发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 人生感悟 点击:

摘要:为深入了解文山植烟土壤和烟叶水溶性氯含量分布状况,并解析其影响因素,采用GPS定位技术采集了276份土壤和381份烟叶,对土壤氯和烟叶水溶性氯含量进行测定,采用经典统计学和地统计学方法,对其分布及部分影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,该烟区土壤水溶性氯平均含量为13.81 mg/kg,61.95%区域氯元素含量在适宜范围内(10.00~30.00 mg/kg);烟叶水溶性氯含量普遍较低,平均含量为0.15%,变异系数为113.33%,仅有8.66%的烟样氯含量在适宜范围(0.30%~0.80%),低(0.10%~0.30%)和极低(< 0.10%)的烟样占比分别为37.27%和51.71%。降水的强淋溶作用是导致文山烟叶氯元素偏低的重要原因。因此,文山烟区土壤氯元素含量适宜烤烟种植,但烟叶氯素含量均偏低,建议适当加强含氯肥料的施用,并做好对氯元素的动态监测,以提高烟叶品质。
Abstract: For a better understanding of water-dissolving chlorine contents of soil and tobacco leaf and influencing factors in Wenshan tobacco growing areas, 276 soil samples and 381 tobacco leaf samples were collected by the technology of Global Position System (GPS). Chloride contents, spatial distribution and influencing factors were analyzed by geostatistics with GIS and statistical methods. The results were as follows: The average content of water-dissolving chlorine in various tobacco-planting soils was 13.81mg /kg in Wenshan. Chlorine content of 61.95% of the soil samples was in the appropriate level (10.00-30.00 mg/kg), which was very fit for tobacco planting. The content of chlorine in tobacco leaves was low, and the average value of it was 0.15 % with coefficient of variation as high as113.33%. Only 8.66 % of the leaf samples had a chlorine content in the appropriate level (0.30%-0.80%), 37.27% of the leaf samples hada chlorine content of 0.10%-0.30%,and 51.71% of the leaf samples had a chlorine content less than 0.10%. The lack of chlorine in tobacco leaves was mainly due to the amount and intensity of rainfall which caused leaching. The results revealed that in Wenshan tobacco growing areas chlorine content of the soil samples was in the appropriate level, but chlorine content of the tobacco leaf was relatively low, which is not suitable for the production of high-quality flue-cured tobacco. In order to improve the tobacco quality, appropriate application of chlorine-containing fertilizers must be recommended and be dynamic monitored.
Keywords:Wenshan tobacco growing areas; soil; chlorine; tobacco leaf