发布时间:2017-01-28 来源: 日记大全 点击:
S1 E01
For over a century, I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now, I'm a vampire. And this is my story.
1、There is no signal. 这里没有信号
I shouldn't come home. I know the risk. But i had no choice ,I have to know her.
3、I'll start fresh. Be someone new. 我要重新开始,做不同的自己
4、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言今年是不得了的一年
5、uh, pardon me. 对不起【口语】
6、It's a long story. 说来话长
7、I made through a day. 我熬过了一天
8、tactless 无礼
Stefan: I lost control today. Everything I've kept buried inside came rusing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist her.
10、hook up with sb. 勾引某人
11、 keep it down. 小声点
12、keep a journal. 记日记
13、you can't change what you are. 本性难移
14、He has that romance novel stare. 眼神深邃
15、怎么了:what's the hell?
what happened?
16、Damon: she took my breath away. 她把我的魂都吸引住了
17、A is dead ringer for B. A和B长得一模一样
18、That's given. 这是宿命安排
S1 E02
1、you’re feisty today. 你今天很活跃啊
2、The last thing that I want to do is hurt u. 我最不想做的就是伤害你
3、grab a coffee 拿一杯咖啡
4、I’m sorry for barging in. 很抱歉擅自闯入
5、Stefan is not one to brag. Stefan是个不爱讲的人
6、I see why my brother is so smitten. 我明白为什么我弟弟会这么着迷了
7、He didn’t want u to think he was on the rebound. 不想你知道他在感情空窗期
8、Every relationship is doomed to end. 每段感情都注定会完蛋
9、Don’t be silly. 别傻了
10、He wasn’t always such a looker. 他可不是一直都这么帅~
11、She’s got spunk. 她快怒了
12、Quit ditching classes or you’re grounded. 不要在逃课了否则就禁足
13、At least I put myself out there. 至少我努力争取了
14、Here. Knock yourself out, literally. 给你,随意吃
15、Like you care. 别假惺惺了
16、harbinger of evil 邪恶的预告
17、I vote for none of the above. 我一个都不选
18、What r u up to? 你想干什么?
19、She’s big on texting. 她喜欢发短信
20、she kind of wigs out. 她太激动了
Elena’s diary: Dear diary: Today I convinced myself it was
OK to give up. Don’t take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama. Now is
just not the time. But my reasons aren’t reasons. They’re excuses. All I’m
doing is hiding from the truth. And the truth is that I’m scared, Stefan. I’m
scared if I let myself be happy for even one moment that the world’s just going
to come crashing down, and I don’t know if I can survive that. Stefan:
I met a girl. We talked and it was epic. But the sun came up and reality set
in. Well, this is reality. Right here.
S1 E03
1、This could have gone a completely different way. 本来不需要这样
2、Why the about-face? 为什么变卦?
3、Spit it out 快说
4、Screw u 去你的
5、I’m a loner. 我不合群
6、I can’t be sad girl forever. 我不能永远消沉
7、Blue Lady! 注意!
8、Let’s huddle up! 都聚过来!
9、Simmer down. 别激动
10、 I wonder who that could be. 我想知道是谁
11、 Tyler must be sealing. Tyler一定气疯了~
12、 Nice deduced. 猜得真准!
13、 There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother.
14、 A really serious no-joke response. 好好回答
15、 You’re bully! 你是恶棍!
16、 That’s what matters. 这才是最重要的!
S1 E04
1、dick move 让开
2、scrum bucket/scum ball 饭桶
3、---How do you look in a suit?
---I can pull one off.
4、The pleasure is all mine. 是我非常荣幸
5、A has a lot of issues with B. A与B之间有很多矛盾
6、What you gonna buy me? 你拿什么来讨好我?
7、I’m sick with it. 我厌倦了
8、You’re in no position to question me. 你没资格提问我
9、I drive u drink. 我竟然让你喝酒了
10、 Don’t even play that card. 别和我耍花样
11、 You can’t roofie me. 你不能给我下药
12、 You cracked a funny. 你也会搞笑
13、 You look smashing! 你真美!
14、 He is on good behavior. 他很绅士
15、 I wasn’t counting on it(代指vervain). 我没指望它
16、 I got all snotty. 我真讨厌
17、 My radar must be off. 我脑子已经不听使唤了
18、 Trust is earned. 信任是要靠挣得
S1 E05
1、I’m almost done.
