehensiveness that constitutes wisdom to include not only intellect but also feeling. It is by no means uncommon to find men whose knowledge is wide but whose feelings are narrow. Such men lack what I call wisdom.
It is not only in public ways, but in private life equally, that wisdom is needed. It is needed in the choice of ends to be pursued and in emancipation from personal prejudice. Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. Many men in past ages devoted their lives to a search for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life. No doubt, if they could have found them, they would have conferred great benefits upon mankind, but as it was their lives were wasted. To descend to less heroic matters, consider the case of two men, Mr. A and Mr. B, who hate each other and, through mutual hatred, bring each other to destruction. Suppose you go to Mr. A and say, 'Why do you hate Mr. B?' He will no doubt give you an appalling list of Mr. B's vices, partly true, partly false. And now suppose you go to Mr. B. He will give you an exactly similar list of Mr. A's vices
with an equal admixture of truth and falsehood. Suppose you now come back to Mr. A and say, 'You will be surprised to learn that Mr. B says the same things about you as you say about him', and you go to Mr. B and make a similar speech. The first effect, no doubt, will be to increase their mutual hatred, since each will be so horrified by the other's injustice. But perhaps, if you have sufficient patience and sufficient persuasiveness, you may succeed in convincing each that the other has only the normal share of human wickedness, and that their enmity is harmful to both. If you can do this, you will have instilled some fragment of wisdom.
I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and the now. We cannot help the egoism of our senses. Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies and cannot be impersonal. Our emotions start similarly from ourselves. An infant feels hunger or discomfort, and is unaffected except by his own physical condition. Gradually with the years, his horizon widens, and, in proportion as his thoughts and feelings become less personal and less concerned with his own physical states, he achieves growing wisdom. This is of course a matter of degree. No one can view the world with complete impartiality; and if anyone could, he would hardly be able to remain alive. But it is possible to make a continual approach towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things somewhat remote in time or space, and on the other hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our feelings. It is this approach towards impartiality that constitutes growth in wisdom.
Can wisdom in this sense be taught? And, if it can, should the teaching of it be one of the aims of education? I should answer both these questions in the affirmative. We are told on Sundays that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. On the other six days of the week, we are exhorted to hate. But you will remember that the precept was exemplified by saying that the Samaritan was our neighbor. We no longer have any wish to hate Samaritans and so we are apt to miss the point of the parable. If you want to get its point, you should substitute Communist or anti-Communist, as the case may be, for Samaritan. It might be objected that it is right to hate those who do harm. I do not think so. If you hate them, it is only too likely that you will become equally harmful; and it is very unlikely that you will induce them to abandon their evil ways. Hatred of evil is itself a kind of bondage to evil. The way out is through understanding, not through hate. I am not advocating non-resistance. But I am saying that resistance, if it is to be effective in preventing the spread of evil, should be combined with the greatest degree of understanding and the smallest degree of force that is compatible with the survival of the good things that we wish to preserve.
It is commonly urged that a point of view such as I have been advocating is incompatible with vigour in action. I do not think history bears out this view. Queen Elizabeth I in England and Hey IV in France lived in a world where almost everybody was fanatical, either on the Protestant or on the Catholic side. Both remained free from the errors of their time and both, by remaining free, were beneficent and certainly not ineffective. Abraham Lincoln conducted a great war without ever departing from what I have called wisdom.
I have said that in some degree wisdom can be taught. I think that this teaching should have a larger intellectual element than has been customary in what has been thought of as moral instruction. I think that the disastrous results of hatred and narrow-mindedness to those who feel them can be pointed out incidentally in the course of giving knowledge. I do not think that knowledge and morals ought to be too much separated. It is true that the kind of specialized knowledge which is required for various kinds of skill has very little to do with wisdom. But it
should be supplemented in education by wider surveys calculated to put it in its place in the total of human activities. Even the best technicians should also be good citizens; and when I say 'citizens', I mean citizens of the world and not of this or that sect or nation. With every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments our capacity of realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise. The world needs wisdom as it has never needed it before; and if knowledge continues to increase, the world will need wisdom in the future even more than it does now.
《108篇散文佳作 要点笔记》
第一部分 汉译英
1. 丑石(An Ugly Stone)
2. 匆匆(Rush)
3. 冬夜(Winter Night)
4. 互助(Helping Each Other)
5. 黄昏(Dusk)
6. 盼头(Something to Look Forward to)
7. 媲美(Beauty)
8. 枪口(The Muzzles)
9. 鸲鹆(The Story of a Myna)
10. 铜镜(The Bronze Mirror)
11. 学校(The College)
12. 野草(Wild Grass)
13. 种梨(Planting a Pear Tree)
14. 哀互生(Mourning for Husheng)
15. 落花生(The Peanut)
Come for a taste of
What do you say?
