发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 日记大全 点击:
摘 要:采集湖南浓香型主产烟区(长沙、郴州、衡阳、邵阳、永州)2011年、2012年、2013年C3F等级样本共计86份,通过主成分分析法,比较了其主要化学成分的差异。结果表明,不同烟区烤烟化学成分指标总氮、烟碱、钾、氯、氮碱比稳定性较强;可溶性总糖、总氮、烟碱、钾、糖碱比、钾氯比相似性较大,差异性不显著。总糖与还原糖、糖碱比、氮碱比、烟碱等的相关性均达到极显著水平,其中烟碱与氮碱比的相关性也达到极显著水平。湖南浓香型烟草第1主成分为糖类指数,第2、第3主成分为燃烧指数和含氮化合物指数。根据综合得分聚为3类:第1类糖类指数相对较高,变异系数小;第2类糖类指数相对中等,变异系数弱变异;第3类糖类指数相对较低,其变异系数中钾氯比达到强变异。
中图分类号:S572 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2016.05.014
Comprehensive Evaluation on Chemical Components of Flue-cured Tobacco of Strong Aroma Style Leaf from Different Type Areas in Hunan
SUN Min, LI Juan, ZHOU Qingming, LIU Hui, WANG Jianbo, CHEN Jialiang
(Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan 410128,China)
Abstract: A total of 86 C3F grade flue-cured tobacco leaves samples were collected from major strong aroma style tobacco-growing areas (Changsha, Chenzhou, Hengyang, Shaoyang, Yongzhou) in 2011, 2012 and 2013, its chemical compositions were studied by principal component analysis and cluster analysis methods. The results showed that chemical components of tobacco leaves in tobacco-growing area, such as like total nitrogen, nicotine, potassium, chlorine, nitrogen-nicotine ratio possess a good stability; soluble sugar, total nitrogen, nicotine, potassium, sugar-nicotine ratio, potassium-chlorine ratio showed similar results, with no significant differentiation. The relevance between total sugar and reducing sugar, sugar-nicotine ratio, nitrogen-nicotine ratio, nicotine have reached a significant level, among which nicotine and nitrogen-nicotine ratio reached a significant level too. The first principal component analysis turned out to be carbohydrates index, the second and the third main components indicated the combustion and nitrogen compounds index. The smoke of 25 counties of five cities were divided into three categories, sugar index of Class 1 was relatively high, the coefficient of variation was small; sugar index of Class 2 was relatively moderate, with weak variation coefficient variation; sugar index of Class 3 was relatively low, the coefficient of variation of potassium-chloride ratio was more intense.
Key words: strong aroma style; chemical components; principal component analysis; cluster analysis