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摘要 [目的]明確不同有机无机肥对烟叶工业可用性的影响。[方法]选择6种不同的有机无机肥在江西省赣州市石城县琴江镇何坑现代农业示范点开展大田试验,由江西中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心对试验烟叶进行工业可用性评价。[结果]施用1 412.5 kg/hm2镇江贝思特有机活性肥料有限公司生产的6∶6.5∶10贝斯特肥的处理烟叶外观质量整体最好;B2F、C3F的感官质量以施用云南云叶化肥股份有限公司生产的8∶6∶18烟叶有机无机肥1 059.4 kg/hm2的处理最好;X2F以施用湖南金叶烟草肥料厂生产的10∶8∶20的烟草专用肥847.5 kg/hm2处理的感官品质最好。不同厂家生产的有机无机复合肥对烟草化学成分有影响,除C3F、X2F的氯含量,C3F的烟碱含量,C3F、X2F的钾含量在各处理间差异不显著外,其他化学成分在各处理之间差异达显著水平。施用有机无机复合肥后的各处理两糖比、钾氯比符合度较高;氮碱比、糖碱比变化规律不明显。施用有机无机复合肥对K326品种B2F、C3F、X2F 3个等级的阴燃时间、平衡含水率、含梗率、出片率有影响,差异不显著;对中上部烟叶的单叶重影响差异达显著水平。[结论]以云南云叶化肥股份有限公司生产的8∶6∶18烟叶有机无机肥1 059.4 kg/hm2的处理工业可用性相对较好,其次为湖南金叶烟草肥料厂生产的10∶8∶20烟草专用肥847.5 kg/hm2的处理。
关键词 烤烟;有机无机肥;外观质量;内在质量;工业可用性
中图分类号 S572;TS41+1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)06-0012-05
Effects of Different Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Tobacco Industrial Availability
TANG Min1, LAI Jian-chun2, YANG Chun-jiang3* et al (1.China Tobacco Jiangxi Industrial Co.,Ltd., Nanchang, Jiangxi 330096;2.Shicheng Branch of Ganzhou Tobacco Company, Ganzhou,Jiangxi 342700;3.Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Agricultural Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650021)
Abstract [Objective] To identify the effects of different organic and inorganic fertilizers on the tobacco industrial availability.[Method] Six different kinds of organic and inorganic fertilizers were studied in Qinjiang Town Modern Agriculture Demonstration Site in Shicheng County of Ganzhou City by field experiment, and the industrial test of leaf tobacco availability evaluation was completed by technology center of Jiangxi Industrial Co., Ltd.[Result] Tobacco appearance quality was the optimal in treatment of 1 412.5 kg/hm2 of 6∶6.5∶10 Best fertilizer in Zhenjiang Best Organic Activated Fertilizer Co., Ltd.B2F and C3F sensory quality was the optimal in the treatment of 1 059.4 kg/hm2 of 8∶6∶18 tobacco leaf organic and inorganic fertilizer in Yunnan Yunye Fertilizer Co., Ltd..X2F sensory quality was the optimal in the treatment of 847.5 kg/hm2 of 10:8:20 tobacco specific fertilizer from Hunan Gold Leaf Tobacco Fertilizer Factory.The organic and inorganic compound fertilizers from different sources had influence on tobacco chemical composition. Except the C3F and X2F chloride content, C3F the nicotine content, C3F and X2F potassium content, other chemical components content were significantly different between treatments.After the application of organic and inorganic compound fertilizers, RS/TS accorded with the ratio of potassium to chlorine highly.However, the variation of nitrogen-nicotine ratio and sugar-nicotine ratio was not obvious.Application of organic and inorganic compound fertilizers had impacts on the smoldering time, equilibrium moisture content, stem ratio and piece rate of B2F, C3F and X2F in variety K326, but the impacts on single leaf weight in middle and upper leaves were significant.[Conclusion] Treatment of 1 059.4 kg/hm2 of 8∶6∶18 tobacco leaf organic and inorganic fertilizer in Yunnan Yunye Fertilizer Co., Ltd.has relatively good industrial availability, followed with the treatment of 847.5 kg/hm2 of 10∶8∶20 tobacco specific fertilizer from Hunan Gold Leaf Tobacco Fertilizer Factory.