Painful,Memory,,KATE,WESTGARTH_Childhood Memory
发布时间:2020-03-27 来源: 人生感悟 点击:
Anyone who has spent any time in theEnglish-speaking world is likely tohave heard of Sod"s Law. Not a lawof physics or mathematics, but oneexpressing a simple human troth: If a thingcan go wrong it will go wrong (and usuallyat the most inconvenient moment). Sod"sLaw expins why the oven goes wrongwhen the boss is coming to din-ner, why the train is runninglate when you are in a particularhurry, and why (in England atany rate) you always lose a fill-ing or develop a toothache at aweekend or over a Bank Holidaywhen the dentists are closed.
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