发布时间:2018-06-23 来源: 日记大全 点击:

【摘要】 目的 探讨水胶体敷料对经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(PICC)化疗患者静脉炎的预防效果。方法 120例化疗患者, 按随机数字表法分为试验组和对照组, 各60例。试验组使用水胶体和多磺酸粘多糖乳膏(喜辽妥), 对照组单独使用喜辽妥。观察与记录两组患者上肢疼痛程度和静脉炎的发生情况。结果 对照组第一、二、三个疗程的疼痛评分为(3.12±0.56)、(4.23±0.85)、(4.98±0.40)分, 试验组分别为(2.75±0.98)、(3.24±0.38)、(4.69±0.17)分;试验组患者第一、二个疗程的疼痛评分低于对照组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组患者第三个疗程的疼痛评分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。试验组静脉炎发生率为31.7%, 低于对照组的55.0%, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对化疗患者预防性使用水胶体敷料可减轻患者的上肢疼痛程度, 降低静脉炎的发生率, 提高患者的舒适度。
【关键词】 水胶体敷料;经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管;静脉炎;护理
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the preventive effect of hydrocolloid dressing in the prevention of phlebitis in chemotherapy patients with peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC). Methods A total of 120 chemotherapy patients were divided by random number table method into experimental group and control group, with 60 cases in each group. The experimental group received hydrocolloids and mucopolysaccharide Polysulfate Cream (Hirudoid), and the control group received Hirudoid only. Observation and record were made on degree of upper limb pain and the occurrence of phlebitis between the two groups. Results The control group had pain score of first, second and third course as (3.12±0.56), (4.23±0.85) and (4.98±0.40) points, which were respectively as (2.75±0.98), (3.24±0.38) and (4.69±0.17) points in the experimental group. The experimental group had lower pain score of first, second and third course than the control group, and their difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Both groups had no statistically significant difference in pain score of third course (P>0.05). The experimental group had lower incidence of phlebitis as 31.7% than 55.0% in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The preventive application of hydrocolloid dressing for patients with chemotherapy can reduce pain degree in the upper limb of the patients, reduce the incidence of phlebitis and improve the comfort of the patients.
【Key words】 Hydrocolloid dressing; Peripherally inserted central catheter; Phlebitis; Nursing
化療是治疗恶性肿瘤患者主要方法之一, 并且效果明显, 但化疗导致的不良反应仍是至关重要的问题。PICC是化疗最常用的给药途径, 在所有的不良反应中, 静脉炎是导致化疗中断的原因之一[1]。发生静脉炎的原因有很多, 包括pH值、渗透压、静脉大小、管路的型号、材质和留置时间以及是否采取预防措施等[2]。置管后机械性静脉炎属于无菌性炎症, 是由于导管对血管壁的摩擦、撞击作用, 造成血管的痉挛和血管内膜的损伤, 激惹静脉壁发生的静脉炎症反应[3]。国内外已有大量研究者采取不同措施预防静脉炎的发生, 虽然取得初步成效, 但在预防化疗药物导致的静脉炎研究中收效甚微[4-9]。水胶体类敷料是将橡胶与水胶体粒子均匀混合后所制成的医疗治伤材料, 水胶体粒子主要由甲基纤维素钠、交联羧甲基纤维素钠、果胶、明胶等构成, 其主要依靠水胶体粒子吸收伤口渗出液, 从而达到预防或治疗皮肤损伤的功