发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 人生感悟 点击:

摘 要:为揭示晒黄烟调制过程中烟叶真菌的多样性,采用双平板纯培养分离和ITS序列系统发育分析的方法,对调制前期、中期和结束期烟叶样品中的真菌进行了分离和初步归类,将代表性菌株进行ITS序列测定和系统发育分析,研究了晒黄烟调制过程中纯培养真菌的群落结构组成和动态变化。结果显示,从晒黄烟调制期烟叶中共分离获得126株真菌,下部和上部烟叶分离的菌株数多于中部烟叶,调制中期分离的菌株数少于调制前期和调制结束期;这些菌株分布在2门、5纲、10目、14科和17属;93.65%的菌株属于Ascomycota门,Epicoccum、Arthrinium和Fusarium为优势属,分别占23.02%、13.49%和11.90%。研究表明,晒黄烟在调制期间,烟叶真菌类群多样性比较丰富,在不同烟叶部位的分布有所不同,并随着调制的进行而发生动态变化。
中图分类号:S435.72 文章编号:1007-5119(2017)06-0012-08 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2017.06.002
Abstract: To reveal the fungal diversity of yellow sun-cured tobacco during curing, the composition and dynamics of fungal communities were analyzed by a combination of pure cultivation and molecular identification techniques. Cultivable fungi were isolated from the early, middle and late stages of curing. The representative strains were then phylogenetically analyzed based on ITS sequences. The results showed that a total of 126 fungal strains were isolated. The strains isolated from the middle leaves were relatively less compared with those from the bottom and upper leaves. In addition, the tobacco leaves seemed to contain more fungi at the early and late stages comparing to those at the middle stage of curing. The 126 fungal strains were distributed in 2 phyla, 5 classes, 10 orders, 14 families and 17 genera. Ascomycota was the dominant phylum, with 93.65% of the isolates belonging to this phylum, and Epicoccum, Arthrinium and Fusarium were the dominant genera, accounting for 23.02%, 13.49% and 11.90% of the isolates, respectively. It was found that the fungal diversity of yellow sun-cured tobacco leaves during curing was relatively abundant, and the fungal composition varied in different leaf positions and dynamically changed as the curing process proceeded.
Keywords: yellow sun-cured tobacco; curing; fungi; diversity
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 烟叶调制和取样 云晒1号烟叶的调制和取样方法参照倪红梅等[7]的方法,2013年3月至4月期间,依次收集下、中和上3个部位的新鲜烟叶(调制第1天)、调制中期烟叶(调制第7天)和调制结束烟叶(调制第13天)。