Happy as a child_Opera Classic Gets a Happy Ending
发布时间:2020-03-27 来源: 日记大全 点击:
Chinese composer writes a new score for the last 18 minutesof Puccini"s Turandot.
It has long been the" wishes of many clas-sical opera fans and sopranos alike thatthe heroine of Italian composer GiacomoPuccini"s classic Turandot, PrincessTurandot, had her own aria. And now thatwish has just come true. In the new edi-tion of the opera presented by the NationalCenter for the Performing Arts (NCPA) ofChina in March, the princess sang a beauti-ful and moving aria, named The First Tears,transforming herself in the process from acold-hearted woman with infinite power intoan ordinary girl falling in love with PrinceCalaf, the hem of the opera.
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