Thatched pavilion
To one?s great delight, father came all the same
Seek to be great or attractive
Nod one?s assent
One?s words remained vivid in my memory till this day
16. 盲演员(A Blind Actor)
动一个裤脚管有什么:I just moved the trouser legs a little.what of I t ? Irritate sb to such an extent that
Black with anger一张铁青的脸
以…某人完全可以,sb deserves the position of …for
See to one’s safety 负责某人的安全
摔着活该:it serves you right if you stumbled on
With tears brimming yet still attractive eyes
The incident occurred during
在舞台上表演:perform on the stage
庙小妖风大,池浅王八多:a small temple with strong evil wind
A shallow pond with many bad tortoises 跑个不出众的演员:Play silent minor roles on the stage
老老实实改造:remoulding in real earnest
Roar with indignation at sb
Severely denounce
Set sb boiling as if salt had been poured into a pot of hot oil 反动分子:reactionary parties
低着头:bending his head
发了青光眼:see no more because of a relapse of glaucoma
Words on the scrapes of paper
看不得:couldn’t bear to see
Art maltreat
Fumble on 伸手摸起
Abuse sth at will 随便破坏
怎么能称得上是……how can we…deserve to be referred to as
忏悔的泪水:regretful tears
他看见了,因为他没有再说下去:yes,he did see all too clearly ,for he abruptly broke off.
It is a pity to let it go to waste like that
At the back of
Half a mu of vacant land
17. “孺子马” (An”Obedient Horse”)
18. 小麻雀(A Little Sparrow)
19. 雄辩症(A Case of Eloquence)
20. 大钱饺子(A Good-luck Dumpling)
21. 荷塘月色(Moonlight over in one?s slig the Lotus Pond)
22. 黄龙奇观(A View of Huangllong)
23. 枯叶蝴蝶(Lappet Butterfies)
24. 泡菜坛子(A pickle Pot)
25. 田水哗啦(The Irrigation Water Came Gurgling)
26. 我若为王(If I Be King)
27. 西式幽默(Western Humour)
28. 项脊轩志(Xiangjixuan)
29. 夜间来客(A Night Visitor——A True Story about a ”Celebrity”Being Interviewed)
30. 珍禽血雉(China?s Native Pheasant)
在 …,有一座高…米的山,是…的主峰。…东西主要出产在这里,故称…:
Sth ,also known as the …,lives mostly in the …of …high …—the main peak of the… 秦岭山脉:Qinling Mountain Range
向后延伸羽冠:extend backwards to form a crest
以…为主:be predominantly +adv.
分布于:usually be found in the …(换一种表达法,比live要好)
接群性较强:move in groups of 数量+n.(名词转译成动词)
每年的…时候是交配季节:mating season runs from …to… ....
高山草丛:alpine meadows
因季节变化做有规律的迁移:make seasonal migration
孵化器为29天:brood for 29 days(名字转译成动词)
他们的食物在夏秋是…:they feed in summer and autumn on sth.
冰雪覆盖:be ice-bounded
以苔藓为主:it mostly eats moss
是珍贵的…之一:be listed as a rare …under special protection
由于数量稀少,环境适应性差:because of its scarcity and inability to adapt to new environment
Grass-green 仙草绿色 crest 羽冠 crimson绯红 grayish white 灰白的
31. 常胜的歌手(A Singer Who Always Wins)
…,就飘飘然:once one do sth,one’s head will swell.
到底卖几分钱一斤:how much is it worth after all?
这简直是胡闹!:it is ridiculous!
简直是对灵魂的腐蚀:it is nothing but the corruption of the mind! 你不信?:believe it or not ,…
扭屁股唱黄歌:sway my hips and song obscene songs
某人建议:sb comes uo with a suggestion
无价值或反价值:worthless or its negative effects
掌声雷动:one get thunderous of applause
…怎么样又有什么用呢?:what’s the use of ……?
群众的眼睛是雪亮的:the audience is the best judge
心里有一杆儿称:know how to strike a balance in the heart
出了方向性错误:take the wrong direction by doing sth
孤家寡人,自我欣赏:keep aloof from the masses and indulging in self-admiration
过了一阵子:some time later/after a period of time,
我确实做了!:I did indeed!
Symposium 讨论会 aloof冷淡、远离的 thunderous 雷鸣般的
32. 健忘的画眉(The Forgetful Song Thrush)
结果没有看到:but in vain
一会儿,一会儿:One moment…,the next….
