发布时间:2017-02-03 来源: 日记大全 点击:
1. 具有血族血统的婴儿一般在出生几年后,他就会面临光明和黑暗的双重抉择,投入黑暗,
LEVEL D:曾经是人的吸血鬼,在经过一段时间就会因为无法承受吸血鬼的力量变成
“喂,你就这么讨厌我!”幽幽的声音在身后响起,把罗莎琳吓得“啊”一声大叫起来。 “甘罗,你能不吓人吗?”,罗莎琳没好气的望着身后的人说道。
2010-03-02 15:41:12
Paul Féval的《嗜血盛宴》、《女伯爵》和《骑士》
《梦魇幻景录》(文集)里面有一个中篇小说和一个短篇小说也是讲吸血鬼的。 《黑暗阴影》系列(推荐,不过可能没中文版,不过新电影版要出来了)
Richelle Mead的《吸血鬼学院》
吸血鬼日记吸血鬼猎人篇三:吸血鬼日记第三季20集 剧本中英文对照
The Vampire Diary S03E20
Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar?你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜 她一定乐在其中吧
I love you. Now look me in the eye and tell me that you don't feel something for him. 我爱你 看着我的眼睛 ,告诉我你对他没有感觉
Drink it喝下去
I just turned about a hundred times in the Appalachian Mountains. 我在阿巴拉契亚山脉变身了数百次
Broke his sire bond. 解除你们之间的认祖归忠
It's easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难
Klaus drew this for you? 这是克劳斯为你画的
Does Klaus have a thing for you or something?克劳斯是喜欢你还是怎么的
I would know if I were killing people.如果我杀人了起码自己会知道
You wear a ring that lets you cheat death, Ric. 里克 你戴着一个可以躲避死亡的戒指
How many times can you die before it changes you? 在它完全改变你之前 你能死去多少次
Are you telling me你是说
that your vampire hating alter ego has a stake that could kill an entire line of vampires, possibly mine? 你憎恨吸血鬼的那个人格拿了能杀整条吸血鬼血脉,甚至可能是我那条的木桩吗
There's only one stake out there. 现在只有一根木桩
Which means only one original has to die. 也就是说只有一个祖先要死
I want them all to die.我想他们都死
You're not Rebekah. 你不是丽贝卡
My name is Esther. 我是埃丝特
And we have a great deal in common. 我们有很多共同之处
What took you so long? 怎么这么久
Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake阿拉里克不愿交出木桩
Luckily I'm quite the charmer. 幸好我魅不可挡
That's it?这就拿到了
The last of the white oak stake that can kill us.最后一根能杀死我们的白栎木桩 Do you want to do the honors or shall I?你来还是我来
Well that's that then终于了结了.
Pack your bags, we're leaving. 收拾行李 准备走人
Why not? There's nothing keeping us here, 有何不可 这里没什么事要做了
we'll grab the doppelganger and be off by sunset.我们带上二重身日落前离开 But tonight is decade dance. - So?但今晚是十年舞会 -那又怎样
So, I'm head of the committee, we have to go.我是委员会主席 我们必须到场 I'm not going to any dance.我才不去什么舞会呢
Caroline will be there.卡罗琳会去的
That means nothing to me.这与我何干
Please I have big plans for tonight.拜托嘛 我今晚有大计划呢
Just go for me.为了我 去吧
Okay, fine.那好吧
One last hurrah.最后的疯狂One last hurrah, Nik.最后的疯狂 尼克
Where you've been, I've been calling you all day.你死哪去了 我打了一整天的电话了 Yeah, sorry about that.抱歉了
I... I just need to get my head together. 我就是需要点时间振作一下
So, I take it Rebekah got the stake.这么说 木桩被丽贝卡拿走了
I don't know, I woke up alone,不知道 我醒来时就独自一人了
and um... there's no sign of it.木桩已经不见了
Lovely., what now?好极了 那现在怎么办
Well, I think I need to get out of town.我觉得我该离开镇子
You know, somewhere secluded.找个没人的地方待着
I keep blacking out which means I'm still a threat to everyone.我老这么失忆所以对大家还是有威胁
But I don't know if right now is the best time我觉得现在不是你去
for you to be going on a spirit quest, Ric.探寻精神世界的最佳时机 里克
Just for a couple of days.就几天而已
I'm stock up on Bonnie's herbs, so I should be fine.我存了很多邦妮的草药 应该没事的
I gotta go.我挂了
Quite the cunning liar.还挺会撒谎
Damon's too arrogant to think his only friend would betray him.达蒙很自大不会料到他唯一的朋友会背叛他
Just as Niklaus would blindly accept就像是尼克劳斯会毫无顾忌地
an invitation from his beloved sister.接受心爱妹妹的邀请
Unaware that he's heading to his own death.全然不觉他是踏上了死亡之路
Did you give him the stake?你把木桩给他了
He burnt it without hesitation.他毫不犹豫地烧掉了
So where's the real one.那真木桩在哪
You'll get it when it can no longer be used against me in this body等我回到这副躯壳就给你
So how do you... - How do I return to my true form?你要怎么 -我怎么回到真身上吗 With a little magic,需要一点魔法
and some help from a vampire hunter.还需吸血鬼猎人相助
So Alaric is trying to pull himself together.阿拉里克想要重新振作起来
Why is that a bad thing?这怎么成了坏事了呢
I just... I wish there were something I could do.我就是希望我能帮上忙
Where do you want me to hang this thing? 你要我把这挂哪
You know what?这样吧
If Rebekah wants to hang this monstrosity, 丽贝卡想挂这么丑的东西
she should've shown up and do it herself.她就自己动手吧
Just.. no.不要了
What are you doing?你们在干嘛呢
You can't just hang them.不能就那么挂着
They're suppose to trickle down.应该有滴落感
Look at them all bromancy.瞧他俩一副好基友的样儿
Yeah, I ask Matt to help Jeremy readjust.我让马特帮着杰里米重新适应这里的生活 He got him his old job back at the Grill.他帮他找回了酒吧的工作
That was nice of him.他还真热心呢
Jeremy's got a lot on his mind.杰里米现在心里很多事
The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stress out. 阿拉里克的事给了他很大压力
You're sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon你确定他烦的不是看到你和达蒙
getting hot and heavy
I didn't tell you that so you can torture me with that.我告诉你那事不是为了让你用来折磨我的
What are friends for.为八卦插朋友两刀嘛
So, who are you bringing to the dance.
