
发布时间:2019-08-28 来源: 散文精选 点击:

  【中图分类号】R2824【文献标志码】 A【文章编号】1007-8517(2015)01-0039-03
  Abstract:Dendrobium officinale Kimura etMigo is a valuable Chinese medicinal materials.The traditional machining process of Tiepi Fengdou is complicated,high-cost and inconvenient taking. In this study ,the materials of fresh Dendrobium candidum was collected in two locations.The processing of Dendrobium was used in 6 different methods, compared with the content of polysaccharides about traditional processing ,which determined by phenol - sulfuric acid method. The results showed that: the six processing Dendrobium medicinal materials drying rate was about 34%, no significant difference; the content of polysaccharide were between the 3497%~5419% , the difference among treatments reached significant level. Compared with the CK, fresh Dendrobium by cut and dried effect was the worst, the content of polysaccharide was only 3697%. Compared with the CK,fresh Dendrobium by cut and dried effect was the worst, the content of polysaccharide was only 3697%;bake - rub-cut effect was the best, the content of polysaccharide was up to 5419%. Fresh Dendrobium candidum could not be directly dried, need to choose thesuitable processing method. Take - rub-cut effect compared with traditional technics processing mode was simple, drying rapidly herbs and keeping the effective components. The finished product for dry tablets were taking more convenient, which was a better method to the processing of Dendrobium.
  Keywords:Dendrobium officinale Kimura etMigo;polysaccharide content;processing method;comparison of quality
  铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo)兰科石斛属植物的干燥茎,是我国传统名贵珍稀中药材,药用和经济价值高[1],有健脾养胃、滋阴补肾、润肺生津等功效,用于治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎、高血压、糖尿病、抗肿瘤、抗衰老等[2]。在《道藏》、《神农本草经》、《备急千金药方》和《本草纲目》等诸多中医药书中,都对铁皮石斛有载。《道藏》称铁皮石斛具有滋阴补虚、生津润肺等功效。铁皮石斛主要成分为石斛多糖[3]。常以多糖含量的高低或以口嚼黏、纤维少等来判断某一石斛类药材质量的优劣[4,5]。
  由于新鲜的铁皮石斛不能长久保存,通常加工成干品,如铁皮枫斗[6 ]等,不易霉烂、虫蛀和变质。铁皮石斛的加工,2010年版《中国药典》[7]规定有2种方法:一是边加热边扭成螺旋形或弹簧状,烘干,习称“铁皮枫斗”;二是切成段,干燥或低温烘干。铁皮石斛茎段干燥后的药材习称铁皮枫斗或西枫斗。传统的铁皮石斛“枫斗”加工,其工艺技术一定程度上完全靠手法、凭经验,枫斗的成品率、品质完全依赖于加工者的技术熟练程度,即怎样更好地掌握加工过程中的 “火候”。因此,在加工过程中受人为因素的影响较大。而且加工过程费时、费力,每公斤的加工费高达几百元甚至上千元,有的甚至不能完全达到卫生和环保要求。

相关热词搜索:石斛 铁皮 药材 加工 方法

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