发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 人生感悟 点击:

摘 要:通过对色谱条件和前处理条件的选择优化,建立了造纸法再造烟叶萃取液和浓缩液含水率准确、快速测定的气相色谱法。再造烟叶萃取液或浓缩液样品经乙醇振荡萃取过滤后,采用气相色谱结合热导检测器(TCD)进行含水率的测定。结果表明:方法线性范围为1.00~16.00mg/mL,R2=0.9999,加标回收率在96.7%~101.8%,检出限和定量限分别为0.05mg/mL、0.16mg/mL,萃取液和浓缩液测定的RSD分别为0.1% 、0.4% (n=6)。该方法可消除烟草萃取液和浓缩液中易挥发性成分对含水率测定的影响,是一种简单、快速、准确可靠的方法。
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2019)01-0106-05
Quantifying Moisture Content in Liquid Extracts and Concentrated Solutions in Paper-making Reconstituted Tobacco
Wang Hua1 et al.
(1Technology center of China Tobacco Anhui Industrial Corporation,Hefei 230088,China)
Abstract:A rapid and accurate quantitative analysis method of moisture content in liquid extracts and concentrated solutions by GC was established on the basis of the main parameters affecting such as chromatographiccondition and Pretreatment conditions were optimized.The water content in liquid extracts and concentrated solutions samples were extracted with ethanol oscillation,after
filtered by 0.45μm organic membrane,then determinations were performed by GC with TCD detector and quantified by internal standard method.The results showed that The linear range of the method was 1.00-16.00mg/mL with R2 of 0.9999,the recovery ranged from 96.7 % to 101.8 %,and the detection limit and the limit of quantification were 0.05mg/mL and 0.16mg/mL ,the liquid extracts and concentrated solutions relative standard deviations(RSDs) were 0.1 % (n=6) and 0.4 % (n=6) ,respectively.This method simple,rapid,accurate,which can eliminates the errors caused by volatile components in liquid extracts and concentrated solutions in the determination of moisture content,andoffered more accurate and reliable results.
Key words:Reconstituted tobacco;Liquid extract;Concentrated solution;Moisture content;Gas chromatographic method