发布时间:2020-03-11 来源: 散文精选 点击:
鲁西北平原中部、黄河以北50公里处,有一座古典传承的城市――德州禹城。禹城因“大禹治水”而得名。 禹城历史悠久,文化丰厚,是大禹治水之域,酿酒之乡,扒鸡之城,龙山文化发祥地之一。夏商时属九州之兖州,唐朝天宝元年(公元742年)设禹城县。1993年9月撤县设市。
The Relic of Yu the Great
In the central area of the Northwest Plain of Shandong, where is 50 kilometers to the north of the Yellow River, there is an ancient city called Yucheng (Yu City), which is named after Yu the Great, who was an ancient hero in prehistoric times famous for controlling floods. Yucheng has a time-honored history with a rich culture and is one of the birthplaces of the Longshan Culture. More than 4,000 years ago, Yu the Great used to lead the people in controlling floods here.
Yuwangting (King Yu Pavilion) Museum is located in an area to the northwest of downtown Yucheng, some three kilometers away from the downtown area. The museum covers a land area of nine hectares and was opened in 1997. The museum is made up of one big courtyard in which there are the Yuwang (King Yu) Hall, Eastern and Western Wing Halls, and Bell Tower, the relics site of Ju Qiu, Yuwang (King Yu) Pavilion and an artificial lake. The sculpture of Yu the Great is the symbolic sculpture of Yucheng. The story about Yu the Great refusing to return home when passing by his house on his way to control floods has become a model for the people of Yucheng.