
发布时间:2018-09-20 来源: 人生感悟 点击:


1. 留学生 international students 或者overseas students


  参考答案:The recent decade witnesses a dramatic growth in the number of international students.

  2. 出国留学 go abroad to study 或者 study abroad


  参考答案:It is well-known that going abroad to study can broaden our horizon.

  3. 深造 further one’s study


  参考答案:I would like to apply for the scholarship in your institute so as to further my study in economy.

  4. 孔子学院 Confucius college

  造句练习:世界各国的孔子学院是中外文化交流的重要场所 。

  参考答案:Confucius colleges around the world are the significant places where Sino-cultural exchanges take place.

相关热词搜索:2018年大学英语四级作文范文常考话题大盘点(1):出国留学 英语四级作文热门话题 2016年英语四级听力

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