发布时间:2018-10-23 来源: 人生感悟 点击:
New Year"s day holiday, father, mother and I go to visit guilin flat behind home spa. We set off at noon, dad ran more than three hours to drive on the road. To the hot springs hotel, we"ll go service in Taiwan the check-in procedures, then dinner, and then go to a spa. I have played in the hot spring in the children"s pool, rotating slide, can stimulate! In different temperature of the pool, I enjoy the different water massage, very comfortable. Saic volleyball I and several friends to draw water, and also the hot spring fish close one - looking at the lovely little fish in my swimming around the side of the foot, is really interesting! The next morning, after breakfast we soak in a hot spring. Under the guidance of my father, I learned to float on the surface of the water ball, so happy! At noon, we left the hotel. Before he left, I waved and said: "fairy home spa, goodbye! Next time I must come again!"
元旦放假的时候,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去桂林平乐仙家温泉游玩。 我们中午出发,爸爸开车在路上跑了三个多小时。到了温泉酒店后,我们先去服务总台办了入住手续,接着吃晚饭,然后去泡温泉。 在温泉儿童池里,我玩了旋转滑梯,可刺激了!在不同温度的池子里,我享受了不同水柱的按摩,很舒服。我和几个小朋友一起打水上汽排球,还和温泉鱼亲密接触——看着一条条可爱的小鱼在我脚边游来游去,真是有趣极了! 第二天早上,我们早餐后又泡了一次温泉。在爸爸的指导下,我学会了浮在水面上抱球打水,好高兴啊! 中午时分,我们离开了酒店。临走前,我挥着手说:“仙家温泉,再见了!下次我一定再来!”
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