发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 人生感悟 点击:

摘 要:对2013年采自广东省10个生态区的18个烟叶样品和采自广西省22个生态区的22个烟叶样品中角鲨烯含量进行了分析。结果表明:广东省和广西省生态区烟葉中角鲨烯平均含量分别为24.57和18.44 mg/kg;不同等级烟叶中B2F等级角鲨烯含量高于C3F和X2F;所取样品中以广东省马市镇砂泥田种植的K326品种的B2F等级烟叶的角鲨烯含量最高,为39.63 mg/kg;含有砂质,质地疏松,pH值中性偏弱酸性的植烟土壤有利于烟叶中角鲨烯的积累,同时土壤中微量元素Zn含量丰富也有利于角鲨烯的积累。
Effects of Soil Factors on Accumulation of Squalene in Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaf
JIN Ya-bo1,LUO Bao-xiong2,YUAN Liang3,JIANG Ding-xin3,WEI Jian-yu1,ZHOU Xiao-feng1
(1. China Tobacco Guangxi Industrial Co. Ltd., Nanning 530001, PRC; 2. Hechi Tobacco Company, Hechi 547000, PRC; 3. Ministry of Education’s Key Laboratory of Natural Pesticide and Chemical Biology, Laboratory of Insect Toxicology, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, PRC)
Abstract:This study was conducted to determine squalene in flue-cured tobacco leaf in major tobacco production areas in Southern China, the substance in flue cured tobacco leaf was extracted by Soxhlet extractor with petroleum ether, and then squalene was separated and determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with selected ion monitoring. The average content of squalene in flue-cured tobacco in the production areas of Guangdong was 24.57 mg/kg, and that of Guangxi was 18.44 mg/kg. The content of squalene in the B2F grade of flue-cured tobacco leaf generally was higher than that of the C3F or X2F grade. The highest content of squalene in flue-cured tobacco leaf was 39.63mg/kg in the B2F-graded leaf of the variety K326 cultivated in Mashi town of Guangdong with sand mud field soil. The neutral to slightly acidic porous sandy soil was conducive to accumulation of squalene in flue-cured tobacco leaf, and so was the Zn element in soil.
Key words:flue-cured tobacco leaf; soil ecological factor; squalene; accumulation
角鲨烯常温下为无色油状液体,是一种高度不饱和脂肪族烃类化合物。最初由日本化学家Tsujimoto于1906 年在黑鲨鱼肝油中发现[1]。1914年被命名为Squalene,其化学名称为2,6,10,15,19,23-六甲基-2,6,10,14,18,22-二十四碳六烯,属开链三萜类化合物,又称鱼肝油萜,也称鲨烯。1976年,研究者确定了角鲨烯的单晶结构[2],自此其生物作用逐渐被人们所认识。研究表明,角鲨烯不仅具有促进新陈代谢、活化细胞、强化内脏的作用,还具有强烈的抗氧化作用,能有效防止细胞老化和癌变,并提高机体免疫力,被广泛应用于医药、美容、化妆品等各个领域[3]。目前,市场上的角鲨烯主要来自于深海鲨鱼肝油。但研究发现,油脂不皂化物中也含有角鲨烯,尤其在橄榄油、棕榈油及其脱臭馏出物中含量较多,而菜籽油、大豆油、米糠油、棉籽油等植物油中也含有一定量的角鲨烯[4-5]。由于角鲨烯广阔的应用前景,人们不断探索鲨鱼以外的角鲨烯天然资源以及人工化学合成方法,以期获得更多的角鲨烯[6]。