发布时间:2019-08-30 来源: 日记大全 点击:
中图分类号 R28 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2018)08-1057-04
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2018.08.11
摘 要 目的: 建立山紫菀药材的质量标准。方法: 采用薄层色谱法(TLC)对药材样品进行定性鉴别;测定药材样品水分、灰分、浸出物的含量;采用高效液相色谱法测定药材样品中阿魏酸的含量,色谱柱为Waters SunFire C18, 流动相为乙腈-0.1%磷酸溶液(13 ∶ 87,V/V),流速为1.0 mL/min,检测波长为319 nm,柱温为30 ℃,进样量为10 ?L。结果:山紫菀的TLC图斑点清晰,分离度好,阴性对照无干扰。药材样品水分为7.6%~9.4%,总灰分为11.7%~19.6%,酸不溶性灰分为5.9%~14.1%,浸出物为25.4%~37.5%。阿魏酸检测进样量线性范围为0.021 2~0.636 8 ?g(r=0.999 9);定量限为2.25 ng,检测限为0.75 ng;中间精密度、重复性、稳定性试验的RSD均小于3.0%;加样回收率为97.81%~100.59%(RSD=1.02%,n=9)。结论:初步拟定山紫菀药材水分不得过10.0%,总灰分不得过19.0%,酸不溶性成分不得过12.0%,浸出物不得少于25.0%,阿魏酸含量不得少于0.1%;所建标准可为山紫菀药材的质量控制提供参考。
关键词 山紫菀;质量标准;阿魏酸; 水分;灰分;浸出物;薄层色谱法;高效液相色谱法
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To establish the quality standard of Ligularia fischeri. METHODS: TLC was used for qualitative identification of samples. The contents of moisture, ash and extract were determined. The content of ferulic acid in samples was determined by HPLC. The determination was performed on Waters SunFire C18 column with mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-0.1% phosphoric acid (13 ∶ 87,V/V) at the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The detection wavelength was set at 319 nm, and column temperature was 30 ℃. The sample size was 10 ?L. RESULTS: TLC spots were clear and well-separated without interference from genitive control. The moisture, total ash, acid-insoluble ash and extract of samples were 7.6%-9.4%, 11.7%-19.6%, 5.9%-14.1% and 25.4%-37.5%, respectively. The linear range of ferulic acid were 0.021 2-0.636 8 ?g(r=0.999 9). limited of quantation was 2.25 ng, the limited of detection was 0.75 ng. RSDs of intermediate precision, reproducibility and stability tests were all lower than 3.0%. The recoveries ranged 97.81%-100.59%(RSD=1.02%,n=9). CONCLUSIONS: The moisture, total ash and acid-insoluble ash of samples are no more than 10.0%, 19.0%, 12.0%; the extract and the content of ferulic acid are no less than 25.0% and 0.1%. Established standard can provide reference for quality control of L. fischeri.
KEYWORDS Ligularia fischeri; Quality standard; Ferulic acid; Moisture; Ash; Extract; TLC; HPLC
山紫菀為地方习用药材,始载于宋代苏颂所著的《图经本草》,具有“温肺下气,消痰止嗽”的功效,可用于风寒咳嗽气喘、虚劳咳吐脓血的治疗,现代药理研究表明,其具有抗炎作用[1]。山紫菀主要分布于我国四川省、湖北省、贵州省和东北地区等,其基源也不统一。东北地区习用的山紫菀来源为菊科植物蹄叶橐吾[Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz.]的干燥根及根茎,多生于林下或林缘阴湿草地[2]。吉林省内蹄叶橐吾分布广泛,资源丰富,延边地区民众常将其嫩叶“马蹄叶”作为山野菜食用。但1997年版《吉林省药品标准》及2009年版《辽宁省中药材标准》(第一册)中收载“山紫菀”检验项目较少,且没有含量测定项,无法有效地控制山紫菀药材的质量。已有报道多集中于研究山紫菀药材的性状特征和显微鉴别[3-4],而对其薄层色谱鉴别、水分、灰分、浸出物和含量测定等项未作研究。笔者采集10批山紫菀药材,对其薄层色谱、水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物、含量测定等项目进行了系统研究,制定了以山紫菀对照药材为对照的薄层色谱鉴别和以阿魏酸为对照品的含量测定方法,旨在为山紫菀药材质量控制和评价标准的建立提供参考。