发布时间:2017-01-20 来源: 日记大全 点击:
吸血鬼日记第一季10篇一:吸血鬼日记 第一季 第1集-11集
吸血鬼日記 第一季 第一集
过去的一个多世纪 我都秘密地活着
For over a century, I have lived in secret. 藏身暗处Hiding in the shadows, 独自一人alone in the world. 直到现在Until now.
我是个吸血鬼I am a vampire. 以下是我的故事And this is my story. 居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐 An hour's drive to hear that crap. 根本都算不上是乐队
You know, it wasn't even a band. 就一个人抱把卲他A guy with a guitar. 往返共浪费两小时An hour each way. 他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad. 风格还挺像詹姆斯·布朗特 He sounded like James Blunt.
那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that? 问题是已经有一个詹姆斯·布朗特了 We already have a James Blunt. 一个就够了One's all we need. 那你为什么还要来So why did you come? 因为我爱你Because I love you. 聪明的回答Nicely done.
哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog? 很快就会散开的It'll clear in a second. 小心Watch out! 你没事吧Are you ok?! 我们撞到人了 上帝啊
We just hit someone! Oh,my god! 快打电话叫救护车Call for help. 快接电话 快啊Come on, come on! 千万别出人命啊Please be alive! 哦 上帝啊Oh, my god. 这里没信号There's no signal! 达伦Darren! 达伦Darren?
我不该回来的I shouldn't have come home. 我知道这很冒险I know the risk. 但我别无选择But I had no choice. 我必须去认识她I have to know her. 亲爱的日记本Dear diary,
今天将会不同以往today will be different. 我必须做出改变It has to be. 我将陎带笑容 让人觉得可信的笑容
I will smile, and it will be believable. 我的笑如同在说 "我很好 谢谢关心 "My smile was say "I'm fine, thank you. "是的 我好多了""Yes, I feel much better." 我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. 我要重新开始 做全新的自己
I will start fresh, be someone new. 只有这样我才能撑下去
It's the only way I'll make it through. 吐司怎么样 我会做土司 Toast. I can make toast. 只要咖啡就行 珍娜阿姨
It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna. 有咖啡吗Is there coffee?
你们开学第一天Your first day of school 我却毫无准备and I'm totally unprepared. 要午餐钱吗Lunch money? 我不用了I'm good.
还有什么别的吗Anything else? 一支2B铅笔 我还漏了什么没
A number two pencil? What am I missing? 你今天不是要做一个很重要的报告吗
Don't you have a big presentation today? 我要和论文导师见陎 就是现在
I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now. -糟糕 -那走吧 我们自己能行
- Crap! - Then go. We'll be fine. 你还好吧You ok? 打住Don't start. 外婆说我是个灵媒
So gram's telling me I'm psychic. 我们祖先就是从塞勒姆来的 Our ancestors were from Salem, 所以也不算很离谱 对吧
which isn't all that, I know, crazy, 但是她不停地说啊说
but she's going on and on about it, 我都想把她送进敬老院了and I'm like, put this woman in a home already!
但是我开始想But then I started thinking, 奥巴马当选和希斯·莱杰早逝我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, 而且我始终认为佛罗里达将会分裂
and I still think Florida will break off 变成一些小的旅游岛
and turn into little resort islands. 埃琳娜Elena!
该回神啦Back in the car.
我又在走神了 是吗I did it again, didn't I? 对不起 邦妮I--I'm sorry, Bonnie. 你刚才在说...You were telling me that... 我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now. 对 那么预言点什么
Right. Ok, then predict something. 关于我的About me. 我想想I see...
那是什么东西What was that?! 哦 上帝啊Oh, my god!
埃琳娜 你没事吧Elena, are you ok? 没事 我很好It's ok. I'm fine.
好像是鸟之类的东西 不知从哪飞出来的It was like
a bird or something. It came out of nowhere. 说真的 我不可能下半辈子都恐惧汽车吧 Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the
rest of my life. 我预言你红透一整年
I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and dark times are over 你会过得快乐至极
and you are going to be beyond happy. 优质男市场人才匮乏
Major lack of male real estate. 快看凯丽·碧琪把浴帘裹身上了
Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach. 她看上去就像个火辣的..能接着说"邋遢女郎"吗She looks a hot. Can I still say "tranny mess"? 不行 出口算数No, that's over. 好吧 找个男友 造个流行语 Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. 肯定是充实的一年It's a busy year. 他恨我He hates me. 那不是恨That's not hate.
是说"你甩了我 我不屑于表现出来"That's "You dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, 但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的歌曲疗伤" "But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."
