发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 散文精选 点击:

摘要 采用田间试验,以处理T5(当地常规烘烤工艺)为对照,研究了不同烘烤工艺条件对烟湘烟5号烘烤质量及经济效益的影响。结果表明,处理T4(稳温慢烤烘烤工艺)烤后烟叶含青率、黑烟比例、杂色烟比例较低,疏松程度、叶片结构和身份较好,中上等烟比例最高,达96.86%,总均价最高,达27.2元/kg。处理T1(低温中湿烘烤工艺)烘烤含青率较高,均价较低;处理T2(中温中湿烘烤工艺)烘烤质量及经济效益仅次于处理T4;处理T3(中温高湿烘烤工艺)烘烤质量及经济效益最差。故综合看,处理T4是湘烟5号的最适宜烘烤工艺。
关键词 湘烟5号;烘烤工艺;烘烤成本;烟叶外观质量;等级结构;均价
中图分类号 TS44 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2017)08-0253-04
Effects of Different Flue-curing Processes on Quality and Economic Benefit of Tobacco Xiangyan 5
LUO Jing-qing 1 ZHOU Zhi-cheng 2 HU Ri-sheng 2 LI Di-qin 3 TANG Hai-feng 4 ZHAN Liang 4 HE Yong-qiu 4
ZENG Hui-yu 4 FAN Cai-yin 4 *
(1 China Tobacco Leaf Corporation,Bingjing 100045; 2 Hunan Province Tobacco Company; 3 College of Agronomy,Hunan Agricultural University; 4 Changning Branch of Hengyang Tobacco Company)
Abstract The effects of different flue-curing conditions on quality and economic benefit of flue-cured tobacco Xiangyan 5 were studied in field by taking the treatment T5(local conventional curing process)as the control.The results showed that flue-cured tobacco with green rate,black smoke and variegated leaves proportions of the treatment T4(steady temperature slow baking process)were low,the loose degree,leaf structure and identity were better,the proportion of superior tobacco leaves was the highest,reached 96.86%,the total price was the highest,up to 27.2 yuan/kg.The treatment T1(low temperature and medium wet baking process)with green rate was higher,the average price was lower;baking quality and economic benefit of the treatment T2(medium temperature and medium wet curing process)were next to the treatment T4;baking quality and economic benefit of the T3(medium temperature and high humidity baking process)were the worst.Therefore,in general,the treatment T4 was the most suitable baking process of Xiangyan 5.
Key words Xiangyan 5;flue-curing technology;baking cost;tobacco sensory quality;hierarchical structure;average price
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
1.2 试验材料
试验烤烟品种为湘烟5号,烤房为湘密一号,装烟方式为常规的编竿。试验设备:气流上升式密集烤房5座,配备8 号风机、变频电机和控湿设备。烤房保温保湿性能良好,升温灵敏,排湿顺畅。
1.3 试验设计