尾巴一翘一翘:with its tail waving up and down
洁净整齐:neat and clean
……,好看极了:……,which added to the magnificence of sth. 若与住房相似:As birdhouses go,
我主动和她打招呼:I began the dialogue
冷冷一笑:give an uncaring smile
往哪儿飞:But why should it ?
只不过是……:sth is no more than ……
散发(清香):give off the refreshing smell of sth.
我的看法:what is on my mind
在做……中,各有各的绝招:each has his tricks in doing sth.
从从容容地:at a leisurely pace
啄食:peck at the food
放了什么“迷魂药”:what is the magic in the ……that make
Chirrup 吱吱喳喳 grove 小树林 hop about跳来跳去 hook 钩子
hibiscus马缨花 uncaring心不在焉的 condiments 香料 carefree无忧无虑的 turn over 反复考虑
33. 可爱的南京(Nanjing the Beloved City)
4. 南京,有着……:Nanjing has witnessed…… 层出不穷的:continuous emergence of 风流人物:distinguished talents and noble hearts 彪炳千秋的不朽业绩:monumental achievements that shone through the
5. 风云人物:powerful figures
6. 仁人志士:people actuated by high ideals
7. 角逐争雄:contend for the lead
8. 一逞豪彦:give play to their genius and virtues
9. 政治家:political leaders
10. 军事家:military commanders
11. 文学家:men of letters
12. 建筑家:architects
13. 一圆……之梦:have one’s dream fulfilled
14. 更加令人鼓舞:even more inspiring
15. 成为真正的主人:come to be genuine masters
16. 终于:once and for all
17. 把……装扮得面貌一新:give the old-aged town a new appearance
18. 为……诸如新的活力:infuse new vigour into
19. 通达的运输:an efficient transportation network extending in all
20. 如画的城市建设:picturesque urban construction
21. 孙中山:Dr.Sun Yat-sen father of modern China
22. 南京将来之发达无可量也: Nanjing will have a future that knows no
23. 古老又年轻的历史文化古城:the old city with rich and celebrated past,
yet vigorous in her new youth
Actuate blessed billowing sagacity resplendent couplet ambience prophecy Dr.Sun Yat-sen
34. 鲁迅先生记(In Memory of Mr.Lu Xun)
1. 灰蓝色:bluish gray
2. 从瓷釉而自然堆起的纹痕:a couple of ripples naturally embossed with
its own gaze
3. 瓶里种的是:planted in the tree are ……
4. 那是快近黄昏的时节,而且是个冬天:it was toward evening one winter
5. 和……相距离着:glimmering two or three inches from the ……
6. 这花不怕冻?:it is not affected by the cold.
7. 有时……,有时……:sometimes……,other times……
8. 只有……,别人没有……:Only……,but none of others.
9. 但是无论多么……:but no matter how ……
ripple emboss handle evergreen puff flick ashtray pomegranate porcelain bust trim
35. 苗族龙船节(The Miao Drangon-Boat Festival)
1. 在??的心目中:in the eye of ??
2. 将龙的图案打制成银饰装点在??上:adorn ??with silver ornaments shaped like
3. 只要??:provided that ??
4. 在??心中,做??是莫大的耻辱:sb consider it a shamen (not ) to do sth.
5. 德高望重的:respected
6. 长袍马褂:wear in a gown and a mandarin jacket
7. 腰系银饰花带:sb wear embroidered waistbands pinned with silver ornaments
8. 陪嫁品:dowry gifts
9. 清水江的上游:the upper reaches of the Qingshui River
10. 靠岸休息:stop alongside the riverbank
11. 岸上:on the shore
12. 讨路边饭:ask the boatman to share their food
13. 某人经常通过??做??:双重否定表示肯定)
14. 身着节日盛装:in holiday dress
15. 应着??翩翩起舞:dance to the accompaniment of ??
16. 消灾免难,百事如愿:protect one from disaster and give good luck.
Embroider刺绣 wave编织 trunk of?的树干 sport(v.)以?为特色earlie r初期的,早的conscientious有责任心的 coxswain舵手
oarsmen水手 dowry嫁妆be pinned with 钉有?? bullfights斗牛 songfests 对歌(fest:集会,节日)
36. 秋天的怀念(Fond Memories of You)
1. 北归的雁阵:the lines of geese flying back north
2. 手边的东西:whatever happened to be on my hand
3. 眼边红红的,看着我:gaze at me with sad eyes
4. 我活着有什么劲?:what am I still living for?
5. 肝疼:with pains in the liver
6. 树叶唰唰啦啦地飘落:rustling fall of autumn leaves
7. 忍住哭声说:saying between subdued sobs
8. 脸上出现央求的神色:sad eyes in one’s haggard face silently implore
9. 就明天吧:tomorrow then
10. 哎呀,烦不烦:Oh,what a bore!