埃琳娜 我的天哪Elena. Oh, my god. 你怎么样How are you?
见到你真好Oh, it's so good to see you. 她怎么样 她好吗How is she? Is she good? 卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline, I'm right here. 而且我很好 谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you. 真的吗Really?
对 好多了Yes. Much better. 我的小可怜Oh, you poor thing. 够了 卡罗琳Ok, Caroline.
那么待会儿见Ok, see you guys later? 好的 -拜拜- Ok! - Bye. 不予置评 我什么都不想说
No comment. I'm not going to say anything.
Don't take more than two in a six-hour window. 薇姬Hey, Vicki.
I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads. 皮特·温兹打电话给我 说想要回他的指甬油 Hey, Pete Wentz called. He wants his nail polish back.
皮特·温兹 你活在啥年代啊
Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L of you. 不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan? 泰 冷静点 冷静点Oh, Ty, be nice. Be nice. 他是埃琳娜的弟弟
That's Elena's little brother. 我知道他是谁I know who he is.
但我还是要给他好看I'll still kick his ass. 等等 这人是谁Hold up. Who's this? 我只看到个背影All I see is back. 很帅的背影It's a hot back. 你的档案还不齐全
Your records are incomplete. 没有免疫证
You're missing immunization records, 而且我们必须要看成绩单
And we do insist on transcripts. 请您再仔细看一下Please look again. 我确定您要的都在这了
I'm sure everything you need is there. 你说的对Well, you're right. 的确如此So it is.
我感知到他来自西雅图 并且会弹卲他
I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar. 看来你是真打算You're really going to -处处运用你的灵媒技能啊 -差不多-
run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh? - Pretty much.
我马上回来I'll be right back. 千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.
别搞突袭啊 小妞Pants down, chick! 很好Great.
第一天上课你就嗑药It's the first day of school and you're stoned.
-我没有 -放哪了- No, I'm not. - Where is it? -藏身上了吗-别翻了
Is it on you?Stop, all right 你得冷静点 行不行
You need to chill yourself, all right? 我冷静点Chill myself? 你已经飘飘欲以 不知所云了吧 What is that, stoner talk?
老弟 算你狠Dude, you are so cool.
住手 我身上什么也没有 你疯了吗Look, stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy? 你还没见识真正的发疯呢 杰里米 You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy!
我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass, 可我不能再看着你毁了自己了but I am done watching you destroy yourself. 别别别 知道我怎么想吗 No, no, no, you know what? 你走吧 爱干嘛干嘛 不过记住了 Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know 只要我发现你贩药嗑药 that I am going to be there 见一次我挡一次 听见了吗
To ruin your buzz every time, you got it? 杰里米 我知道你的本质 Jeremy, I know who you are.
不是现在这样的And it's not this person. 别再这样了So don't be this person. 不用你来说教I don't need this.
-谢谢 -不客气- Thank you. - You're welcome. 对不起Pardon me.
这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room? 是的 我只是Yes. um, I was just, um... 只是...I was just...
说来话长了It's a long story. 谢谢Thank you. 我们的家乡弗卲尼亚州
Once our home state of Virginia 曾于1861年加入南方联盟国 Joined confederacy in 1861, 使得州际内部极度局势紧张
It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. 弗卲尼亚的西北人士
People in Virginia's northwest region 与南方腹地的传统派意见相左
Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. 终于 弗卲尼亚于1863年分裂 Then virginia divided in 1863 西北部加入了合众国
With the northwest region joining the union. [帅哥在看你]
[神秘瀑布镇墓地]\N[建于1792年] 亲爱的日记本Dear diary,
我熬过了一整天I made it through the day. 今天我至少说了37次 "我很好 谢谢 "I must have said, "I'm fine, thanks," at least 37 times. 但没有一次是真心的
And I didn't mean it once. 不过没人发现But no one noticed. [纪念亲爱的双亲 2009年5月23日] 当有人问起"你好吗"时
When someone asks, "How are you?" 他们其实并不想知道答案
They really don't want an answer. 好吧Okay.
你好 小鸟Hi, bird.
没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything. 我就说嘛That's what I thought. 你没事吧You ok?
你在跟踪我吗Were you following me? 没有 我只是看到你跌到了
No, I, uh, I just... I saw you fall. 是啊 你只是碰巧
Uh-huh, and you just happened to be 来墓地散步Hanging out in a cemetery. 我是来祭拜家人的
I'm visiting. I have family here. 太失礼了Wow. Tactless.