It’s OK. Take ur time.
2、Be somewhere right now. 马上闪到别的地方去
3、If you wanna kill some time, we can rack. 如果你想消磨时间,我打局球吧
I’ll let u break. 我让你开球
4、Family only runs so deep. 一家人果然感情深厚啊!
5、I’m shutting down. 我快不行了
6、I got held up. 我被耽搁了
7、You haven’t aged a day. 你身上一点岁月的痕迹都没有
8、I did something that I’m not proud of. 我当时耍了阴招
9、I’m no longer crippled by her loss. 不再因为她而裹足不前
10、I’m an avid reader. 我是书虫
11、The lies will catch up to u. 谎言会让你作茧自缚
12、None of that tortured pining stuff. 别弄得跟个多情怨妇似的
13、Doesn’t ring a bell. 没响铃呢///引申为:想不起来了
14、She abandoned me. 她放我鸽子
15、I’m not a believer. 我不是个信徒
S1 E06
Everything you know and every belief that you have is about to change. 你所知道何所相信的一切都要改变了
2、You almost got me. 你差点就骗了我
3、It’s not too big a stretch. 这只是点到为止
4、She wasn’t just any girl. 她不是一般的女孩儿
5、A is so over B. A被B深深迷住了
6、What’s she on? 她怎么了?
7、She’s really messed up. 她疯了
8、I’m gonna go out on a lime here and guess. 我大胆的猜一下
9、We can cut to the chase if you want. 如果你愿意,我们就开门见山吧
10、Tip for later 最后忠告
S1 E07
1、You don’t talk. 你没资格说话
2、I need some time to figure things out. 我需要时间弄清楚一些事
3、It’s wrong to pray on innocent people. 以无辜人为食是不对的
4、He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. 咱们都不如他高尚
5、Count Deepak 又开始说教了
6、Knock yourself out. 自己找吧
E: How can u be so arrogant and glib after everything that you’ve done?
D: And how can u be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?
E: If u wanted me dead, I’d be dead.
D: Yes, you would.
E: But I’m not.
D: Yet.
8、Let’s get one thing straight. 要搞清楚
9、She’s on edge. 她太烦躁了
10、You’re flirting with me. 你在跟我调情
11、She totall
12、Why does everybody have to die on me? 为什么大家都要在我面前死去?
13、I can’t lose the way I feel about u. 我无法放下对你的感觉
S1 E08
1、How could u even ask that? 亏你问得出口?
2、I’m headed to NY for the weekend. 我这周末要奔向纽约
3、It’ll be a blast. 肯定很精彩
4、speaking of…说到这儿。。。
5、very sketchy 恍恍惚惚
6、What an unexpected surprise! 真是个意外惊喜!
7、Do me! 拜托了~
8、You’re wallowing. 你无精打采的
9、You up? 你醒了吗?
10、I’ll officially wored. 我已经精疲力尽了
11、He’s my supplier 这(血)是他给的
12、I’m just jealous of your restraint. 我只是佩服你的控制力
13、We need to blend. 我们需要融入他们
14、Are u out of ur freaking mind? 你是不是疯了?
15、Lexi’s dragging me. Lexi非拉我去~
16、I can’t count on neither of them. 我对她俩都无奈
17、Alert the media. 善意提示
18、The rest comes with time. 其他是时间问题
19、Love really did conquer all. 爱战胜了一切
20、Cut the crap. 废话少说
21、We’re even. 我们扯平了~
S1 E09
1、Be the bigger person. 做个更宽容的人
Impossible in her presence. 她(Bonnie)的表现不行
2、It’s matter of principal. 这是原则问题
3、It’s mouthful. 有点拗口
4、Rise and sunshine, sleepyhead. 起床啦,小懒虫
5、It’s just an opus to u. 你可是里面的头号人物
6、Little garish. 有点俗
7、It reeks of awkward subtext. 就好像你在敷衍我
8、Trying to read something into it? 还胡思乱想?