What do you mean?说啥呢
I thought you and Bonnie and I are going as...你 邦妮和我 我们不是
girl date. 要姐妹淘吗
Bonnie has a date.邦妮有男伴了
What? - Jamie called and wanted to see her, so...什么 -詹米正好来电说想见她 she asked him.她就请他去了
So here's a thought.不如这样吧
Why don't you ask Stefan.你请斯特凡去吧
I can't ask him on a date.我不能邀他出去
I just made out with his brother.我刚刚给他哥亲热过
All the more reason.那就更应该了
Look you're suppose to figure out what you want.你不是该理清自己的感情吗 That's what Stefan wanted you to do.斯特凡不就是这个意思
Right? - Yeah, but...-对吧 -对 可是
But nothing.没什么可是的
I've watched the bachelor, okay, fair is fair.我看过《非诚勿扰》 公平竞争
It is Stefan's turn.该斯特凡的了
Yeah, and you're not bias or anything.是啊 你完全不偏心什么的
I'm sorry, but Stefan is your epic love.抱歉 但斯特凡才是你的传奇恋人
And I'm not going down without a fight.我可不会轻易放手
有空吗Do... do you have a second?
有 怎么了Yeah, everything all right?
没事 就是...Yeah, yeah, I just...
我想...I wanted to...
卡罗琳和我说起去舞会的事Caroline and I were talking about going to dance, and...
听我说Okay, look...
我知道我们现在不是一对了I know I know where we're at, you and I...
如果我想让事情都回到从前and I know it would be stupid to even think that 那就是犯傻we can go back to how things were, but...
但我要去舞会 我希望能和你一起去I'm going to the dance, and I'd like to go with you.
好啊I'd love that.
太好了Okay, great.
给她个栀子花的胸花吧I'm thinking gardenia corsage.
当然了 得用腕式的Wrist obviously, you don't want to
可别不小心用顶针扎伤了她的胸accidently stab her in the chest with the pin, 那就不可收拾了that could get messy.
达蒙 我...Damon, I...
别那么做 不好笑Don't do that it's not funny.
少来了 挺有意思的Oh, come on, it's a little funny.
你想干嘛 达蒙What do you want, Damon?
需要点医学建议 是为一个朋友I need medical advice, for a friend,
记得阿拉里克吗Alaric, you remember him, right?
一米八六 大脑略凌乱About six foot two, Tried to hack you into pieces.
他还好吗How is he?
邦妮给他的那些草药起效了吗Are those herbs that Bonnie made for him working? 不知道啊 不吃也能起效吗I don't know, can they work if he doesn't take them? 他阁楼里找到的 根本没动I found these in his loft, untouched.
我们来这儿干嘛Why are we here?
很久之前 我儿子在此掏出了我的心脏Long ago on this spot, my son tore my heart from my chest.
我的惨死永远标记了这块地方The violence of my death mark this ground for all time. 我需要你的戒指I'll need your ring.
我干嘛要把唯一保护我不死的东西给你And why would I give you the one thing that protects me from death?
我会给你保护的I would give you all the protection you need.
但是木桩杀死第一个人时就会在其体内焚毁However, the stake will burn up in the body of its first victim.
要杀死我所有的孩子If you are to kill all of my children,
我得把你戒指上的保护咒语跟木桩相连I would need to bind the protective magic in your ring to the stake.
以让白栎木桩不可摧毁Thus rendering the white oak indestructible.
终极武器The ultimate weapon
给终极猎人for the ultimate hunter.
你看起来很有范儿You look very dapper.
你看起来You look, uh...
非常漂亮very beautiful.
来 我...Here. I, uh...
我带了东西给你I got something for fou.
谢谢Thank you.
考虑到我们危险的舞会命运So given our dangerous dance karma...
你确定你准备好了吗You sure you're up for this?
这些天一起床就是危险的Getting out of bed is dangerous these days,
但我们还得继续我们的生活but we have to live our lives.
这恐怖的建议是谁给你的Who gave you that horrible advice?
以前某个跟我约会的人说过一两次Some guy I used to date said it once or twice. 是的Right.
可以吗Shall we?
我有没有说过你了不起的惊人Have I told you how amazingly awesome you are? 是的 我是好人一个 这我知道Yeah, I am one of the good ones. I know.
哪来的恭维 你还想要我做什么Why the compliments? What else do you want? 我知道你和埃琳娜I know that you and Elena
近来比较亲近have been getting closer lately.
你的意思是And your point is?
不管怎么样One way or the other,
她都心有所属了she's pretty much spoken for.
埃琳娜是我的朋友 卡罗琳Elena's my friend, Caroline.
我只是在照顾她I'm just looking out for her.
而我在照顾你And I'm just looking out for you,
因为有时候那些爱她的人because sometimes the people who love her
会陷入困境get caught in the crossfire.
他来这儿干什么What's he doing here?
你疯了吗Are you crazy?
要是克劳斯看到你If Klaus sees you--
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