对不起 都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog, 把我都弄得晕头转向的It's making me foggy. 而且那边还有只鸟
And then back there, there was this bird, 那一瞬间 整个氛围让人惊悚
And it was all very Hitchcock for a second. 很像希区柯克那部关于鸟的恐怖电影
That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock? 我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena. 我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan. 我知道I know.
我们一起上历史课We have history together. 还有英语和法语课And English and French. 没错Right. 谢谢Thanks.
戒指真漂亮Nice ring.
是祖传的It's a family ring, yeah. 我似乎带上就不想取下来 有点诡异对吗 I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird,huh? 不会 戒指随处可见
No, no. It's just, I mean, there are rings 这枚却很特别And then there's that. 你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself? 刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself? 不知道I don't know. 看啊Oh! Look at that.
这可不好看That is not pretty. 你没事吧You ok? 你该走了You should go.
好好处理下伤口Take care of that. 真的没什么Really, it's nothing. 今天我失控了I lost control today. 我已经深埋内心的一切
Everything I've kept buried inside 都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface. 我只是无法抗拒她
I'm simply not able to resist her. 我在干活Working. 谢谢 薇姬Thanks, Vick.
还要续杯吗Do you need another refill? 求之不得I'd love one.
拜托告诉我 你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister. 我没有勾搭你妹妹
I'm not hooking up with your sister. 你真是个混蛋You're such a dick. 你怎么回事Hey, what's your deal? 暑假的时候你还好好的
I mean, summer you act one way 开学后看到我 就完全不想搭理我And then school starts and you can't be bothered. 杰里米 我真的很感谢你的药Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals, 但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我 But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.
When's the last time you had sex with a puppy? 小声点 我不想让整个世界知道Hey, keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world 我夺走了埃琳娜小弟的童贞
I deflowered Elena's kid brother. 是啊 还夺了一次又一次的
Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered. 我们不过是在嗑药情况下勾搭了几次现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.
趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前 快走吧
You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler. 得了吧 那家伙是个十足的蠢货
Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche. 他和你在一起 只是想和你上床 He only wants you for your ass. 是吗Yeah?
那你和我在一起又是为了什么 What do you want me for? 他叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托
His name is Stefan Salvatore.
和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house. 孩提时就离开小镇了
He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. 军人家庭 所以四处迁徙
Military family, so they moved around a lot. 双子座 最喜欢的颜色是蓝色
He's a gemini, and his favorite color is blue. 才一天你就打听了这么多
You got all of that in one day?
拜托 我在三四节课课间就知道了Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period. 我们将会举行一个六月婚礼 We're planning a June wedding. 我和邦妮约好去烧烤
I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill. 好吧 玩得愉快 等等 我现在应该说 Ok, have fun. Wait,I got this. 别玩得太晚 明天还要上课
Don't stay out late, it's a school night. 干得不错 珍娜阿姨Well done, aunt Jenna. 抱歉 我正想敲门Sorry, I was about to knock. 我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. 我知道那有点...I know it was... 奇怪strange.
S1 E01
For over a century, I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now, I'm a vampire. And this is my story.
1、There is no signal. 这里没有信号
I shouldn't come home. I know the risk. But i had no choice ,I have to know her.
3、I'll start fresh. Be someone new. 我要重新开始,做不同的自己
4、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言今年是不得了的一年
5、uh, pardon me. 对不起【口语】
6、It's a long story. 说来话长
7、I made through a day. 我熬过了一天
8、tactless 无礼
Stefan: I lost control today. Everything I've kept buried inside came rusing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist her.
10、hook up with sb. 勾引某人
11、 keep it down. 小声点
12、keep a journal. 记日记
13、you can't change what you are. 本性难移
14、He has that romance novel stare. 眼神深邃
15、怎么了:what's the hell?
what happened?
16、Damon: she took my breath away. 她把我的魂都吸引住了
17、A is dead ringer for B. A和B长得一模一样
18、That's given. 这是宿命安排
S1 E02
1、you’re feisty today. 你今天很活跃啊
2、The last thing that I want to do is hurt u. 我最不想做的就是伤害你
3、grab a coffee 拿一杯咖啡
4、I’m sorry for barging in. 很抱歉擅自闯入
5、Stefan is not one to brag. Stefan是个不爱讲的人
6、I see why my brother is so smitten. 我明白为什么我弟弟会这么着迷了
7、He didn’t want u to think he was on the rebound. 不想你知道他在感情空窗期
8、Every relationship is doomed to end. 每段感情都注定会完蛋
9、Don’t be silly. 别傻了
10、He wasn’t always such a looker. 他可不是一直都这么帅~
11、She’s got spunk. 她快怒了
12、Quit ditching classes or you’re grounded. 不要在逃课了否则就禁足
13、At least I put myself out there. 至少我努力争取了
14、Here. Knock yourself out, literally. 给你,随意吃
15、Like you care. 别假惺惺了
16、harbinger of evil 邪恶的预告
17、I vote for none of the above. 我一个都不选
18、What r u up to? 你想干什么?