11. 她出去了,就再也没回来:Yes,she went out,never to come back.
12. 大口的:mouthfuls of ……
13. 绝没想到那竟是永远的诀别:I had not ecpected it would be her departure
to eternity
14. 艰难的呼吸着:gasp her last
15. 正开得烂漫:all were in full bloom
Chrysanthemum菊花 haggard 憔悴的 tricycle=three-wheel 三轮车vomit 吐出
The smile
"I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled
[1] in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped[2]
their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those. "I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him 'Have you got a light?' He looked at me, shrugged [3]and came over to light my cigarette. "As he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn't want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile. "I kept smiling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension[4] too. 'Do you have kids?' he asked. " 'Yes, here, here.' I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. "Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the jail, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.
"My life was saved by a smile." Yes, the smile―the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people.. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn't be enemies. We couldn't have hate or envy or fear.
1. fumble:我们总是能看到爱抽烟的男人在自己的身上到处摸烟的镜头,用动词fumble(乱摸、摸索)来形容他们的动作是再恰当不过了;下文中提到的nervously fumbled for the pictures也是借用fumble来形容“主人公非常紧张地在钱包搜索照片”的情景;
Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God,“They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?”
God replied,“Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you.”But the child wasn't sure he really wanted to go.“But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy.”
“Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy.”
“And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me,”the child continued,“if I don't know the language that men talk?”
God patted him on the head and said,“Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.”
“And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?”
But God had an answer for that question too.“Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.”
“I've heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?”
“Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her life!”
“But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore,”the child continued warily.
God smiled on the young one.“Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you.”
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child knew he had to start on his journey very soon. He asked God one more question, softly,“Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.”
God touched the child on the shoulder and answered,“Your angel's name is not hard to remember. You will simply call her Mommy.”
Once there was a King and a Queen. For many years they had wanted a child, and no child had come to them.
Then the Queen had a child. It was a girl. The King was very glad.
You know what a fairy is. Many fairies lived near the King's house. When the Queen's child came, the King went to all the fairies and said, "The Queen has a child. Do come to the house and see our new little girl." All the fairies said, "We are very glad: we will come today ." One of the fairies had gone away on a journey: she had been very far away. She had not come back when the Queen?s child came. When she came back, one of the fairies said to her,"The Queen has a child, and the King came to us and said, "Come and see our new little girl. "" But this fairy was a bad fairy; the bad fairy said, "The King went to all of you: why did he not come to me? I shall go and see the King?s child; but I shall give her some bad thing."
All the good fairies went to the King?s house, and saw the little girl; and they all gave her some good thing. One said, "I give her this good thing: she shall have riches." One fairy said, "I give her this good thing; she shall become a brave woman." One said, "I give her this good thing: she shall become a good woman." All gave some good thing.
Then there came the bad fairy. She said, "The King went to all the fairies but he did not come to me, so I shall give the child some bad thing. She will have riches; she will become brave; she will become good. But, when she is a woman, she will prick her hand with a needle, and die."
The poor Queen did not know what to do. The King said to the good fairies, "The poor girl shall not die. Can you not help me? Say that she shall not die!" The good fairies said, " We cannot help you. What the bad fairy has said will come.Your child will prick her hand with a needle; but she shall not die. She shall sleep for many years. Then a king?s son shall come and kiss her. And she will awake. He shall wake her with a kiss." Then the fairies went away.
The King sent for all his men and all the Queen?s women, and said, "Go and bring me all the needles that are in the house."
They brought all the needles that they could find, and the King took them, and threw them into a river far away.
Then he said,"See that no needle comes into this house. See that no man and no woman brings a needle near my child. I shall kill them if they do."
可怜的王后不知道如何是好。国王对那些好仙女说:“这可怜的女孩子不能死,你们不能帮助我吗?求你们说一声她不会死去!” 好的仙女们说:“我们不能帮助您,坏仙女所预言的必将应验,你的孩子将会用针刺破手,但是,她不一定死,她要沉睡很多年。然后,有一位王子会来吻她,她将会醒来。他的吻会把她唤醒。”然后,仙女们走了。
接着他说:“千万注意,别让一枚针进到这所房子里来。还要注意,谁也不准带着针靠近我的孩子。如果他们敢这样做,我就杀了他们。”The little child grew up in the King?s house. She became a Princess. The Princess wanted to see all that she could. She wanted to know what the men were doing in the garden. She wanted to know the names of all the flowers and of all the trees. She said to the men
in the King?s garden, "What is the name of this flower? What is the name of this tree?" In the house she wanted to see all that there was to see.
