
发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 日记大全 点击:

  摘 要:社会大众对健康的迫切需求是美国实施“综合性学校体育活动计划”的主要契机,该计划包含优质的学校体育课程、校内体育活动、校外体育活动、教职工体育参与、家庭和社区参与方面的内容,赋予体育教师新的职业角色和职责,同时也引领美国体育教师教育的新趋向。介绍美国实施“综合性学校体育活动计划”背景下西维吉尼亚大学健康教育课程的经验,提出对我国体育教师教育的建议:(1)体育素养养成应是体育教师教育课程目标的重要维度;(2)实践导向的健康教育课程应是我国体育教师教育的重要内容;(3)高校与社会、中小学的协同合作是体育教师教育课程实施不可或缺的环节。
  关 键 词:学校体育;健康教育课程;体育教师教育;综合性学校体育活动计划;西维吉尼亚大学
  中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2018)02-0091-07
  Experiences of and inspirations from the health education curriculum of
  West Virginia University in the United States
  WANG Xian-mao,HE Yi,DONG Guo-yong
  (School of Physical Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
  Abstract: Social masses’ urgent need for health is the main opportunity for the United States to implement the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP), which contains such contents as high quality school physical education courses, on campus physical activities, off campus physical activities, staff sports participation, as well as family and community participation, gives physical education teachers a new professional role and re-sponsibility, and leads the new trend of physical education teacher education in the United States. The authors in-troduced the experiences of the health education curriculum of West Virginia University under the background of the United States implementing the CSPAP, and put forward the following suggestions for physical education teacher education in China: 1) sports attainment cultivation should be an important dimension in physical education teacher education curriculum objectives; 2) the practice-oriented health education curriculum should be an important content in physical education teacher education in China; 3) the coordinated cooperation between universities and society as well as elementary and middle schools is an indispensable link in physical education teacher education curriculum implementation.
  Key words: school physical education;health education curriculum;physical education teacher education;Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program;West Virginia University
  20世紀90年代,日益严重的青少年儿童肥胖病症引起美国社会对学校体育促进青少年儿童体育参与的重视,学校体育教育在公共健康领域地位不断凸显[1]。这引起美国社会对健康师资的迫切需求,大众希望体育教师接受专门的健康教育和训练并为公共健康服务。然而,在此之前美国体育教师的工作职责主要还局限于体育教学的范畴,尚未涉足健康教育的领域[2]。现实需求引致美国体育教师教育关注公共健康领域,其中,由南卡罗来纳大学Judith Rink主持的“综合性学校体育活动计划”(Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program,CSPAP)以服务公共健康为指导思想,一方面整合家庭、社区、大学等主体,共同开发涵盖全社会的学校体育活动计划,为青少年提供更多体育参与机会;另一方面,引领体育教师教育改革,培育健康与体育教育工作者。为顺应健康与体育教师培养之新趋势,适应我国《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》对体育教师提出的新要求,在介绍美国“综合性学校体育活动计划”的背景及具体内容的同时,评介西维吉尼亚大学基于该计划的健康教育课程,以期为我国体育教师教育实践提供参照。

相关热词搜索:美国 尼亚 启示 教育课程 经验

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