发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 人生感悟 点击:
摘要 [目的]摸清旬邑县中药资源及其分布规律,分析药用植物的多样性特征,为该县中药资源的开发利用和保护提供科学依据。[方法]通过野外调查、标本采集、鉴定与走访调查的方法,对旬邑县中药资源的多样性进行研究。[结果]旬邑县共有中草药755种,其中植物药660种,原植物隶属于104科345属551种,动物药95种,原动物隶属于43科71种。双子叶植物464种,占药用植物总数的84.21%;以菊科、豆科、蔷薇科等为优势科;入药部位以全草、根及根茎为多;植物生活习性以草本为主;药效以清热药为最多。[结论]旬邑县中药资源丰富,但大多数蕴藏量不大,形成商品不多,所以应在保护的前提下加快研究步伐,进行合理开发利用。
关键词 中药资源;开发利用;旬邑县
中图分类号 S567 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)28-0014-04
Abstract [Objective]The objective was to study the tradition Chinese medicine resources and distribution regularity,and their diversity characteristics in Xunyi County,Shaanxi Province,and to provide a scientific basis for the development, utilization and protection of the tradition Chinese medicine resources in this county. [Method]By field survey,specimen collection, taxonomic identification and interview methods,diversity of tradition chinese medicine resources was researched. [Result]There were 755 kinds of the Chinese herbal in Xunyi County,including 660 kinds of plant medicine,the original plants belong to 104 families,345 genuera and 551 species. There were 95 kinds of animal medicina, and the original animals belong to 43 families and 71 species. There were 464 species of dicotyledonous plants,accounting for 84.21% of the total number of medicine plants. Dominant famliler were mainly Compositae ,Leguminosae and Rosaceae. In this area,the plants used whole herbs and roots(or rhizomes) as medicinal materials,Herbaceous plants were the main habits of plant life,and efficacy of the heatclearing and detoxifying drugs was the most. [Conclusion]Xunyi County is rich in traditional Chinese medicine resources.However,the reserves of most medicinal plants are less enough and there are not many commodities, So we should accelerate the research progress as well as developing and utilizing rationally on the premise of protection.
Key words Tradition Chinese medicine resources;Development and utilization;Xunyi County
1 调查区域的自然概况
旬邑县位于陕西省中部偏西,地处关中北界,陕北南限,属渭北黄土高原最南部沟壑区。东界黄陵、耀州,西临彬县,南连淳化,北接甘肃正宁。处于108°08′~108°52′E,34°57′~35°33′N[1]。全县人口29.5万人,国土面积1 811 km2,其中林草地和耕地分别占国土面积的71%和16%,森林植被覆盖率50%。地形为东北-西南条形,分为东北部土石山区和西南部黄土高原沟壑区,山塬差异分明。地势东北高西南低,平均海拔960~1 350 m。县东北部的马栏、石门山地是子午岭伸向西南的余脉,海拔1 300~1 885 m,面积976.8 km2,占全县总面积的54%。县西南部为黄土高原沟壑区,面积834.2 km2,占全县总面积46%。土地类型以山地、塬地为主体。土壤主要为褐土、黄绵土和黑垆土。气候属温带大陆性季风气候,温度适中,雨热同期。年平均气温塬区9.1 ℃,山区7.1 ℃;一年中1月气温最低,塬区-4.6 ℃,山区-6 ℃;7月气温最高,塬区21.5 ℃,山区20 ℃;年较差26.6 ℃;且昼夜温差大。日照时数2 390 h,年光能总辐射量504 kJ/cm2。无霜期180 d。年均降水量606 mm。河流属渭河水系,塬高水低,是一个少有的水系发达、河流众多、水量大的地方。