[广州越秀区中考化学课外辅导班报名电话多少/广州越秀区初一语数外一对一辅导教育机构] 2018中考化学真题

发布时间:2018-11-03 来源: 散文精选 点击:



精锐1对1是中国领先的中小学教育品牌,学习中心遍布全国,倍受学生信赖。精锐1对1全球领先地提出了“学习力”(Power Learning)的概念。具体来说,“学习力”是学习动力、学习能力和学习毅力的统称, 是人一生持续成功的最重要竞争力。精锐1对1独创的UPCTM高效学习法(1对1辅导,6对1服务),能迅速提高学生的学习力,帮助孩子学会自学,实现快乐高效地学习,在快速提升孩子学习成绩的同时,促进综合素质的全面发展!
免费课程咨询热线:400 006 6911 转分机 58201
辅导课目: 英语 物理 化学 语文 数学 作文 历史 地理 政治 生物 艺术类
辅导对象:小学一至六年级 初中 高中 小升初 中考 艺考生
辅导时间:周六日 工作日 寒暑假
校区分布: 详情请拨打我们免费课程咨询电话了解,更多师资、费用信息专业老师为您解答



  1. 写出以下各形容词的比较级和最高级:1. nice ______________________ 2. fat ____________________3. slow _____________________ 4. dry


____________________5. happy

  ____________________ 6. wet ____________________7. much ____________________ 8. ill _____________________9. little _____________________ 10. bad ___________________11.

  thin ______________________ 12. far ____________________13. early _____________________ 14. careful_________________15. exciting ___________________ 16. busy

  __________________2. 根据句意,用所括号内所级形容词的比较等级形式填空:1. Mr. Smith is _________ man in this office. (rich)2. Winter is _________ season of the years.

  (cold)3. This radio is not so ________ as that one. (cheap)4. It is much _______ today than yesterday. (hot)5. She is a little ________ than her classmates. (careful)

  6. ________ people came to the meeting than last time. (many)7. Which book is ________, this one or that one? (easy)8. My room is _______ than yours. (small)9. Hainan

  is _______ from Beijing than Hunan. (far)10. Skating is _______ than swimming. (exciting)11. Jim is _______ than all the others. (honest)12. Things are getting _______

  and _______. (bad)13. The higher you climb, the _______ it will be. (cold)14. Now his life is becoming ________ and _______. (difficult)15. There are _______ boys than

  girls in our class. (few)【参考答案】1.1. nicer / nicest2. fatter / fattest3. slower / slowest4. drier / driest5. happier / happiest6. wetter / wettest7. more / most8.

  worse / worst9. less / least10. worse / worst11. thinner / thinnest12. farther / farthest 或 further / furthest13. earlier / earliest14. more careful / most careful15.

  more exciting / most exciting16. busier / busiest2.1. richest2. coldest3. cheap4. hotter5. more careful6. More7. easier8. smaller9. farter [further]10. more

  exciting11. more honest12. worse, worse13. colder14. more, more difficult15. fewer


相关热词搜索:广州越秀区中考化学课外辅导班报名电话多少 广州越秀区初一语数外一对一辅导教育机构 化学中考辅导班ppt 越秀区化学一模考试题

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