
发布时间:2018-10-23 来源: 散文精选 点击:


免费课程咨询热线:400 006 6911 转分机 58200

免费课程咨询热线:400 006 6911 转分机 58200

辅导课目: 英语 物理 化学 语文 数学 作文 历史 地理 政治 生物 艺术类
辅导对象:小学一至六年级 初中 高中 小升初 中考 艺考生
辅导时间:周六日 工作日 寒暑假
校区分布: 详情请拨打我们免费课程咨询电话了解,更多师资、费用信息专业老师为您解答




  get vt., vi got getting得到,收到;经历 Did you get my telegram?你收到我的电报了吗?Did they get any compensation when they were dismissed from their jobs?他们被解雇时

  有没有得到赔偿费?获得,取得 I must get some fruit in the market我得在市场上买点水果。I"ll get sth. to eat before I got out.我出去之前要找点东西吃。取来;处理 Don"t

  answer the telephone. I"ll get it.别接电话,我来听。开始 to get customers开始营业 Get moving!走!发动 I"ll get the car going.我要使车发动起来。变得,变成 The food"s

  getting cold.菜凉了。This skirt is getting dirty it needs washing."这件短裙脏了,该洗一洗了。"成为;被 to get trapped 被困弄;使;促使 I can"t get them all in.我不能把

  他们都弄进去。说服 Get him to see a doctor.劝他去找医生看看。到达,抵达 She got there at six.她六点钟到达那里。When we got to the station, the bus was waiting.当我们到

  达车站时,汽车还在等着。放进,弄进;取出,移出 Get that cat out of the house!把那猫从屋里赶出去!成功;达到… If I get to see him, I"ll ask him about it.如果我见到他,

  我会问他那件事。患(病),得(病) He"s got a bad cold.他得了重感冒。了解;听懂;明白 Do you get me?你明白我的意思吗?Did you get the drift of the dispute? 你搞清楚争

  论的中心了吗?困扰;使烦恼;刺激 That gets me where it hurts.那句话刺伤了我。击中 I got her with a potato.我用马铃薯打中了她。生育,生产击败对手,得胜 I"ll get him on

  that point.就那一点来说我会赢他。成功;进展;有效果 My son is really getting somewhere.我儿子确实在进步。【习惯用语】get sth. done使;受;让人做好;经历;让;做(该做

  的事)I"ll just get these dishes washed and then I"ll come.我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。I must get the television fixed.我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。get above oneself自

  高自大;自傲get (sth. or sb.) right了解get (sth. or sb.) wrong误解【常用词组】get across被理解;使人了解Did your speech get across to the crowd?你的演说听众理解吗? (=

  get over)get around避开,逃避to get around the tax laws逃避纳税 (= get round)get away with逃避惩罚get by度日;生活to get by on a small income靠微薄的收入生活尚可;勉强

  及格Your work will just get by.你的工作尚能过得去。get down(小孩)饭后离开餐桌 困难地吞下Come on, get the pill down.来,把药片吞下去。写下,记下 使疲倦、生病或不安The

  bad weather is getting me down.这坏天气使我毫无精神。get down to认真地静下心(工作)to get down to work静下心来工作get home中肯;被了解(不愉快的事) (= go home)get

  off(与with, together连用)结交异性与异性发生性关系get on相处融洽 变迟;变老 Time is getting on.时间已晚。继续 Get on with your work!继续工作吧。快;催促 成功 to get

  on in one"s job在事业上取得成功get on for(时间、年纪、距离)接近,迈进, 快到She is getting on for fifty.她年近50了。get onto与…接触 得知,获悉The police finally

  got onto him.警方终于得知了他的欺骗行为。被任命为;被选为 开始讨论或从事How did we get onto that subject?我们是怎么谈到那个题目的?登机;骑上;爬上 I get onto the

  train every morning at 6:30.我每天早晨六点半上火车。get out of(使)逃避;避免;摆脱She tried to get out of helping her mother. 她尽量逃避帮助她的妈妈。放弃 to get out

  of a bad habit改掉坏习惯使说出The police got the truth out of her.警察迫使她说出真相。获得,得到 How much did he get out of the deal?那笔交易他获得了多少钱?get over做

  完;结束;熬过You"ll be glad to get your operation over.手术做完了你一定会高兴的。使人了解或接受 痊愈,康复It took me a long time to get over my cold.我的感冒过了很久

  才好。克服 Can we get over this difficulty?我们能克服这个困难吗?I can"t/ couldn"t get over.我十分惊讶。get round避开;逃避 说服,争取(某人)旅行get round to找时间做

  get through接通(电话)让人了解Get it through to him that he must rest.要让他了解他该休息了。办完;完成;了结 (使议案在议会)通过get together相聚,聚会When can we get

  together?我们什么时候聚会?get up(使)起床;起身He is still asleep, he hasn"t got up.他还在睡觉,没起床。(病后)起床(风、火等)变得 猛烈,增强筹办;准备;演出to get

  up a party筹备一个舞会研究 to get up a subject研究一个学科穿起;装束 She has got up in a new costume.她穿起一身新装。增加;提高 to get up speed 增加速度(与to连用)到

  达What page have you got up to?你读到第几页了?在墙上乱涂乱画近义词: acquire become bring bring about fetch gain grow incurinduce influence obtain persuade receive

  retrieve secure turn反义词: lose


相关热词搜索:文二西路小学三年级语文同步辅导班到哪好 上城解放路初二数学培训报名电话 芜湖市解放西路小学 解放西路小学怎么样

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