发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 人生感悟 点击:
摘 要:采用田间小区试验,研究了不同移栽期对烟叶矿质元素的影响。结果表明:T3处理的磷元素含量在团棵期、圆顶期、成熟期相对较高,而在旺长期相对较低;在各个生育期T3处理钾含量都是最高。在团棵期、旺长期T3处理烟叶钙元素含量均较高;各个时期烟叶镁元素含量最高。微量元素中铜、锌、锰、铁元素T3处理含量均最高。磷、钾、钙、镁、铜、锌、锰、铁元素CK处理与T3处理呈显著相关关系。说明适当推迟烤烟移栽期(3月15日移栽),根系吸收矿质元素的能力增强,并提高了细胞内有关酶的活性,改善了烟株的光合作用和呼吸作用,有利于干物质的积累,提高烟叶外观与内在质量。
中图分类号:S572 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2016.06.029
Effects of Transplanting Periods on Main Mineral Nutrition Elements of Flue-cured Tobacco
WANG Weifeng1, HU Yajie2, ZHANG Fengshou3, CHENG Chuance3
(1.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Branch of CNTC, Nanning, Guangxi 530022, China;2.China Tobacco Guangxi Industrial Company Limited, Nanning, Guangxi 530001, China; 3. Tobacco College of Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450002, China)
Abstract :The influence of different transplanting periods on main mineral nutrition elements of flue-cured tobacco were Studied on. The results showed that the phosphorus content of T3 treatment in the resettle stage, dome stage and maturity stage was relatively high, but in the vigorous growing stage was relatively low. The potassium content of T3 treatment in every growth period was the highest. The calcium of T3 treatment in the resettle stage and vigorous growing stage was high. The magnesium content of T3 treatment in every growth period was the highest. Trace elements in copper, zinc, manganese, iron content of T3 treatment were the highest. Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and iron of CK treatment and T3 treatment were significantly related. Appropriate delay transplanting period (on March 15) of flue-cured tobacco, the root system enhanced the ability to absorb mineral elements, and increased the activity of related enzymes in cells, improved the tobacco plant photosynthesis and respiration, was conducive to the accumulation of dry matter. These could improve the appearance and intrinsic quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves.
Key words:flue-cured tobacco; transplanting periods; mineral elements
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验地点及材料
试验地点位于富川县麦岭镇,试验田质地为红泥土,土壤肥力中等。品种为云烟87,种植行距120 cm,株距50 cm。土壤碱解氮92 mg·kg-1,速效磷28 mg·kg-1,速效钾156 mg·kg-1,pH值为7.0。施纯氮90.0 kg·hm-2,N∶P2O5∶K2O=1∶1∶3。田间管理按优质烤烟栽培生产技术规范进行。