现实区域梦想区域壁纸 [区域金融中心的现实和梦想]

发布时间:2020-03-11 来源: 日记大全 点击:

  如今,济南区域金融中心的轮廓越来越明晰。   2009年5月,在山东省内城商行联合成立“齐鲁银行”无疾而终后,具有代表意义的齐鲁银行最终花落济南商行。外界认为,名称的变化或意味着济南在打造区域金融中心建设上迈出了更加实质的一步,大金融轮廓愈发明显。
  经过几年的推动和发展,济南区域性金融中心的地位正在不断彰显。到2007年的时候,金融业已成为济南的支柱产业。2008年,金融业对济南税收的贡献排名第二。截至2009年6月末,济南全市本外币各项存款余额 6371.4 亿元,增长 24.2% ;本外币各项贷款余额 6293.3 亿元,增长 29.8%;存贷款余额及新增量都稳居全省首位。
  Today, the outline for building a regional financial center in Jinan has become increasingly clear.
  As early as May, 2009, after the failure by Shandong commercial banks to jointly establish the Qilu Bank, the Qilu Bank was finally built up by Jinan Commercial Bank. It is believed that the name change may signify a step of significance for Jinan in building up a regional financial center, thus creating an increasingly clear outline for a large financial center.
  At the same time, foreign investment banks are an essential ingredient for the establishment of any regional financial center. On July 21, 2009, the 20th inland city branches of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC)―HSBC Jinan Branch―was formally opened, enabling HSBC to become the first foreign invested bank to open a branch in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province.
  As early as 2002, Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Shandong People’s Government has decided to build Jinan into a regional financial center. And the position of Jinan as a regional financial center has been continuously strengthened through several years’ promotion and development. By 2007, the financial industry has become the pillar industry of Jinan. In 2008, it ranked second in its contribution to Jinan’s tax revenue. By the end of June, 2009, the remaining balance of deposits in domestic and foreign currency has reached 637.14 billion yuan, an increase of 24.2%, and the remaining balance of loans reached 629.33 billion yuan, rising by 29.8%, which ranked first in the whole province.
  At the beginning of 2006, Jinan made the 11th Five Year Development Plan for the Financial Industry which explicitly pointed out that Jinan should be built into a regional financial center of nationwide importance corresponding to its position as a regional central city. The basic features can be summarized as “four ‘-tions’ and three powers”. The “four ‘-tions’” include diversification of financial institutions, marketization of financial transaction, diversification of funds circulation and modernization of the operating methods; and the “three powers” refer to the “strong cohesion power, radiation power and comprehensive service power. Thus a center for financial management, investment and fund-raising, and for financial services will be initially established by serving Shandong, radiating out into east China and north China.
  At the beginning of July, 2007, Jinan held the first Conference on the Development of Service Industry during which the financial industry was listed as the first priority for development. And it also released the Opinion on further Promoting the Development of the Financial Industry and launched a series of detailed policies to support the development of the banking industry.
  When the four characters “jin rong zhong xin” (financial center) are put before the name of a region or a city, the place will gain an extraordinarily influential power in people’s minds in terms of its status in the whole economic system. Jinan is coming close to this dream through several years’ drive and development.

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