发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 日记大全 点击:
[摘要] 目的 探討并分析微创肋骨内固定术治疗重度胸部外伤的临床治疗效果及价值。 方法 方便选取该院2015年12月—2016年12月期间收治的94例重度胸部外伤伴肋骨骨折患者,按照随机分配的原则将其分为对照组(47例患者)与实验组(47例患者),其中对照组患者给予保守治疗,实验组患者给予微创肋骨内固定术方式治疗,对两组患者的治疗效果、治疗前后VAS评分以及平均住院治疗时间给予观察与对比。结果 实验组患者治疗前后的VAS评分分别为(9.12±0.86)分、(4.02±0.31)分,对照组患者治疗前后的VAS评分分别为(8.97±0.88)分、(6.58±0.63)分,两组患者治疗后VAS评分显著优于治疗前,实验组患者治疗后VAS评分显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组患者平均住院治疗时间为(14.74±5.21)d,对照组患者平均住院治疗时间为(23.58±6.17)d,实验组患者平均住院时间显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组患者治疗总有效率为95.74%,对照组患者治疗总有效率为80.85%,实验组患者的治疗总有效率显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在重度胸部外伤患者的临床治疗过程中应用微创肋骨内固定术治疗具有显著临床疗效,值得在临床上推广应用。
[关键词] 微创肋骨内固定术;治疗效果;重度胸部外伤;住院治疗时间
[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)01(c)-0038-03
[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to evaluate and analyze the clinical effect and value of minimally invasive rib fixation in the treatment of severe thoracic trauma. Methods Convenient selection 94 patients with severe thoracic trauma and rib fractures admitted in this hospital from December 2015 to December 2016 were divided into control group(47 patients) and experimental group (47 patients) according to the principle of random assignment. The patients in the control group were treated with conservative treatment. The patients in the experimental group were treated with minimally invasive rib fixation. The treatment effect of the two groups of patients, the VAS score before and after treatment and the average hospitalization time were observed and compared. Results VAS scores of the patients in the experimental group were (9.12±0.86)points and (4.02±0.31)points respectively. The VAS scores of the control group were (8.97±0.88)points and (6.58±0.63)points The VAS score of the patients in the experimental group was significantly better than that before the control group(P<0.05), the difference was statistically significant. The average hospitalization time was(14.74±5.21)d in the experimental group and(23.58±6.17)d in the control group. The average hospital stay was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group with significant difference(P<0.05). The total effective rate was 95.74% in the experimental group and 80.85% in the control group. The total effective rate was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group . The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The application of minimally invasive rib fixation in the treatment of severe thoracic trauma has significant clinical efficacy and is worthy of clinical application.