发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 散文精选 点击:
摘要 [目的]探明保山市冬春季早植烤烟烟叶质量特征,合理科学使用冬春季早植烟叶。[方法]对龙陵县和腾冲县生产的冬春季早植烤烟烟叶化学成分进行了分析。[结果]保山市冬春季早植烤烟全钾含量、烟碱含量、淀粉含量均符合优质烤烟要求;总糖含量、还原糖含量、两糖差含量略偏高。海拔对全铜、全锌、全硼、全钙、全镁、全硫含量影响不显著(P>0.05),对全铁和全锰含量影响较大。龙陵县与腾冲县烟叶主要化学成分、多酚、色素无显著性差异(P>0.05)。[结论]保山市冬春季早植烤烟化学成分总体协调,龙陵县和腾冲县烟叶化学成分相近,对打造保山市特色优质烟叶具有积极意义。
关键词 冬春季早植烤烟;烟叶;化学成分;保山市
中图分类号 TS41+1 文献标识码
A 文章编号 0517-6611(2018)27-0179-04
Analysis of Chemical Constituents Characteristics of Early Planting Fluecured Tobacco Leaves in Winter and Spring in Baoshan City
CHEN Yu1,2,CHEN Fanglin1,MOU Jing1 et al
(1.Production Department,Meitan County Branch of Zunyi City Company,Guizhou Province Tobacco Company,Zunyi, Guizhou 564100;2.College of Tobacco Science, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming,Yunnan 650201)
Abstract [Objective]In order to explore the quality characteristics of early planting fluecured tobacco leaves in winter and spring in Baoshan City, and to rationally and scientifically use the early planting tobacco leaves in winter and spring.[Method]The main chemical components of early planting fluecured tobacco leaves produced in Longling County and Tengchong County were analyzed. [Result]The total potassium content, nicotine content and starch content of early planting fluecured tobacco in winter and spring in Baoshan City accorded with the requirements of high quality fluecured tobacco, and the total sugar content, reducing sugar content and two sugar difference content were slightly higher.Altitude had no significant effect on total copper, total zinc, total boron, total calcium, total magnesium and total sulphur content (P>0.05),it had great influence on the content of total iron and full manganese.There was no significant difference in the chemical composition, polyphenols and pigments in the tobacco leaves of Longling County and Tengchong County (P>0.05). [Conclusion]The chemical components of the early planting fluecured tobacco in Baoshan City in winter and spring are generally coordinated. The chemical composition of the tobacco leaves in both Longling County and Tengchong County are similar. It is of positive significance to build the characteristic high quality tobacco in Baoshan City.
Key words Early planting of fluecured tobacco in winter and spring;Tobacco leaves;Chemical constituents;Baoshan City
作者簡介 陈雨(1989—),男,四川资中人,硕士,从事烟草生理生化研究。*通讯作者,教授,博士,硕士生导师,从事烟草生理生化及农业信息技术研究。
收稿日期 2018-06-04; 修回日期 2018-06-06