发布时间:2019-08-24 来源: 人生感悟 点击:
摘要 [目的]探索在楚雄烟区特定的生态环境条件下,烤烟PVH1452适宜的施氮水平和打顶方式。[方法]采用裂区试验设计。以施氮量为主处理,分别为75、105 kg/hm2两个水平;打顶方式为副处理,分别为扣心打顶和初花打顶两个水平。[结果]75、105 kg/hm2两个施氮水平对烤烟PVH1452的农艺性状、产质量和外观质量、化学成分无明显影响。与初花打顶比较,扣心打顶株高明显降低,中上部叶长宽增大明显,初烤烟叶产量和质量明显提高,上部叶外观质量和化学成分更为适宜。[结论]该研究可为楚雄烟区栽培管理中进一步改善烟叶品质提供技术依据。
关键词 扣心打顶;初花打顶;施氮水平;PVH1452;产质量
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)27-09294-04
Effects of Different Nitrogen Levels and Topping Methods on Yield and Quality of PVH1452
LIANG Yungao, WANG Yuhong, ZHAO Jin et al
(Chuxiong Company of Yunnan Provincial Tobacco Corporation, Chuxiong, Yunan 675000)
Abstract [Objective] The aim was to explore the suitable nitrogen level and topping method for fluecured tobacco PVH1452 in the specific environment conditions of Chuxiong tobacco area. [Method] The split plot design was used. The main treatment was nitrogen application amount, two levels were 75 and 105 kg/hm2 respectively; the vice treatment was topping method, two levels were budtopping and topping in early flower respectively. [Result] There was no significant effects on agronomic traits, yield and quality, appearance quality, chemical properties of fluecured tobacco PVH1452 between 5 kg/hm2 and 105 kg/hm2. Comparing to topping in early flower, the budtopping’s plant height decreased significantly, length and width of upper leaf increased significantly, yield and quality improved significantly, and appearance quality and chemical composition of upper leaves was more suitable. [Conclusion] The study provides a technical basis for deeply improving fluecured tobacco leaves quality during cultivation and management in Chuxiong tobacco area.
Key words Budtopping; Topping in early flower; Nitrogen application levels; PVH1452; Yield and quality
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
试验地位于楚雄市苍岭镇智明村委会孙家村组,选择试验田块平整、肥力均匀、排灌通畅的田块作为小区试验田。海拔1 766 m,地理位置101°39′6.3″ E、25°06′43.9″ N。土壤类型为水稻土,pH 6.19,有机质含量30.57 g/kg,速效氮含量105.84 mg/kg,速效磷含量8.8 mg/kg,速效钾含量187.56 mg/kg。