发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 人生感悟 点击:
摘 要:為了充分发挥烟叶生产上施用有机肥的优势,减小有机肥氮素效应后置对烟叶产量和质量的负效应,选择贵州烟区的两种典型生态代表区,设置5种有机肥配施比例,通过分析不同处理对土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾含量及烟叶经济性状和化学成分的影响,探讨不同生态区域有机肥与无机肥配施的最佳比例。结果显示:两个试验区域间配施有机肥的效应有差异,土壤有机质的变化与该区域相应时段的温度是否适于土壤微生物活动相一致,温度过高或过低均不利于土壤有机质的转化;配施25%有机肥的供氮模式与优质烟叶生产的需氮规律相吻合,有利于前期产量形成和后期成熟落黄;威宁配施50%有机肥、黔西配施75%有机肥对提高土壤速效钾含量有利;威宁配施25%~50%的有机肥、黔西配施50%~75%的有机肥最有利于提高烟叶经济性状;威宁配施25%有机肥、黔西配施75%有机肥最有利于提高中部烟叶化学成分的协调性。结果表明有机肥配施效应因施用区域的生态条件而异,高海拔代表烟区威宁配施25%~50%有机肥、中海拔代表烟区黔西配施50%~75%有机肥最能实现施用有机肥的趋利避害。
文章编号:1008-0457(2018)03-0062-07 国际DOI编码:10.15958/j.cnki.sdnyswxb.2018.03.011
Study on the Application of Organic Fertilizer in Two Typical Ecological Tobacco Regions in Guizhou Province
XIE Zhiyong1,CHEN Xue2,LIU Chang1,YU Qiwei2,XIA Zhongwen2,XIONG Jing2,BAN Guojun2,WU Lang1,HUANG Ying1*
(1. College of Agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025,China;2. Guizhou Tobacco Companies Bijie County branch, Bijie, Guizhou 551700, China)
Abstract:The aim of this study was to explore the advantages of the application of organic fertilizer in tobacco production and reduce the negative effect of nitrogen on the yield and quality of tobacco leaves. The study was undertaken in two different typical ecological areas that grow tobacco: Weining and Qianxi of Guizhou. Five ratios of combining the organic fertilizer were set up. The influence of different treatments on soil organic matter, alkali hydrolysable nitrogen, available potassium content, economic characters and chemistry of tobacco leaves was analysed. The optimal proportion of organic and inorganic fertilizers in different ecological regions was also investigated. The results showed that the effect of organic manure was different between the two experimental areas. The change of soil organic matter was closely related to the temperature suitable for the soil micro-organism activity of the corresponding period in the region. Too high or too low temperature was not conducive to the conversion of soil organic matter. The mode of nitrogen application with 25% organic fertilizer was consistent with the nitrogen requirement of high quality tobacco, which was conducive to the formation of early-stage yield and late-stage maturity. Application of 50% organic fertilizer in Weining and 75% in Qianxi was beneficial for improving the soil available potassium content. The most conducive application to improve the economic characters of the leaves was 25%~50% organic fertilizer in Weining and 50%~75% in Qianxi. Increasing the chemical composition of the middle leave in tobacco was achieved by the application of 25% organic fertilizer in Weining and 75% in Qianxi. It is obvious that the effect of organic fertilizer was different under different ecological conditions. For the high altitude represented by Weining, application of 25%~50% organic fertilizer, and, for the middle altitude represented by Qianxi, 50%~75% organic fertilizer, respectively, can achieve the beneficial effect of organic fertilizer.