
发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 人生感悟 点击:

  摘要:【目的】評价筛选适宜在贵州德江县适宜种植的山地烤烟品种,为促进德江县优质烟叶的可持续生产提供参考。【方法】以贵州德江县浙江中烟利群煎茶基地主栽品种云烟87和K326为对照,结合系统聚类分析法和主成分分析法对近年通过审定的10个烤烟品种(云烟110、PHV1452、KRK26、中烟100、中烟101、金海一号、贵烟4号、毕纳1号、贵烟201、贵烟202、云烟87和K326)进行农艺性状、抗病力、经济性状和烟叶品质比较及综合评价。【结果】贵烟202的农艺性状表现最优,其株高较高,叶数适中,节距长,腰叶长和宽表现良好,顶叶开片程度最佳,其次是中烟100。毕纳1号、云烟110、PHV1452和中烟101的气候斑点病、赤星病、花叶病、青枯病和黑胫病发病率较低,综合抗病性较强。经济性状以金海一号的最优,产值为39636.0 元/ha,显著高于两个对照(P<0.05,下同),其次是毕纳1号和中烟101,产值分别为38046.0和37054.5元/ha,显著高于对照K326。贵烟202、中烟101、云烟110和贵烟4号的烟碱、水溶性总糖、还原糖、总氮和总氯等成分含量、糖氮比和氮碱比等均较适宜,且香气特性、烟气特性、口感特性和评吸得分均较好。【结论】中烟101、贵烟202和贵烟4号3个烤烟品种的田间长势、抗病性、经济效益、评吸品质等综合表现较好,适宜在贵州德江县推广种植。
  关键词: 烤烟;品种;筛选;性状;品质;系统聚类分析;主成分分析;贵州省德江县
  中图分类号: S572.024 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-1191(2018)02-0222-12
  Abstract:【Objective】Appropriate tobacco varieties for Dejiang County were screened to provide references for sustainable development of flue-cured tobacco production in Dejiang. 【Method】The main varieties, Yunyan 87 and K326, in Liqun Jiancha Base of China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd., in Dejiang, Guizhou were used as control. Comprehensive evaluation of agronomic traits,disease resistance,economic characters and quality of tobacco leaves among the ten approved tobaco varieties(Yunyan 110, PHV1452, KRK26, Zhongyan 100, Zhongyan 101, Jinhai No.1, Guiyan No.4, Bina No.1, Guiyan 201, Guiyan 202, Yunyan 87, and K326) were conducted using hierarchical clustering analysis and principal component analysis methods. 【Result】Guiyan 202 had the optimal agronomic traits among the all tested varieties. It had high plant height, suitable leaf quantity, long node length, fine width and length of leaf in the middle and the best top leaf expand degree. The agronomic traits of Zhongyan 100 ranked the second. For Bina No.1, Yunyan 110, PHV1452 and Zhongyan 101, indcidence rates of climate spot, red star disease, mosaic, bacterial wilt, and black shank disease were low, and the comprehensive disease resistance was strong. The economic character of Jinhai No.1 was the best(output value 39636.0 yuan/ha), which was significantly higher than the two controls(P<0.05, the same below). The economic characters of Bina No.1 and Zhongyan 101 ranked the second and the third, whose output values were 38046.0, and 37054.5 yuan/ha respectively. Their output values were significantly higher than the control K326. For Guiyan 202, Zhongyan 101, Yunyan 110 and Guiyan No.4, the nicotine, total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, total nitrogen, total chlorine, sugar/nitrogen, nitrogen/nicotine were in suitable range, and their aroma characteristics, smoke characteristics, texture characteristics and total score of smoking quality were fine. 【Conclusion】Zhongyan 101,Guiyan 202 and Guiyan 4 present fine performance in growth condition in field, disease resistance, economic characters and smoking quality, and they are suitable for planting in Dejiang, Guizhou.

相关热词搜索:德江县 贵州省 烤烟 筛选 适宜

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