on [Hopes,Hanging,on,Grapes]

发布时间:2020-03-28 来源: 日记大全 点击:

  ThestoragecellarofNingxiaXixia KingWinery(Group)Co.Ltd.is filledwiththe expectedlargeoak Tarethe barrels names of of wine. international What’sunexpectedcelebrities and politicians, the former German Defense MinisterRudolfAlbertScharpingand formerArgentinaTransportationMinister Jermyn Kamllows for instance, tagged on specific barrels.
  “People have come here and decided to buy the whole barrel of wine after tasting a glass or two,” said Wang Yiping, Director of the Department of Production, providing an explanation for the tags.

相关热词搜索:Hopes Hanging Grapes Hopes Hanging on Grapes hanging+on hangingon

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