发布时间:2019-08-24 来源: 日记大全 点击:
摘 要:针对昭通当地烟叶质量难以满足卷烟企业对原烟品质的更高要求,2010—2011年研究了在常规施肥基础上进行的施肥方法调整和养分配比调整对烟株生长及品质的影响。结果表明:(1)综合2年农艺性状结果,以施肥方法调整相对更好;2010年病虫害总体以2个施肥调整处理抗性更好;(2)较常规相比,2个施肥调整能不同程度的增产、增值,以养分配比调整效果更好;(3)烤后叶长、叶宽和单叶重差异不大,含梗率和叶面密度总体以养分配比调整相对更好;(4)2个施肥调整处理初烤烟叶的总糖、还原糖含量较常规高,3个处理其他化学成分含量较接近;(5)与常规相比,施肥方法调整和养分配比调整评吸总分分别增加了4.1和3.0分,质量均提高了2个档次。综上所述,当地现有施肥模式尚有调整优化空间,2个施肥调整均有明显的提质增产效果,以养分配比调整效果更为显著。
中图分类号:S572.045 文章编号:1007-5119(2014)06-0032-06 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2014.06.007
Abstract: Because tobacco leaf quality in Zhaotong could not meet the higher requirements of cigarette enterprises for raw tobacco quality, Field experiment were conducted to study the effect of adjusting fertilization on the tobacco growth and leaf quality from 2010 to 2011, including local conventional fertilization, adjusting the fertilizing method and adjusting the nutrients ratio. The results showed that, adjusting fertilizer method was the best in term of the agronomic attributes for the two years. Adjusting fertilizer method and adjusting nutrients ratio treatments improved disease resistance in 2010. Compared with conventional fertilizer application, adjusting fertilizer treatment increased yield and economic value in different levels, and the effect of adjusting nutrients ratio was better. There were little difference among leaf length, leaf width and leaf weight among treatments. Percentage of stem and leaf density of adjusting nutrients ratio was relatively better than others. Total sugar and reducing sugar for adjusting fertilizer treatment were higher than conventional fertilization. The two total scores for adjusting fertilizer method and adjusting nutrients ratio treatments increased by 4.1 and 3 points, respectively, and the quality improved by 2 grades. In conclusion, adjusting fertilizer method and adjusting nutrients ratio treatment can improve quality and increase yield, but the later treatment was more effectively.
Keywords: flue-cured tobacco; fertilization; optimization; yield; quality