发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 日记大全 点击:

摘要 [目的] 研究烤烟切柄烘烤过程中生理生化的变化规律以及烤后烟叶的质量。 [方法]对烟叶烤前切柄与常规烘烤过程中的含水量、叶绿素、淀粉和还原糖的变化规律及烤后质量进行比较。[结果]研究表明,烟叶切柄7 ~8 cm,鲜干比降低0.76~1.37;切柄烘烤模式增加了烘烤时间12~24 h,在干筋期降低了烘烤温度;含水量表现为前期失水慢、后期失水快的规律,切柄烘烤比常规烘烤失水趋势延迟;叶绿素含量在烘烤开始36 h之前降解最快;淀粉含量在烘烤开始60 h之前基本降解完成;还原糖含量在烘烤过程中随时间的增加而增加;叶绿素、淀粉和还原糖在不同处理中的变化规律基本一致;切柄烘烤模式使烤后下部叶和上部叶中的淀粉含量显著下降1.26%~1.85%。[结论] 研究可为烟叶烘烤选择适合的烘烤方式提供参考。
关键词 切柄;烘烤;含水量;叶绿素;淀粉
中圖分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2015)13-270-04
Abstract [Objective] To study physiological and biochemical variation law in cutting petiole tobacco curing and quality of fluecured tobacco. [Method] Water content, chlorophyll, starch and reducing sugar changes between tobacco cutting petiole before fluecuring and routine curing and tobacco quality after curing were compared. [Result] The result shows the dryfresh ratio reduced 0.76-1.37 when the tobacco petiole was cut a length of 7-8 cm before curing, the curing time of curing mode increased 12 to 24 h, curing temperature of stem drying stage decreased; Water content showed up as slow loss early and fast later, water loss trend of cutting petiole curing were postponed compared to routine curing; Chlorophyll were degraded rapidly in the first 36 h; The degradation of starch were basically finished in the first 60 h of curing; reducing sugar content increased over time in this process; Chlorophyll, starch and reducing sugar changes were basically the same in different treatments; Curing mode of cut petiole led to a 1.26%-1.85% reduction of starch in lower leaves and the upper leaves after curing. [Conclusion] The study can provide reference for selecting suitable curing method.
Key words Cut petiole; Curing; Water content; Chlorophyll; Starch
1 材料与方法
1.1 供试材料
试验于2014年在中国烟草中南农业试验站进行。试验品种为云烟87,试验田选取0.13 hm2营养条件、田间长势基本均衡的烟田。试验采用南平市科创机电成套设备有限公司生产的烟叶智能控制烘烤试验箱3个。试验要求采烟、编烟必须在1 d内完成。
1.2 试验设计
试验设计2个处理和1个对照(CK),CK为对照不切柄,按照常规三段式烘烤;T1和T2烤前切柄,烘烤时各处理分别在42 ℃和54 ℃温度点延时12 h。T2烘烤开始后的干球和湿球温度比T1高出2 ℃,之后在每个阶段的湿球温度比T1高出1 ℃。为确保试验的准确性,要求每个烤箱装烟8夹,其中2夹作为取样,每次取完样用抹布将所取样品的位置补上。取样要求每隔12 h取一次样,直至烘烤结束。其中对照和不同处理、不同部位的烘烤工艺见图1。
1.3 测定项目
2 结果与分析
2.1 烟叶切柄情况