清除 undo(解开鞋带 undo a shoelace)
阐明,指点 shed light on
来源于,基于 be rooted in
除了aside from
160多岁 160-some odd years(odd 是指零头,可以表达成160-odd years) 实体,本质 entity
搞清楚,解决 figure out
可以获得,接近,接触到 get access to
小子,小阿飞 punk
我好倒霉,我死定了,我惨了 i am screwed
带上SB bring sb along
觉得 figure
该走啦 time to go
种植园 plantation
南北战争前 antebellum
烧毁 burn to the ground
地窖 cellar
令人害怕的 frightening/creepy
追忆 reminisce
要负责任,有义务 liable(eg.liable for military service)
施咒 cast a spell
人类学 anthropology
民俗传说 folklore
强迫接受 imposition
太有才了 brilliant
从事,研究 go into
随便,自便吧 feel free
很吸引人,很棒 fascinating
神经病 psychotic
拧脖子(猛咬)snap (抓住机会 snap an opportunity)
冲动地 impulsively
欲擒故纵 manipulate(这个字幕组翻得太好了)
后代 descendent
连环杀手 serial killer(连环画serial picture 连载小说serial story)
直奔向...go straight to
认真对待be serious about
放鸽子 blow sb off
抓狂咧,崩溃啊 i am freaking out
放大 amplify(eg.amplify the sound 大声点吧)
神经过敏,焦躁不安 neurotic
大傻冒 first rate jackass(总想翻成 傻冒第一等)
破坏,打碎 bust(原意是半身像跟breast的意思,不知道怎么就俚语成打碎了) 偏离 stray away from
点火 light fire
勾搭,找寻猎物 stalk
躲避 dodge
这太瞎了吧(你让我很不爽,不满)it's kinda lame.
活该 she deserves it
浅薄肤浅 shallow
维护sbstick up for
掩盖,代替,占上风 get the best of (let the jealousy get the best of u) 失败,令人不快 bummer
真让人不爽 it's a bummer(suck) that。。。
鲜为人知的传说 lesser-known legend
恐怖统治 terrorize
受。。。的困扰 be plagued by(with)
鬼鬼祟祟地游荡,悄然潜行 prowl
到达顶点 crest
本能 instinct
传说中。。。legend has it that
生某人的气 mad at sb
固定线路(直流电路) hardwire(就是中学物理实验课上用的那个直流电线路) 告诉SB应该知道的事 fill sb in
远程而至 all the way
折磨 torment
振奋,振作 uplift
挠头 scratch the head
百思不得其解 head-scratch
够呛 ouch!
不然的话 or else
使。。。变得紧张 put a strain on
让我为您效劳(开门,提行李) allow me
在硬物上刻(字画) engrave
传家宝 heirloom
探听,窥探 snoop
亲热 make out
抛,掷 toss
喜欢 into
够了,停下 knock it off=stop it
逐渐拿走 chip off
惹恼某人 piss sb off(eg.the anti-Damon writer pissed me off )
1.It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved.
With her own take on "Haters gonna hate," Caroline demonstrated a surprising level of self-awareness. Giving the cold shoulder might not be the most "evolved" thing to do, but simply put: there are some relationships that can never be fixed. Why bother repeatedly demeaning yourself in hopes of a happy ending that will never come? Just cut your losses and move on.
2.I may have been some pathetic, insecure mess after the party, but do not mistake that for me being a pushover. Because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore.
Midway through the first season, Caroline already started to realize that you don't need a guy's approval to have self-satisfaction. Yes, you can still get upset and hurt by them, but as long as you know when it's time to move on, let it go, or just brush their stupid actions off, that's what matters.
3.What's the rush? Why are you hurrying to get to a relationship that'll never work?
Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you want a relationship to work. If it doesn't have a realistic future (like a vampire being with a human), why bother when the ending will only hurt that much more?
4.I'm too smart to be seduced by you.
Charm can be intoxicating, which makes it all the more important to separate a romantic gesture from real romance. Make sure your head and your heart say "go'"before jumping into anything too quickly.
5.You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you.
For bullies, there's nothing more gratifying than getting a reaction. Don't give them that satisfaction! Hold your tongue and save your energy for something more productive. Pretty much anything is better than giving your provoker the satisfaction of yelling back (no matter how good it might feel).
6.Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.
No matter how far to the dark side someone might journey, there's always hope for redemption as long as the person doesn't turn their back on love. 只要一个人不拒绝去爱,不论他以前在邪恶的路上走了多远,都有机会被救赎。
8.Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.
No matter how far to the dark side someone might journey, there's always hope for redemption as long as the person doesn't turn their back on love. 只要一个人不拒绝去爱,不论他以前在邪恶的路上走了多远,都有机会被救赎。
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