19、She’s big on texting. 她喜欢发短信
20、she kind of wigs out. 她太激动了
Elena’s diary: Dear diary: Today I convinced myself it was
OK to give up. Don’t take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama. Now is
just not the time. But my reasons aren’t reasons. They’re excuses. All I’m
doing is hiding from the truth. And the truth is that I’m scared, Stefan. I’m
scared if I let myself be happy for even one moment that the world’s just going
to come crashing down, and I don’t know if I can survive that. Stefan:
I met a girl. We talked and it was epic. But the sun came up and reality set
in. Well, this is reality. Right here.
S1 E03
1、This could have gone a completely different way. 本来不需要这样
2、Why the about-face? 为什么变卦?
3、Spit it out 快说
4、Screw u 去你的
5、I’m a loner. 我不合群
6、I can’t be sad girl forever. 我不能永远消沉
7、Blue Lady! 注意!
8、Let’s huddle up! 都聚过来!
9、Simmer down. 别激动
10、 I wonder who that could be. 我想知道是谁
11、 Tyler must be sealing. Tyler一定气疯了~
12、 Nice deduced. 猜得真准!
13、 There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother.
14、 A really serious no-joke response. 好好回答
15、 You’re bully! 你是恶棍!
16、 That’s what matters. 这才是最重要的!
S1 E04
1、dick move 让开
2、scrum bucket/scum ball 饭桶
3、---How do you look in a suit?
---I can pull one off.
4、The pleasure is all mine. 是我非常荣幸
5、A has a lot of issues with B. A与B之间有很多矛盾
6、What you gonna buy me? 你拿什么来讨好我?
7、I’m sick with it. 我厌倦了
8、You’re in no position to question me. 你没资格提问我
9、I drive u drink. 我竟然让你喝酒了
10、 Don’t even play that card. 别和我耍花样
11、 You can’t roofie me. 你不能给我下药
12、 You cracked a funny. 你也会搞笑
13、 You look smashing! 你真美!
14、 He is on good behavior. 他很绅士
15、 I wasn’t counting on it(代指vervain). 我没指望它
16、 I got all snotty. 我真讨厌
17、 My radar must be off. 我脑子已经不听使唤了
18、 Trust is earned. 信任是要靠挣得
S1 E05
1、I’m almost done.
It’s OK. Take ur time.
2、Be somewhere right now. 马上闪到别的地方去
3、If you wanna kill some time, we can rack. 如果你想消磨时间,我打局球吧
I’ll let u break. 我让你开球
4、Family only runs so deep. 一家人果然感情深厚啊!
5、I’m shutting down. 我快不行了
6、I got held up. 我被耽搁了
7、You haven’t aged a day. 你身上一点岁月的痕迹都没有
8、I did something that I’m not proud of. 我当时耍了阴招
9、I’m no longer crippled by her loss. 不再因为她而裹足不前
10、I’m an avid reader. 我是书虫
11、The lies will catch up to u. 谎言会让你作茧自缚
12、None of that tortured pining stuff. 别弄得跟个多情怨妇似的
13、Doesn’t ring a bell. 没响铃呢///引申为:想不起来了
14、She abandoned me. 她放我鸽子
15、I’m not a believer. 我不是个信徒
S1 E06
Everything you know and every belief that you have is about to change. 你所知道何所相信的一切都要改变了
2、You almost got me. 你差点就骗了我
3、It’s not too big a stretch. 这只是点到为止
4、She wasn’t just any girl. 她不是一般的女孩儿
5、A is so over B. A被B深深迷住了
6、What’s she on? 她怎么了?
7、She’s really messed up. 她疯了
8、I’m gonna go out on a lime here and guess. 我大胆的猜一下
9、We can cut to the chase if you want. 如果你愿意,我们就开门见山吧
10、Tip for later 最后忠告
S1 E07
1、You don’t talk. 你没资格说话
2、I need some time to figure things out. 我需要时间弄清楚一些事
3、It’s wrong to pray on innocent people. 以无辜人为食是不对的
4、He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. 咱们都不如他高尚
5、Count Deepak 又开始说教了
6、Knock yourself out. 自己找吧
E: How can u be so arrogant and glib after everything that you’ve done?
D: And how can u be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?
E: If u wanted me dead, I’d be dead.
