发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 人生感悟 点击:

摘要 [目的]研究不同采收方式对烤烟上部烟叶色素和多酚化合物的影响。[方法]3种采收方式分别为上部6片叶一次性摘采、上部6片叶一次性砍采、上部6片叶每次采收2片。研究其对上部烟叶叶黄素、β胡萝卜素、其他类胡萝卜素、多酚化合物含量的影响。[结果]上部6片叶一次性砍烤处理的烟叶叶黄素、β-胡萝卜素、其他类胡萝卜素在烘烤过程中降解慢,烤后烟叶色素类化合物含量高于其他2个处理。上部6片叶一次性砍烤处理在烘烤过程中能够显著提高多酚类化合物含量,有利于提高烟叶的外观质量和内在品质。[结论]建议推行上部6片叶一次性砍烤技术,促进优质烟叶的生产。
关键词 采收方式;色素;多酚;烤烟
中圖分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)06-0020-02
Effects of Harvesting Methods on the Pigments and Polyphenol Compounds in Upper Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco
WANG Xiao-bing,MIAO Run-long,LIU Ying-hua et al (Pengshui Branch of Chongqing Tobacco Company,Chongging 409600)
Abstract [Objective] To research the effects of harvesting methods on the pigments and polyphenol compounds in upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco.[Method] There were three harvesting treatments,which were one-time picking of the six upper leaves,one-time cutting and curing of the six upper leaves,harvesting two leaves each time.The effects of three harvesting methods on the lutein,β-carotene,other carotenoids,and polyphenol compounds were researched.[Result] Contents of lutein,β-carotene,other carotenoids slowly degraded during curing in treatment of one-time cutting and curing of the six upper leaves.The pigments contents after curing were higher than those in other two treatments.One-time cutting and curing of the six upper leaves could significantly enhance the content of polyphenol compounds,which was helpful to increase the appearance quality and inner quality of tobacco leaves.[Conclusion] It is suggested to promote the treatment of one-time cutting and curing of the six upper leaves,so as to promote the production of tobacco leaves.
Key words Harvesting method;Pigment;Polyphenols;Flue-cured tobacco
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
1.2 试验材料 供试品种为云烟87。
1.3 试验方法 试验共设3个处理,分别为处理①:上部烟叶6片叶一次性摘采;处理②:上部烟叶6片叶一次性砍采;处理③:上部烟叶6片叶每次采收2片。小区面积100 m2,随机排列,3次重复。供试烟株于5月10日进行移栽,田间生产管理按照优质烟叶生产规范进行。
2 结果与分析
2.1 采收方式对上部烟叶色素类化合物含量的影响
2.1.1 采收方式对上部烟叶叶黄素含量的影响。