She wanted to know how many rooms there were in the King?s house, and who lived in all the rooms. So she went into one room, and then into another room, and then into another. She went into big rooms and little rooms, and very little rooms. Then she said,"I have been to all the rooms in the house." But there was one room where she had not gone.
As she went on, she came to a new room. It was a little room very far away from all the other rooms. The door of the room was shut. The Princess wanted to go in and see what was in this room. She called, "Open the door!" But no one came. She called once. She called twice; then the door was opened. The Princess went into the room: and there she saw a very old woman.
The old woman was sitting near a table. On the table there was some cloth. The old woman had some cloth in one hand, and in the other hand she had a needle.
The Princess said,"What are you doing?"
"I am making something," said the old woman.
"What are you making?" said the Princess.
"I am making some clothes," said the old woman.
“What is that in your hand?" said the Princess.
"That is the cloth," said the old woman.
"No!" said the Princess. "What is that in your other hand?"
"That?" said the old woman. "That is a needle."
The Princess said,"Give me the ?needle?; I want to see it. I have not seen a needle. I donot know what a needle is."
The old woman said,"Have you not seen a needle? How can that be? You have seen many needles!Needles are seen in all houses." The old woman gave the needle to the Princess.
"Give me the cloth," said the Princess: ?I want to make clothes." Then the old woman gave the Princess the cloth.
The Princess pricked the cloth with the needle --but she pricked her hand. And she fell asleep!
Then all the men and the women in the house fell asleep. The King fell asleep at his table, and the Queen sitting near him fell asleep.
The man in the garden fell asleep with his axe in his hand. The man standing at the door of the house fell asleep where he stood. All were asleep.
A fairy came to the Princess. She took her and put her on a bed. Then the fairy said to the tree sand to the flowers in the garden, " Grow!" The flowers grew up, and the trees grew big. There was a wall of trees and flowers. So no one could gointo the house.
In the house the Princess slept; and the King slept, and all his men; and the Queen, and her women, slept.
她继续走,来到一间陌生的屋子,这间小屋子离其它房间很远。这间屋的门关着,公主要进去看看这间屋子里有什么。她就喊:“开门!”但没人出来,她喊了一遍后,又喊了一遍,这时门打开了,公主走进屋里,在这里她发现一位很老的老太太。 老太太正坐在桌子旁,桌子上有一些布,老太太一手拿着一些布,另一只手拿着一枚针。
在这所房子里,公主睡着,国王王后睡着,男仆女仆也都睡着。Many wanted to go into the house of the Sleeping Princess; but they could not go through the trees. So no one came.
Years went by, and the Princess slept. Many years went by, and men did not know what the house was and who was in it. The trees grew up; you could not see the house through the trees. Men went by the trees and did not know that there was a house there.
One day a King rode into the forest. His son was with him. The King and his men went far in front,and the King?s son could not find them. He rode on, and he came to a wall of trees and flowers. He said, "My father has gone through those trees: I will go through them and find him."
As he came to the wall of trees, it opened, and he went through. Then he saw a garden; but all the flowers had grown here and there as they wanted.
He came to a house.The door was open, a man was standing by the door asleep. the King?s son said,"What a lazy man, he sleeps standing!" He went into the house. Men sat at the table, with food in their hands, asleep.
A little boy had been reading a story: he had fallen asleep with his head on his arms. A woman had been putting on her shoes; she was asleep with one shoe on and one shoe in her hand. An old man sat with pen and paper, asleep; and the dust of years was on his paper. Near him a woman was asleep with her little child asleep in her arms.
The King?s son went from one room to another. He saw the old King asleep at his table, and near him the Queen asleep with her head in her hands. Then he came to a room where there was sunlight and flowers. The window was open and roses had grown in through the window into the room. Golden light came through the window and fell upon a bed.The Princess was on the bed. Her eyes were shut. She was asleep. The King?s son kissed her. She awoke. Then all the house awoke. The man awoke at the door. The men awoke and ate the food in their hands. The woman awoke and put on her shoe. The boy awoke and read his story. The King awoke at his table. The Queen rubbed her eyes, and said, "What were you saying, my King. I fell asleep."
The Princess was married by the King?s son, and they became King and Queen.
他走到树墙前,树丛打开了一条路,他穿了过去。这时,他发现一个花园,然而,所有的花草却长得杂乱无章,遍地皆是。 他来到一座房子前,门开着,一个男人正站在门旁睡着,王子说:“多懒的人啊,他站着都睡着了!”他走进房屋,一些人坐在桌旁,手里拿着吃的睡着。