发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 人生感悟 点击:
摘要:通过比较新型白肋烟晾制干筋辅助加温设施(干烟房)与“89”式标准晾房中进行白肋烟干筋处理对白肋烟产量、质量及效益的影响,研究干烟房的干筋效果。结果表明,干烟房可有效控制干筋期的温湿度,减少了因干筋期低温高湿引起的烟叶霉烂现象,与“89”式标准晾房处理相比,平均减少晾房占地面积15 m2,白肋烟干筋时间缩短20.1 d,白肋烟产量提高14.2%,产值增加469.25元/667 m2,收入增加516.84元/667 m2,平纯收入增加263.26元/667 m2,烟叶均价增加1.26元/kg,上等烟比例增加3.96个百分点,中等烟比例增加1.6个百分点,中部烟叶评析得分增加2.5分,上部烟叶评析得分增加1分。干烟房干筋可以提高白肋烟的产量和质量,缩短晾制时间,大幅度减少晾棚占地面积,有利于白肋烟生产的规模化经营及推进白肋烟产区现代烟草农业建设。
中图分类号:S572 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2015)24-6389-05
Abstract:To study the effects of stem-drying in tobacco-drying room, the influences of stem-drying treatment on the burley tobacco production, quality and efficiency between in new air-curing, stem-drying room with heating facility (tobacco-drying room) and in normal“89” drying room were compared. The results showed that: using tobacco-drying room could effectively control the temperature and humidity during stem-drying treatment, and reduced the mildew and rot of tobacco leaf caused by low temperature and high humidity. Compared with treatment in normal “89” drying room, it could averagely cut down the area of drying-room by 15 m2, shortened the stem-drying time by 20.1 days, increased the burley tobacco yield by 14.2%, the output value by 469.25 yuan per 667 m2, the income by 516.84 yuan per 667 m2, the average net income by 263.26 yuan per 667 m2, the average price by 1.26 yuan/kg, fine tobacco ratio by 3.96%, medium tobacco ratio by 1.6%, the smoking test results of central tobacco leaf by 2.5 points, the comment score of upper tobacco leaf by 1 point. Visibly, stem-drying treatment in tobacco-drying room could improve the yield and quality of burley tobacco, shorten air-curing time, significantly reduce the air-curing area, it was conducive to the scale production of burley tobacco and promote the construction of modern tobacco agriculture.
Key words: burley tobacco; air-curing; stem-drying stage; temperature and humidity control
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地点与材料
供试地点为长阳土家族自治县贺家坪镇堡镇村二组,海拔1 300 m。品种为鄂烟3号,晾房为在烟叶变黄期和变褐期使用“89”式标准晾房,干筋期使用本试验设计的晾烟辅助加温设施(以下简称干烟房)。