发布时间:2020-03-10 来源: 日记大全 点击:
2004年初,韩国独资企业世高光电子有限公司把1000万美元的背投式镜头项目放在了威海经济技术开发区,这是该公司两年中在这里的第四次投资。 两年前,世高光电子项目到威海考察投资环境,虽然意向投资额只有15万美元,但威海经济技术开发区并没有因投资少而怠慢客商。外商到达时已临近深夜,开发区一边安排专人接待,一边安排好食宿,让客商实实在在有了回家的感觉。本来客商计划还要去外地进行考察,但威海开发区的热情服务让韩商当场决定在该区投资。开发区在很短的时间内就为其整理好了文字材料,办理好了工商注册、税务登记、厂房租赁等手续,并配套好了水、电、气、暖等基础设施。优质的服务换来的是更多的投资,世高光电子在半年后二次增资。在16个月的时间内,这家韩资企业连续三次追加投资,总投资额达到2000万美元,成为区内最大的外资企业之一。他们生产的数码相机、手机光学镜片100%外销,小镜片生产技术处于全球领先水平,在世界市场占有率达到13%。
短短11年时间,威海经济技术开发区何以成为吸引外来投资的一片热土?答案还是真情服务。 威海经济技术开发区从建区初,就把投资软环境建设作为优化投资环境的重要方面,确立了“服务就是招商”的指导思想,全力营造亲商爱商的浓厚氛围。在开发区,内资外资一视同仁,大小项目不分亲疏。为加强与外商的联系,该区成立了外商联谊会,定期举办联谊活动,拓宽与外商的沟通渠道。开发区管委会还经常组织外商投资企业代表座谈会,帮助外商解决生产、生活中遇到的各类问题。
在威海经济技术开发区,为外商提供优质服务、帮助外商排忧解难的事可以说是俯拾皆是。 总投资2500万美元的友石半导体项目在建设过程中,一家建筑公司聘用的部分农民工回家收小麦,一度影响了工程进度。在外商还不知情的情况下,开发区主动与建筑公司协调,重新调整施工力量,保证了友石半导体项目实现了当年立项、当年开工建设、当年就顺利投产。以生产磁导线产品为主的东威电子项目,要求电压绝对均衡稳定,不能出现停电故障。在项目洽谈时,开发区当即承诺为他们拉设专线,保证生产万无一失。总投资1000万美元的日都食品项目,由于没有征用预留土地,而又急于上马二期工程,开发区15天就为其办好了土地征用手续。去年春天,威东日食品公司突然出现大面积停电,如不及时解决,冷库里数百吨原料和成品将变质,企业将蒙受巨大损失。开发区主动与供电部门联系、协调,在很短时间内恢复了供电。如今,威东日食品已成为区内的骨干企业,年实现利润1500万元,创汇2000万美元。
I n early 2004, Sekonix Co., Ltd., from South Korea invested 10 million US dollars in the production of optical pickup lenses in Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone (WETDZ). Over the past two years, this was the fourth investment in WETDZ by Sekonix.
Besides Sekonix, the excellent service system of WETDZ has also turned itself into a “hot land” to receive overseas funds and the shifting of foreign manufacturing industries. By the end of 2003, WETDZ had received 532 foreign-invested projects, utilizing 1.4 billion of contracted foreign capital and actually utilizing 574 million US dollars. Among them, 40 projects have investment scales of more than 10 million US dollars. Some 314 foreign enterprises are from South Korea, making this the largest assembling place of Koreans in the Shandong Peninsula.
In WETDZ, you can hear numerous stories about how excellent services are offered to foreign investors in their times of need. Take the semiconductor project, invested by S-TECH Enterprises from South Korea with an investment volume of 25 million US dollars, as an example. During the autumn season, while S-TECH was under construction in WETDZ, many of the peasants employed by an architectural company went home to harvest their wheat, which delayed the construction process. Before the South Korean investor even got to know this information, WETDZ organized a supplementary labor force for the construction, guaranteeing the timely completion of the project so that the factory was put into operation in the very same year.
Furthermore, during the spring of 2003, a large-scale power failure occurred in the Weidong Food Company processing plant. Without electric power, several million tons of raw materials and finished products in cold storage would go bad, making the enterprise incur great losses. So WETDZ volunteered to contact the power supply department and restored electricity in a timely manner. Nowadays, Weidong Food Corporation has become a dominant enterprise in WETDZ, turning over profits of 15 million yuan and earning 20 million US dollars through export every year.
In 2001, Sekonix Electronics Co., Ltd., from South Korea created a record in WETDZ by investing, constructing, and commencing operations in one year. So Mr. Liu Chengyin, General Manager of Sekonix said: “It is WETDZ that helped us create this miracle.” Over the past three years that it has invested in WETDZ, Sekonix has enjoyed all the preferential policies WETDZ provided. Moreover, the leaders of the administration committee of WETDZ frequently visited Sekonix to investigate the operations there and offer timely help for the enterprise.
At the beginning, the investment volume of Sekonix was only 10 million US dollars; but after experiencing the excellent environment of WETDZ, the headquarters of Sekonix in South Korea soon decided to increase its investments through a second phase, a third phase, and a fourth phase. To date, the second phase project has already begun operation, the third phase project was completed at the end of April, and preparatory work is being done for the fourth phase. After completion of the fourth phase, the total investment from Sekonix will hit 40 million US dollars; and in five years, Sekonix in Weihai will turn over a total sales income of 500 million US dollars. By the end of this decade, the factories in WETDZ will become the main manufacturing base of Sekonix worldwide, while the previous factories in South Korea will specialize in research and development, as well as manufacturing of sample products.
In 2003, WETDZ attracted 12 foreign projects with total investment volume of 10 million US dollars for each; and the amount of contracted foreign funds utilized hit 208 million US dollars, accounting for 74% of the total foreign capital utilized for the year.
Statistics reveal that in WETDZ, 56 foreign-funded enterprises have increased investments, totaling more than 100 million US dollars. Following WETDZ’s extensive efforts to attract investments from Europe and America, the Belgium-based Bekaert has invested 30 million US dollars in manufacturing steel curtain strings here. In the next three years, the continuous investment scale will hit 150 million US dollars, which will result in a more reasonable and diversified foreign investment structure in WETDZ.
相关热词搜索:融入 细节 服务 让服务融入每一个细节 融入中心 服务大局 把优质服务融入每一个细节