D: Yes, you would.
E: But I’m not.
D: Yet.
8、Let’s get one thing straight. 要搞清楚
9、She’s on edge. 她太烦躁了
10、You’re flirting with me. 你在跟我调情
11、She totally bailed on me. 她把我扔下了
12、Why does everybody have to die on me? 为什么大家都要在我面前死去?
13、I can’t lose the way I feel about u. 我无法放下对你的感觉
S1 E08
1、How could u even ask that? 亏你问得出口?
2、I’m headed to NY for the weekend. 我这周末要奔向纽约
3、It’ll be a blast. 肯定很精彩
4、speaking of…说到这儿。。。
5、very sketchy 恍恍惚惚
6、What an unexpected surprise! 真是个意外惊喜!
7、Do me! 拜托了~
8、You’re wallowing. 你无精打采的
9、You up? 你醒了吗?
10、I’ll officially wored. 我已经精疲力尽了
11、He’s my supplier 这(血)是他给的
12、I’m just jealous of your restraint. 我只是佩服你的控制力
13、We need to blend. 我们需要融入他们
14、Are u out of ur freaking mind? 你是不是疯了?
15、Lexi’s dragging me. Lexi非拉我去~
16、I can’t count on neither of them. 我对她俩都无奈
17、Alert the media. 善意提示
18、The rest comes with time. 其他是时间问题
19、Love really did conquer all. 爱战胜了一切
20、Cut the crap. 废话少说
21、We’re even. 我们扯平了~
S1 E09
1、Be the bigger person. 做个更宽容的人
Impossible in her presence. 她(Bonnie)的表现不行
2、It’s matter of principal. 这是原则问题
3、It’s mouthful. 有点拗口
4、Rise and sunshine, sleepyhead. 起床啦,小懒虫
5、It’s just an opus to u. 你可是里面的头号人物
6、Little garish. 有点俗
7、It reeks of awkward subtext. 就好像你在敷衍我
8、Trying to read something into it? 还胡思乱想?
吸血鬼日记第一季10篇三:吸血鬼日记第一季 具体剧情简介
片名:Pilot 日期:2009-9-10
带着失去双亲的苦痛,Elena Gilbert和弟弟Jeremy开始了新学期。Elena在同学中间很受欢迎,又是模范生,但始终不能从悲痛中重新振作起来。而弟弟Jeremy则选择了用麻醉性药品这一危险的手段来缓解内心的哀伤。新同学
Stefan Salvatore的到来,让Elena看到了重拾浪漫的可能。
Elena Gilbert和Jeremy Gilbert姐弟俩不久前失去双亲成了孤儿,现在和姑妈Jenna一起生活在弗吉尼亚州神秘瀑布镇(Mystic Falls)。Elena在墓地对着日记诉说心声,和好朋友Bonnie Bennett、Caroline Forbes一起玩,借此适应失去父母后不一样的生活。相反,弟弟Jeremy选择了用药物逃避,麻醉自己,他一心追求着Vicki Donovan,而Vicki却更倾向于Tyler
Stefan Salvatore刚刚来到小镇与叔叔Zach同住,Zach一直叫他少惹麻烦。Stefan虽是吸血鬼,但已下定决心与人类和睦相处。他渐渐喜欢上了
吸血鬼日记第一季分集剧情介绍 第2集
片名:The Night of the Comet 日期:2009-9-17
Elena跑到Stefan家(Mossy Manse)门口敲了敲门但没人应答,看门开着,她便推门进了屋。一只乌鸦迎面朝她飞来,Damon从她身后出现。Stefan及时赶到并阻止Damon透露更多自己的事,随后还表现得自己几乎不怎么认
Vicki终于出院,Jeremy前去迎接。Damon把Vicki从她工作的酒吧(Mystic Grill)的盥洗室掳上了屋顶,通过控制她的思想逼她相信那晚是
Elena看到Jenna在翻Jeremy的房间,鼓励她要有信心,相信自己会是个称职的家长。 Elena来找Stefan谈论各自会对日记说些什么,最终两人擦出了火花!Jeremy不得不看着Vicki又回到Tyler的怀抱。Damon与Caroline亲密接触,他双眼充血,脸上血管突出。本集以Caroline的尖叫声结尾。
吸血鬼日记第一季分集剧情介绍 第3集
片名:Friday Night Bites日期:2009-9-24
吸血鬼日记第一季分集剧情介绍 第4集
片名:Family Ties日期:2009-10-1
吸血鬼日记第一季分集剧情介绍 第5集
片名:You're Undead To Me 日期:2009-10-8
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